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询盘和答复Enquiries and Replies 询盘是指交易的一方欲购买或售出某种商品,向对方询问卖 该种商品的各项交易条件(如商品的品质,规格,价格,装运等).询 盘实质上是邀请对方发盘(invitation of offers),在商法上属于邀 请要约. l询盘,又称为询价,可以分成两种.一种只询问价格,索取商品目录或样品,被称为一 般询盘(General Enquiries);另一种询盘则包括特定商品的各项交易条件,被称 为具体询盘(Specific Enquiries). Key Wordslenquire v.l询购;询价;询问 l1.enquire for 询购某物 lThe goods you enquire for are out of stock.l所询之货已脱销。l2. enquire about 打听某事lThey have enquired about the possibility of the sale of their products.l 他们曾打听过有无可能销售他们的产品lI want to enquire about the quantity you require for next quarter.l 我想打听一下你们下季度所需要的数量l3. enquire into 调查;了解lIts our duty to enquire into this matter.l 我们将负责调查此事。lThe whole matter has to be enquired into.l 整个事情必须查清。 lenquiry ln. 交易 (=transaction)(可数名词) lAt the moment, there are only small enquires for such goods.l 目前对这类商品只有小数量的询盘。lWe have an enquiry for 5000 pairs of silk socks.l 我们现有5000双丝袜的询价单一份。lI just want to make enquiries about the train schedule.l 我只是想打听以一下火车的时刻表。lThe enquiry into the whereabouts of the documents took almost half a year.l 调查那些文件的下落花了几乎半年的时间常用表达l1. Wed like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions. 我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。 2. Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? 你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式 吗? 3. Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。 l(4) We take interest in your canned goods and wish to have the catalogues.l我们对你方的罐头食品有兴趣,希望能收到目录 。l(5) We are interested in bicycles in various sizes and please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue with details of the prices and terms of payment. l我们对不同尺寸的自行车感兴趣,请寄一份带插 图的目录并详告价格和付款条件。l(6) Well fax you as soon as we are in the market. l一旦我方要货就会发传真给你们。 l l(7) We are desirous of your lowest quotations for frozen rabbit.l我们想要你方冻兔肉的最低报价。lCan you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗? 回复询盘注意问题:l1.回复的格式、语气、语法是否标准,合乎商业 惯例。 2.回复的内容是否正确,包括贸易惯例,术语等 。 3.对产品的描述是否正确,包括数量、质量、包 装等。 4.回复的条件是否苛刻,超出市场的平均值。 常用表达lRepliesl(1) This is in reply to your enquiry of October 8.l西安答复你方10月8日的询盘。l l(2) With regard to your enquiry for typewriters, we wish to give the following in reply. l关于你方关于打印机的询盘,我们愿作如下的答 复。l(3) We welcome your enquiry of May 26th, 2007 and thank you for your interest in our products. We specialize in this line of business.l欢迎你们2007年5月26日的询盘,并感谢你们对 我们产品的兴趣。我们专门经营此业务。l(4) We enclose our latest catalogue and a price list giving details you ask for. l西安附寄最新目录和价格单,上面有你们要求了 解的详细情况。 SamplelEnquirylDear Sirs,lWe learn from the British Embassy that you are producing for export hand-made shoes and gloves in pure hide and other natural materials.lThere is a steady demand here for high- class goods of this type, especially in the brighter colors. Sales are not high, but a good price can be obtained for fashionable designs.lWill you please send us your catalog and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with any samples you can let us have?lWe look forward to hearing from you soon.l Yours faithfully,lReplyDear Sirs,lYour enquiry of October 10 is receiving our attention, and we thank you for your interest in our products.lA copy of our illustrated export catalog will be sent to you today, together with a range of samples of the various skins used in the manufacture of our gloves and shoes. We think the colors will be just what you want for the fashionable trade, and the beauty and elegance of our designs, coupled with the superb workmanship, should appeal to the discriminating buyers.lOur representative, Mr. J. Needham, will be in Paris next week and will be pleased to call on you with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines. He is authorized to discuss the terms of an order with you or to negotiate a contract.lWe look forward to receiving an order from you.Faithfully yours,发盘,还盘和返还盘 Offer, Counter Offer and Re-counter Offerl在国际贸易实务中,发盘也称报盘、发价 、报价。法律上称之 为“要约”。发盘可以是 应对方询盘的要求发出,也可以是在 没有 询盘的情况下,直接向对方发出。发盘一 般是由卖方发出 的。Key Wordsloffer v. l1. 出价;报盘 lOther suppliers are offering a much better price.l 其他供货商报的价格要优惠得多。lWe cannot offer more than 50 tons of sugar at present.l 目前我们最多只能报50吨糖。 l2. (主动)提供;给予lI hope you could offer us your most favorable terms.l 希望能给我们最优惠的条件。lIf your order is large enough, we can offer you a discount of 10%.l 如果订数很大,我们可给10%的折扣。 ln. 报盘 1. 常用句型 A) make Sb an offer for 给某人报。 (商品) B) Sth be under offer 某商品在出售中 C) the offer is firm (valid, good, open) for ( or until ) 此报盘有效期为。(到。 。为止) l2.常用搭配l to accept offer 接受报盘l to decline offer 谢绝报盘l to entertain offer 考虑报盘l to renew offer 恢复报盘l to withdraw offer 撤销报盘lbid l n.递价;递盘(常指买方发给卖方的报盘) lWell try to get a bid from the buyers.l 我们试图从买主那里获得递价。lWe made a bid at RMB ¥1,500 per M/T for the groundnuts.l 花生,我们出价每公吨人民币1,500元。lv. 递价(后接价格)lWe dont think buyers will bid a higher price.l 我们认为买主不会出更高的价格。 lThey have bid a price, which
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