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宝坻区第五中学 I plan to this Sunday.What do you plan to do this Sunday?What do you plan to do this Sunday?I plan to this SundayBeijing OperaWhere do you want to go?I want to go.Where do you want to go? I want to go. teahouseWhat do you decide to take?I decide to take .What do you decide to take? I decide to take .Who would you like to go with?Id like to go with.I plan to see ,to see the opera; I want to go, to go to the tea house;I decide to take , to take a hamburger;Id like to go ,to go with Dad!to go with Mom!She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.Beijing Opera play teahouseWhere do you think Lingling and Sally went, and why? Lao She (1899 1966 ). He is a famous writer ,and he is famous for his play Teahouse. He is called: “the peoples artist.”Lao Shes Teahouse nowadaysInside of Lao She Teahouse Listen and number the sentences as you hear them. a. “All right, you can come with us.” b. “ Would you like us to take you to Lao She Teahouse?” c. “Id like to go to the teahouse again one day.” d. “Can we come and see the teahouse?” e. “Lets stay longer.” “OK.” f. “Were only going to stay for some tea.”123456teahouse n.茶馆main adj.主要的,最大的interest n.兴趣;爱好main interest: 最大的爱好offer v.提议;(主动)给予offer to do 提出要做某事offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物agree v.同意agree to do 同意(答应)做 almost adv.几乎impossible adj.不可能的whisper n.低语,耳语special adj.特别的,特殊的a. 不知道 take us thereb. 最大的爱好 main interestc. 带我们去哪儿 no idead. 几乎不可能的 almost impossiblee. 提议干某事 plan to do sthf. 同意干某事 agree to do sthg. 打算做某事 offer to do sthh. 决定做某事 hope to do sthi. 希望做某事 want to do sthj. 想做某事 decide to do sth Read and matchAnswer the questions. 1. What does Sally like to do?2. Why did Sally want to go to Lao She Teahouse?3. Why did Lingling want to go to the Teahouse?She likes to listen to music.To see some Beijing Opera.To see the Teahouse. 44. How much did Sally understand?5. Why do you think they decided to stay for two hours?6. What does Sally want to do next time?7. Have Betty and Tony ever heard of Lao She?Not very much.Because it was interesting.To understand more.Theyve never heard of him.Language pointsRead the following sentences:She offered to take us there.They planned to stay for some tea.They decided to stay longer. We wanted to see the teahouse.I hope to go there again one day.My parents agreed to take us. 你能总结出它们的用法吗?Everyday EnglishHow was it? 怎么样?好玩吗?Not especially, 不是特别喜欢almost impossible 几乎不可能Did you have a good time? 玩得高兴吗 ?Thats the main thing. 这才是最重要的.No idea. 不知道.What do you plan to do? Where do you want to go?How do you plan to travel? Who would you like to go with?What do your parents offer to do? What do you hope to do?. 1.Toms main (interesting) is music. 2.Its (possible) for sally to understandBeijing Opera. 3. My teacher offered (help) me with my English. 4.They decided (stay) there for two hours. 5.My parents agreed (take) me to the zoolast Sunday. 6.You should try (remember) eight or ten words a day. 7.I hope (get) good marks. 8.We plan (have) some tea in the teahouse.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the given wordsinterest impossibleto helpto stay to taketo rememberto get to haveGood bye!Finish Exercise 1 、2、3 on page 148.
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