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How to Become A Good SpeakerKai-Fu Lee Corporate Vice President Microsoft CorporationWhy Be a Good Speaker?“The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.” Pericles l Not just “presentation”, but also “persuasion”l Get peoples “mindshare”l Influence a friend, colleague, or bossl Tell people what you did, and why it mattersLearn Speaking SkillsLearn Speaking SkillsWhat Youll Learn Today:Develop Key PointDevelop Key PointOrganize StoryOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsDesign GraphicsPractice TalkPractice TalkQ live out the true meaning to its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. l Not how loud, but how sincereVerbal Skills Be Simple ask what you can do for your country.” - John F. Kennedy“I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know whether their president is a crook. Well, Im not a crook.” - Richard M. Nixon l Dont overdo it!Vocal+Verbal : Words+Intonationl John Kennedy:“You need to contribute to your country”“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”. l Quayle vs. Benson Debate:Quayle: “I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency.“ Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer 2: “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“Visual Skillsl US Election 1960 was won on visual skillsl Components of Visual Skills:EyesBodyHandsFaceVisual Skills Eyesl Look forward at audience (trust)Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in cornerDont look too much at computer screen or notes l Look at peoples faces (not eyes)3-6 seconds per personShift randomlyNod, smile, use facial expressionVisual Skills Bodyl Stand up when talking l Walk around = informal l Dont:Rock, shakeLean too muchVisual Skills Handsl Gesture complements talkShould come naturally, without thinkingMake sure they match! l Need to exaggerate a littleEspecially with large audience l Dont fidget or put in pocket l Videotape whole talk hold the lecternSpeak loudlyTake a deep breath l Dont have to look at audiences eyesLook at a friendly faceLook above peoples headsHumorl Good humor:RelevantRespectfulShort l How to tell a joke?Prepare audiencePause after “punch line”Move on naturally if no reaction! l Plan your humor:Remember what workedUse it again!Audience Participationl Ask audience a questionAnticipate their answer(s)!Respond with something interesting AND relevant l Also OK to ask before talk I hear and I forget;I see and I remember; I see and I remember;I do and I understand.” I do and I understand.”Be Yourselfl Dont copy others stylesMany styles could be effective l You must be yourself to be credible l Adapt your style, but stay within “comfort zone”Comfort zoneGreat strategistTrustworthy CEOTechnology visionaryBill GatesSteve BallmerSteve JobsIdeal roleBrilliant technologistPowerful salesmanPassionate evangelistLearn Speaking SkillsLearn Speaking SkillsLast Topic:Develop Key PointDevelop Key PointOrganize StoryOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsDesign GraphicsPractice TalkPractice TalkQ l It just takes :a little skill, and a lot of practice!Use of Demos / Multimedial Keeps the talk interesting l Dont overdo itShould be tied to content l Ordering : 2,N, N-1, N-2,.3, 1
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