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常见的类型-按要求的呈现方式分英语高考作文为Guided Writing, 题目要求的呈现方式分为两种:纯文字如: 2004年上海高考 老师要求你负责班级墙报工作并征求你的意见。在 日记中表述你的决定并谈谈想法。B图片或图表加文字常见的类型-按要求的呈现方式分如: 2004 年上海春-图片简要描述图片,并谈谈你对学生在业余时间参加过多的补习和培训的看法。常见的类型- 阐述主题型高考英语作文常见的类-按内容分阐述主题型: 描述所给的现象,提出观点并阐述理由如:2008年上海高考你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参加。 对此谈谈你的看法。你的文章必须包括以下内容:你是否会参加比赛你做出该决定的具体理由。 At the news that our class will call on some students to take part in the group dancing competition in school, I feel very excited. As one student in our class, I will take part in the competition. The reasons why I have decided to do so are as follows: The first point is that Im keen on dance. And Im one of the members of our school dancing group. If I can take part in the competition, I may take advantage of my dancing skills and help other students in my class to improve their dancing skills. In addition, the group dancing competition may add a brilliant touch to our school life. Since life in school is always very busy, we may as well make full use of this opportunity to relax ourselves. Furthermore, dance is a kind of physical activity which can benefit our health. Last but not the least, I feel it an honor to represent my class to take part in the group dancing competition. Because of the love for my class, Im sure to take part in such a good chance to make some contributions for my classmates. I will treasure it as a most happy time in my memory.(2002年上海春季高考)某城市今年每百人中手机 用户增长 (示意图)根据所给图表,简要描述某城市今年每百人手机(mobile phone)用户增长情况,并试分析其增长原因。如: 2002 春考-图表From the chart we may see that the percentage of people owning mobile phones has risen sharply since 1995, when only 1 percent of people owned mobile phones. And in 2001 half of the population had mobile phones. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows. First of all, peoples living standard has been greatly improved, and more and more people can afford such modern equipment as mobile phones. Secondly, mass production has brought down the prices, which contributes to the popularization of them. Last but not least, people have come to realize the importance of information in what is known as “information times”. Those who have access to the latest news are somewhat more competent in the society. I think that the trend of owning mobile phones will continue into the 21st century. With the development of modern science and technology, not only will mobile become smaller and cheaper, they will also have more functions.2009年某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课 程:园艺 (gardening),烹饪 (cooking),防 身术 (self-defence),护理 (nursing)。假如 你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名) ,写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程 的学习。信的内容必须包括: 你感兴趣的课程 你期望从这门课程中学到什么 为什么想学这些内容 Dear leader, I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses ,such as gardening, cooking, self-defense, nursing and so on. I want to register to attend a course about gardening, because I have liked flowers ,grasses etc. since I was a little child. I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of nature. For one thing, I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in gardening and study it more easily when I attend university. Besides, I can realize the hardship of the work in the garden and care more about the plants much more. For another, after graduation from college, I will choose to be a gardener, cultivating the flowers and grasses with which I believe our country will become one of the most beautiful around the country.Im looking forward to your course beginning very soon. Yours, Wang yue hua2007年上海高考以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包 括以下内容: 1)你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物; 2)该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来 的变化。常见的类型- 阐述主题型As it is universally acknowledged that presents may convey friendship and precious feelings, I have an idea in my mind that a unique gift should be sent to my intimate friend who will leave for the U.S.A in August.The present consists of two parts- one photo album and a letter. As she opens the album, the hours of happiness and the period of sorrow that we shared together will be unfolded, thus locking the days into her permanent memory. When she misses her homeland and her friends, this album may act as the most effective medicine on homesickness. As for the letter, I hope that it may give her power and courage when she is depressed. So I will write in the letter that “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. Complete darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overcome the radiant light of morning.”On the whole, the present bears my sincere wishes and it will become an everlasting symbol of our friendship.常见的类型- 阐述主题型. 阐述主题型这类题型要求围绕一个主题或一句话(名言,谚语),给出理由或以具体事例来说明。如:2005年上海高考作文古人云:“天生我材必有用。” 通过描述你生活中 的一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小,都能 成为有用的人.There is an old English saying that there must be a use for my talent. I have regarded it as my motto for many years. From my point of view, there is no difference between
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