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外研新标准 初三下Module 6Language Points课时是对Reading课时的补 充。帮助学生巩固课文重点词汇、短语和句型 的用法,进一步扎实基础知识。教师可根据学 生预习情况选择性讲解。(词汇的释义和用法,建议引导学生自行查 找字典等相关资料来学习,以培养其自主学习 能力。)词汇讲解,建议采用归纳法,先尽可能多的 呈现一些相关例句,或让学生从已学课文中查 找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言 现象中总结出词汇的意思和用法。how far be going to had better nothing seriousTo learn to use the expressions below.1. How far have we walked?咱们走了多远了?How far is the next gas station?下个加油站有多远?北京到南京有多远? How far is it from Beijing to Nanjing?Practisehow far引导特殊疑问句,提问距离, 意为“多远”。疑问词组意义用法how often多久一次提问动问动 作发发生频频率how long1) 多长长 2) 多久1) 提问问物体的长长度 2) 提问问一段时间时间how soon多久以后提问问某个动动作要多长时间长时间 发发生或结结束 how many多少提问问可数名词词的数量how much多少1) 提问问不可数名词词的数量 2) 提问问价格2. Who is missing?谁掉队了?Their house is at the end of the road. You cant miss it. Miss Wang missed her parents very much. (Miss用于姓之前指对未婚女子的 称呼)I have found my missing watch. miss v. “错过,遗漏,思念”,后面可跟 名词,代词或动名词。missing adj. “丢失的”3. And look at those clouds! I think its going to rain. 看那些云!我觉得快要下雨了。I feel so weak. I think Im going to be sick!Practise我感觉特别虚弱,我想我要病了。“be going to + 动词原形”常用于表示将来 ,也可用来表示根据某些现象或征兆预测 即将发生的事。4. We had better get you to hospital. 我们最好还是送你去医院。Youd better go to hospital at once. had better常简略为d better, 意为“最 好”, 用于表示对别人的劝告或建议。(1) had better后面必须跟动词原形, 构 成had better do sth. 结构。Now you / he / we had better listen to the teacher. You had better not miss the last bus. Practise你最好在这坐坐休息一会儿。 Youd better sit here and have a rest.(2) had better无人称和数的变化。(3) had better的否定形式通常是在其后 面直接加not。5. Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious. 他腿受了点儿伤,可能会发烧,但没 什么大事儿。别担心,没什么大事儿。 Dont worry! Nothing serious. Practisenothing serious 表示“不很严重,没什 么大事儿”。注: word 文档 点击此处链接.单项选择。 1. She _ be late for school next time. A. has not better B. has better not C. had not better D. had better not 2. Lets discuss the plan, shall we?Not now. I _ to an interview.A. go B. went C. am going D. was going 3. If you get up late, you will _ the early bus to the factory.A. lost B. miss C. missing D. lose 4. There, on the ground, _ an old man in dirty clothes.A. lying B. lied C. lay D. laid 5. Ill let you know as soon as I _ the news.A. will get B. gets C. got D. get. 翻译句子。 1. 为了赶上班里的其他同学,汤姆 做了许多额外的功课。 _ _ 2. 长城离这里有多远? _ 3. 没什么严重的,别担心。 _Tom has done lots of extra work in order to catch up the rest of the class.How far is the Great Wall from here?Its nothing serious. Dont worry.thanks to at least Its thought/said/ that say no to the effect on To learn to use the expressions below.1. Thanks to improvement in both health care and personal safety, most people are living healthier, longer lives.由于保健和个人安全方面的不断提高,大 多数人较以往生活得更健康,更长寿。多亏了你的帮助,我才能通过考试。Thanks to your help, I can pass the exam. Practisethanks to常带有“感谢”的感情色彩,表 示由于某个人或物的存在才有了某种好 的结果。2. Its even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthday. 人们甚至说将来越来越多的人将会庆祝他们的100岁生日。Its said that he will go abroad. Its hoped that the living conditions will be improved. Its even thought/hoped/said/ that: 人们认为、希望、说、; 其中it也是 形式主语, 真正的主语是that引导的从句 。3. But experts say you should walk at least 10,000 steps every day to keep fit. 但是专家建议每天至少应走10,000步,以保 证身体健康。We have learnt at least 3,000 words till now.We can stay here for two days at most.Practise到现在我们已经学了至少3000个单词了。我们最多能在这儿呆两天。at least “至少”,对应词组为at most “最多” 。4. Say no to smoking and drugs!拒绝吸烟和毒品!你接受她的邀请了吗? Did you say yes to her invitation? 他们提出的条件很好,我无法拒绝。 Their offer was so good that I couldnt say no.Practise这里say no/yes to表示“向说不/ 行 ”,即“拒绝/同意”。5. Think about the effect on your family and friends考虑一下它给你的家庭和朋友带来的影 响吧Practise睡眠不足会影响你的课业表现。 Lack of sleep can have an effect on your performance at school.这里effect 是名词, 意思是“影响、结果、 效果”, 常用于结构“have an effect on”。Tips for teacherLet the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节, 学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。Let the word flyfitadj.n.单数v. in sb for sthkeep as a fiddleget 健康的 ;强健 的合适的 东西适合; 合适adj. 健康的; 强健的 1. keep fit 保持健康 Experts say you should walk at least 10,000 steps every day to keep fit. 专家说你应该每天步行10,000步保持健康。 2. fit as a fiddle 身体非常好的 Shes 86, but as fit as a fiddle. 她86岁了,但身体好极了。 3. get fit 恢复健康 I need to get fit before. 我需要在足球赛季开始以前恢复健康。n. (用单数) (大小、形状) 合适的东西 When buying a pair of shoes, it is important to get a good fit. 买鞋子时,重要的是要买到合适的。 v. 适合, 合适; 合身 4. fit in 适合; 合适 The book is small enough to fit in your pocket. 这本书够小, 适合放入衣袋。 5. fit sb for sth 给提供(合身的衣服) Im taking the children to be fitted for new shoes. 我带孩子们去试新鞋。 注: word 文档 点击此处链接. 完成下面句子的同义表达。 1. For your own health, refuse cigarettes. For your own health, _ _ _ cigarettes. 2. Because of fine acting by all the children, the play succeeded._ _ fine acting by all the children, the play s
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