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Software Engineering for Digital Home軟體處理程序與需求分析 需求工程處理程序Software Engineering for Digital Home2Outline Introduction Analysis model Object Model Dynamic Model Analysis activities Identifying entity objects Identifying boundary objects Identifying control objects Mapping use cases to sequence diagram Modeling interactions among objects with class diagramSoftware Engineering for Digital Home3Software life cycleSoftware life cycleDevelopment cycleDesignImplementationTestingMaintenanceRequirements Engineering Requirements ElicitationSystem designObject designAnalysisUse CasesProblem statementAnalysis ModelSoftware Engineering for Digital Home4Requirements engineeringAnalysisProblem statementRequirements elicitationNonfunctional requirementsDynamic modelObject modelFunction model (Use case)Analysis ModelSpecificationRequirementsSoftware Engineering for Digital Home5Analysis modelIte ms ModelsPurposeRepresentati onObject model Specifying properties and relationship of individual concepts that are manipulated by the system. (指出系統的所有物及關係)Class diagramsDynamic model Representing the behaviors and interactions among a set of objects. (表示出物件間的行為及互動)Sequence diagramsSoftware Engineering for Digital Home6Object modelThe object model consists of: Entity objects Representing the persistent information tracked by the system. (和系統有關的資料實體) Boundary objects Representing the system interface with the actors. (表示系統和使用者的介面) Control objects Control objects are responsible for coordinating boundary and entity objects. (entity object 和boundary object 溝通的object)Modeling interactions among objects with class diagrams. (class diagram 來表示 object間的相互作用)Software Engineering for Digital Home7Dynamic modelSequence diagrams represent the interactions among a set of objects from object model during a single use case. (表示物件的互動關係(有時間順序的) ) 可以幫助我們確認use case Software Engineering for Digital Home8AnalysisAnalysis activitiesUse CasesDynamic modelIdentifying entity objectsIdentifying boundary objectsMapping use cases to sequence diagramModeling interactions among objects with class diagramSequence diagramsAnalysis ModelIdentifying control objectsObject modelClass diagramsSoftware Engineering for Digital Home9Use case (input)Use case name建立作業Participating actorsInitiated by 老師Flow of events1.老師要建立作業. 2.老師輸入作業的名稱(50字元), 作業的要求(2000字元), 截止 日期(日期格式). 3.系統檢查輸入的作業名稱,作業的要求, 截止日期是否正確. 4.如果正確, 系統就建立作業. Exceptions3.1 如果所輸入的資料不正確, 系統要求使用者重新輸入.Entry condition老師己登入教學網站.Exit conditions老師在教學網站上建立了一個新的作業.Software Engineering for Digital Home10Heuristics for identifying entity objects Terms that developers or users need to clarify in order to understand the use case.(清楚了解及use case) Recurring nouns in the use case.(找出名詞) Real-world entities that the system needs to track.(現實中的實 體) Real-world activities that the system needs to track.(現實中的 活動/行為) Data sources or sinks.(資料) Recurring Adjective in the use case , it is Attribute of object( 屬性)Software Engineering for Digital Home11Identifying Entity Object (found out the class name)Use case name建立作業Participating actorsInitiated by 老師Flow of events1.老師要建立作業. 2.老師輸入作業的名稱(50字元), 作業的要求(2000字元), 截止 日期(日期格式). 3.系統檢查輸入的作業名稱,作業的要求, 截止日期是否正確. 4.如果正確, 系統就建立作業. Exceptions3.1 如果所輸入的資料不正確, 系統要求使用者重新輸入.Entry condition老師己登入教學網站.Exit conditions老師在教學網站上建立了一個新的作業.老師作業系統Software Engineering for Digital Home12Identifying Entity Object (found out the attribute)Use case name建立作業Participating actorsInitiated by 老師Flow of events1.老師要建立作業. 2.老師輸入作業的名稱(50字元), 作業的要求(2000字元), 截止 日期(日期格式). 3.系統檢查輸入的作業名稱,作業的要求, 截止日期是否正確. 4.如果正確, 系統就建立作業. Exceptions3.1 如果所輸入的資料不正確, 系統要求使用者重新輸入.Entry condition老師己登入教學網站.Exit conditions老師在教學網站上建立了一個新的作業.作業名稱 作業要求 截止日期Software Engineering for Digital Home13Heuristics for identifying boundary objects Identity user interface controls that the user needs to initiate the use case. (user怎樣去開始use case) Identity forms the user needs to enter data into the system. (使用者要給系統的資料) Identity notices and message the system uses to respond to the user. (user 怎樣和系統溝通)Software Engineering for Digital Home14Heuristics for identifying control objects Identity one control object per use case. (從use case 去找出一個control object) Identity one control object per actor in the use case. (從actor 去找出一個control object)Software Engineering for Digital Home15Heuristics for drawing sequence diagramsThe first column should correspond to the actor who initiated the use case.( 第一行是actor) The second column should be a boundary object (that the actor used to initiate the use case).(第二行是boundary object) The third column should be the control object that manages the rest of the use case.(第三行是control object) Control objects are created by boundary objects initiating use cases. (control object 是被boundary所建立) Boundary objects are accessed by control objects. (boundary object 是存取 control object) Entity objects are accessed by control and boundary objects. (entity object 是被control objec
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