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1Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Language LearningAbstractThis article briefly introduces the Cooperative Language Learning (CLL), analyses its advantages and disadvantages, and finally points out the difficulties in practicing the Cooperative Language Learning in Chinese classrooms.Key Words: Cooperative Language Learning advantage disadvantage 2I. IntroductionWith the fast development, the increase of international communication in technology, science, and culture, people begin to realize the importance of studying English in China. Thus, there is a huge demand in learning English without fulfilling. But traditional language teaching methods in China dominated by the teacher-oriented, book-centered grammar-translation methods obviously can no longer satisfy their needs. Therefore, the Cooperative Language Learning began to change our language teaching and learning classrooms. It is a current educational reform that changes traditional teacher-centered teaching model into student-centered learning in classroom. As one of the most popular teaching methods in western countries, CLL is receiving wide attention in educational circle in China. However, there are also some problems when it is applied to practice in China which makes us confused. Is CLL really applicable in Chinese classrooms? This paper is going to analyze the CLL with these questions through this article.II. A Brief Introduction to the CLL2.1 The history and definition of CLLCooperative Language Learning (CLL) is part of a more general instructional approach also known as Collaborative Learning (CL). Cooperative Learning is an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving cooperative activities such as pairs and small groups of students in the classroom. CLL has become established as a major teaching methodology. It is a teaching procedure that enhances both academic and social skills. It provides a stage for 3students to develop effective learning strategies and interpersonal cooperating skills. “two heads learn better than one” said David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson in 1960s, who are Professors at the University of Minnesota and Co-Directors of the Cooperative Learning Center. They have done more than 40 books, 350 research articles. For sure, we can call their research as a milestone of cooperative learning. Also, there are a lot of different definitions about this theory. Here is one of them:Cooperative learning is group learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others. (Olsen and Kagan 1992:8)From those above, we can know that the CLL is a kind of advanced teaching model and strategy system. The application of CLL in English class for example, may change the teacher-oriented teaching model, which is so called inefficient and old fashioned teaching system. With the CLL, teacher can make full use of the role as an instructor, while students will be able to study together and make learning progress in a kind of relax and harmonious studying atmosphere. With this method, students not only develop their abilities of perception and strategy and effectively increase the quality of English learning, but also educate their cooperative consciousness and their creativity. 2.2 Types of Cooperative Learning activitiesLike we have a lot of different definitions about CLL, there are many types of different cooperative learning activities has been introduced and developed by researchers through these years. Some of them are following:Student TeamsStudent Team Learning Methods are developed by Robert Slavin in 1990s. 4These methods incorporate the concept of individual accountability and equal opportunity to succeed, also include the use of team rewards. Because of the rewards are available to all team members from the groups main objectives, team members will work together to a common goal and also to their different goals at the same time. All they have to do is work together, and achieve their own goals with the help of other team members.Group InvestigationThis method was introduced by Yael and Shlomo Sharan. In this method, they claimed that their version of CLL has four interrelated elements that begin with the establishment of a significant question, challenge or problem that may offers various options for solution. To success, students have to be assisted in finding appropriate resources and introduced to cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. Plus, students have to use their higher-order thinking skills like contrasting, evaluating and comparing. They have to integrate a range of ideas, concepts and findings. Finally, with the guidance of their teacher, students may reflect upon and consider their work and their skills.The Structural ApproachThe structural approach to coopera
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