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MModule 5 unit 1 We went to the Great Wall.finishfinished washwashed helphelpedcookcookedwatchwatchedcleancleaned phonephoned playplayed paintpainted inventinvented printprintedWhat did you do yesterday?school tripeeschool tripWhere did they go?the Great Wallgo We climbed to the top.toptombWe climbed to the top.What did they see? What did they eat?seeeatWhat did you eat on the school trip?We ateWe drankhave_had a good time.buyWe went to_. We saw _. We picked some corns. We ate _. We had a good time.National DayNational Daygo wentsee saweat atebuy boughthave had Homework1.Listen and read the dialog.2.Talk about your school trip to your parents.Thank you!_saw _mountain.our school tripWe went to_.We saw _.We picked some peanuts.I ate _.We had a good time.Where did you go on National Day?I went to buyWhere did they go?school trip
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