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错误分析:从显性语法到隐性语法错误分析:从显性语法到隐性语法Error Analysis:From Grammar to GrammaringContentsAbstract.1Key words .1I. Introduction.2II. Literature review2 1. Error analysis22. Views on definition of error 33. Limitation of error analysis.3III. The Main Errors in Writing .31. Errors in tense and voice of verbs42. Errors in the plural form of nouns.53. Misuse or omission of articles.64. Misuse or omission of prepositions.75. Errors in word order.86. Errors in the degree of an adjective.97. Errors in subjunctive mood.10IV. Solutions.101. Building up a good knowledge of the English vocabulary. 112. Acquiring a good command of the English grammar.113. Getting familiar with the English culture114. Learning to write through writing.115. Giving feedback to students written work.126. Compare wrong and right sentences to improve your English writing.12VI. Conclusion.12References.13第 1 页 共 13 页Abstract: This article collects language errors of students writing. From the result we find that good way can improve writing skill. This article builds on error analysis and native transfer. The result shows that the grammatical errors stand out. Errors in tense and voice of verbs are the most common ones. Results from the questionnaire reveal that thirty percent of writing errors is due to interference of native language and forty five percent of errors belong to intralingua errors. The findings from interview further confirm those Chinese students writing errors are affected by Chinese interference. Detailed discussions and analyses of errors help to draw a conclusion that errors is the direct result of Chinese negative transfer. Chinese interference has an effect on Chinese college students writing proficiency to a certain extent. Therefore, language teachers should draw more attention to the teaching of vocabulary, grammar and writing strategies in order to improve their writing ability.Key words: error; analysis; negative transfer; grammar; grammaring摘摘 要要: : 本文对学生写作中语言错误进行收集,并根据研究的结果发现,指出相应的对策以促进英语写作的提高是很重要的。本文以错误分析,语言迁移为理论基础,发现语法错误占据首位,动词的时态和语态是最为突出的语法错误。调查的结果表明学生写作错误中 30%来自母语干扰,45%来自语内错误。谈访的结果进一步说明了学生的写作错误在一定程度上来自母语的负迁移。对此,本文提出在教学中应加强词汇,语法和写作策略等方面的教学以减少写作中的母语负迁移。关键词关键词:错误;分析;负迁移;显性语法;隐性语法第 2 页 共 13 页I. Introduction Now, many people think that second language learning is a very important thing. The greater emphasis has been put on how to develop a learners language competence; many people would probably agree that writing is a complex task. The truth is that Chinese students English writing has become a problem attracting many foreign and Chinese teachers. It is a very importance part to show your English learning level. An investigation of some graduates shows that many of them have faced with the writing task in English either in their work or for private business. The whole society does need more talents who are large at English writing and who have the well-improved writing ability of English.Raimes (1983) has provided the reason for students to develop their ability to write. Writing helps students to learn; writing reinforces the grammatical structure idioms and vocabulary. For language learners, they do need grammatical knowledge and a good vocabulary, and considerable writing skills.However, the fact is that those Chinese college students would like to spend more time acquiring the input knowledge than requiring a good command of grammar and vocabulary together and a painful process of thinking. The writing process is so time-consuming that the students may feel frustrated with little progress. As a result, the poor performance is caused in students writing tests. In the study of second language acquisition, error analysis and language transfer are common and controversial issues which many linguists and foreign teachers have concerned themselves about for years. According to Corder (1981), error analysis is a way of testing the learners hypothesis about the features of learners language. As an important research method for dealing with data, error analysis has been widely carried out in the foreign language teaching and learning. Many researches have been focused on the relationship between native language transfer and second language acquisition, in which writing errors are included. The focus on error proportion of negative transfer is on the top in the study of second language acquisition.II. Error AnalysisErrors could be significant in the aspects of providing information about how well the learner obtains the target language and of providing an effective way of finding out the problems in language teaching and learni
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