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BackgroundBackground ofof Everyday UseEveryday Use英语英语1091 1091 姚莉姚莉 胡慧胡慧1The short storyThe short story Black Power MovementBlack Power Movement Civil Rights MovementCivil Rights Movement(1955-1968) African AmericansAfrican Americans Other movements American Civil War(1861-1865) origin slavery Terms2Story BackgroundStory BackgroundlThe short story “Everyday Use”, from the collection In Love and Trouble published in 1973, was written during the heyday of the Black Power movement, when African-Americans were trying to gain racial equality and called for self-determination and racial dignity. lAfrican-American short stories of this period often dealt with problematic issues like separation, integration and redefinition of the African American past. lBlacks were seeking their cultural roots in Africa, the slogan “Black is beautiful” and the Afro hair style arose. Everyday Use is Alice Walkers answer to the social discourse of that time, especially concerning the African American concept of heritage and identity.31.Written in 1973 and included in the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction(诺 顿短篇小说集). 2.One of the best-written short stories by Alice Walker, describing three women. 3.The mother is a working woman without much education, but not without intelligence or perception. The two daughters from a sharp contrast in every conceivable way: appearance, character, personal experience, etc. AboutAboutthetheStoryStory4Everyday use, a story addresses itself to the dilemma of African Americans who, in striving to escape prejudice and poverty, risk a terrible deracination(隔 离), a sundering from all that has sustained and defined them.About the storyAbout the story5Through the title of her short story, Alice Walker conceptually expresses her wariness of the Black Power Movement. During the mid-1960s, young black African Americans proclaimed they would no longer be oppressed by their current lifestyle and began to celebrate African culture by exploiting it for exotic names and ethnic appeal. About the story About the story 6 African-American historyAfrican-American history starts in the 16th century, with African slaves who quickly rose up against the Spanish explorer Lucas Vsquez de Aylln and progresses to the present day, when Barack Obama has been elected as the 44th and current President of the United States.African Americans in the United States faced discrimination, segregation, and stereotyping, especially in the Southern and Midwestern United states for decades after the American Civil War. 7 African AmericansAfrican Americans (also referred to as Black Americans or Afro-Americans, and formerly as American Negros) are citizens or residents of the United State who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States. Most African Americans are of West African descent. However, some immigrants from African, Caribbean, Central American or South American nations or their descendants, may also self-identify with the term.African Americans make up the single largest racial minority in the United States. 8African AmericansAfrican AmericansThe majority of African Americans descended from slaves, most of whom were sold into slavery as prisoners of war by African states or kidnapped by African, European or American slave traders. The existing market for slaves in Africa was exploited and expanded by European powers in need of labor for New World plantations.9African slavesAfrican slavesThe first African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. The English settlers treated these captives as indentured servants (契约仆人) and released them after a number of years. This practice was gradually replaced by the system of race- based slavery used in the Caribbean. As servants were freed, they became competition for resources. Additionally, released servants had to be replaced. This, combined with the still ambiguous nature of the social status of Blacks and the difficulty in using any other group of people as forced servants, led to the relegation of Blacks into slavery. Massachusetts (马赛诸塞州) was the first colony to legalize slavery in 1641. Other colonies followed suit by passing laws that passed slavery on to the children of slaves and making non-Christian imported servants slaves for life. 10African slavesAfrican slavesA former slave displays the telltale criss-cross, keloid(疤肿) scars from being bullwhipped(牛鞭抽打).11南北美洲黑人贩卖情况12With the political consciousness that emerged from the political and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blacks no longer approved of the term Negro. They believed it had suggestions of a moderate, accommodationism (迁就主义), even “Uncle Tom“(逆来顺受的美国黑人) connotation.In this period, a growing number of blacks in the United Stat
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