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Enhance Students Interest in Oral English论文中文摘要论文中文摘要 兴趣是学习任何知识的一个重要的前提条件。学习英语口语也是如此。然而,笔者通过对22 名中学生的问卷调查发现,有些中学生对口语学习并不感兴趣。通过分析,笔者发现问题主要是出在教学者的“教学设计”上,主要问题有:1.没有让学生明确口语学习的目的;2.没有帮学生理清口语学习与发展其它英语学习技能的关系;3.没有设计出一套切实可行的教学方案。依据有关的英语教学理论,笔者剖析了以往的口语教学活动,提出了通过改善教学设计来增加学生对口语的学习兴趣。 为此,笔者设计并实施了为期 4 周的,以 “PPP”( Presentation, Practice, Production)为理论模式,以“information-gap activity”为主要形式的实验性教学,并取得了令人鼓舞的结果:参加教学实验的多数同学都开始喜欢口语学习了。通过对比两次问卷调查的结果发现,喜欢口语训练的学生的比例由 44.5% 提高到了 70.1%,说明研究结果基本达到了预期目的。通过本项目的研究和实施,可以提高学生对口语学习重要性的认识,明确口语学习的目的,掌握口语学习的具体方法,特别是尝试解决长期困扰许多中学生的所谓“口语训练与以语法及结构为中心的考试的矛盾” ,从而纠正“口语训练对这类考试帮助不大”的认识上的偏差。笔者希望 本次项目研究可以为受类似教学问题困扰的中学教师提供一些有价值的帮助,使其抓住口语教学的实质,科学地设计口语教学,有效地组织课堂口语活动从而激发学生的口语学习兴趣,切实提高中学生的英语口语能力。Abstract This project is about how to enhance the students interest in doing oral practice. Interest is the best teacher. Students can be motivated by their interest that is also one of the important elements to ensure the success of oral teaching. But in my teaching, Ive found that some students are not interested in oral practice. So a questionnaire survey was done, the results of which shows that how I used to teach is mainly responsible for students lack of interest in oral practice. I failed to give the students a clear goal of speaking; I offered little help to the students about the relationship between speaking and the development for the other English learning skills; Above all, I did not have well-designed oral-teaching plan and the oral work was not quite interesting. To change the situation, I decided to carry out a 4-week research on 22 middle school students with a hypothesis that learners interest in oral practice will be greatly increased by better oral work design. During the research PPP model was adopted with information-gap activity as the main type of task. By comparing the results of pre-project questionnaire and post-project questionnaire, it is found that most of my students started to like oral practice, which is really encouraging. Apparently, the results are consistent with my initial hypothesis, because the percentage of the students who are interested in doing oral practice is increased from 44.5% to 70.1%. Therefore, teachers can make better oral work design that can really improve students ability of speaking in English. Table of ContentsPagesI. Introduction 11. Introduction of the Project 12. Literature Review 1II. Problem identification and analysis 21.Problem identification 22.Problem analysis 22.1 Summary of the problems 2.2 Methods of analysis 3. Results of problem analysis 4 III. Project objective and hypothesis 4 1. Project objective 4 2. Project hypothesis 4 IV. Project rationale 41.The purpose and importance of teaching speaking in English course 42.Communicative approach in teaching speaking 42.1 PPP model2.2 Communicative speaking activities2.3 The learners roles and responsibilities 2.4 The role of the teacher3. Successful elements of speaking class 64. The role of good lesson planning 7V. Project research 71.Research design 7 1.1 Objectives1.2 Subjects 1.3 Material 1.4 Researching tools 1.5 Researching methods2.Researching procedure 82.1 Before the research: Problem identified with the first questionnaire 2.2 During the research: Implementation of the research 2.3 After the research: Data collection and analysisVI. Results and Discussion 111. Summarized data analysis in relation to project hypothesis 112. Unsolved problem 12 VII. Conclusion 13References 15Appendix 16-401I. Introduction 1. BackgroundThree years ago, I have started my own English training school-“Dream Crazy English Training Center”, and I have been teaching in the school. In my teaching, Ive found some problems, especially the problem that some o
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