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Unit 2 Vocabulary IIWords in listening and speaking 1. schooling: the education you receiving at school 学校教育 He had very little schooling. 他没上过几天学 2. impatient: (patient) - with sb. / at sth. Try not to be too impatient with her. Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest. -对他们那种缺乏兴趣的情况越来越没有耐心了 be impatient to do / for sth. 热切期待/ 急于 She was clearly impatient to leave. -显然是迫不及待地想离开 impatient for success 3. conduct: 指挥/实施/举止,表现/为-导游 conduct a concert conduct an experiment/ a survey conduct oneself He conducted himself far better than expected. 他表现得比预料的要好得多 The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. 导游引导我们游览了古城废墟 conductor 指挥,售票员 conductress: 4. absent-minded: Grandpas becoming quite absent-minded. -越来越丢三落四了 absently: He nodded absently. 5. totally: completely They come from totally different cultures. -完全不同的文化 The repairs came to over 500$ in total. 修理费总共- 6. deaf: She was born deaf. the deaf: people who cant hear be deaf to sth. not willing to listen to sth. She was deaf to my requests for help. turn a deaf ear to sb. / sth. : ignore or refuse to listen to - deafen: vt. The noise was deafening her. -使她都快聋了 7. creative: only before n. involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce sth. new creative thinking 创造性思维 create: vt. creat wealth Theyve painted it red to create a feeling of warmth. -造成一种温暖的感觉 creation: n. He had been with the company since its creation in 1979. 8. ambitious: determined to be successful They were very ambitious for their children. 他们望子成龙心切 ambition: n. ambition to be / do sth. achieve ones ambition (of becoming a writer) Her burning ambition is to become - -梦寐以求的愿望- 9. modest:(immodest) Shes very modest about her success. 10. selfless: thinking more about the needs, happiness of others than about his own a life of selfless service to the community 无私服务于社会的一生 selfish: caring only about oneself rather than about others It was selfish of him to leave all the work to you. 他把所有工作都推给你,真是自私 11. heroic: make heroic efforts to save - 不畏艰险努力救- give sb. a heros welcome on his return home 给-英雄般的欢迎 12. deed: a brave deed, a tale of heroic deeds 英雄事迹的故事 13. film:AmE. the movies go to the film / the movies / the cinema a silent film / the film industry film: thin plastic that is sensitive to light, used for taking photos or making films a roll of film/ color film develop a film have a film developed film:v. 拍摄 They are filming in Moscow right now. It took him 6 weeks to film the documentary. -拍摄这不纪录片用了- film sb. doing sth. The thief was filmed stealing CDs on the security video. - 偷唱片时被保安录像机拍摄下来了 Filming was delayed because of bad weather 14. equip: provide sb. /sth. with sth. needed equip sb. with sth. / for sth. The school will be equipped with 70 brand new computers. Guides are equipped with radios for emergencies. equipment: u. camera equipment We bought several new pieces of equipment for the chemistry lab. a useful piece of equipmentThe centre is well equipped for mountaineering. 有齐全的-设备 15. remove: take sth./sb. away from a place 拿走,去掉, 从-机构中开除 Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. 非法停放的车辆将被拖走 Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behavior. - 因持续行为不检被学校开除 He has had the tumour removed. -已将肿瘤切除 remove problems 解决问题 The news removed any doubts about the companys future 消除了一切有关公司未来的疑虑 removal: n. Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees. a removal company / firm 16. plate: steel plates 钢板 a metal plate: 金属板片 have enough /a lot /too much on your plate: (have a lot of work to deal with) 17. feed: give food to a person or an animal feed sb. on sth. feed the cattle on grass feed sth. to sb. feed sb. sth. (feed sth. to sb.) feed sb. with sth. (supply sb. with sth.) feed a large family / an army / the cattle feed on sth. Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants. -园林中草木的花为食 feedback: n. 反馈 Id appreciate some feedback on my work. 如果对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽 18. orderly: adj. arranged or organized in a neat, careful and logical way vegetables planted in orderly rows 一行行栽种整齐的蔬菜 an orderly room order:n. put sth. in good order out of order 19. tricky: difficult to deal with, a tricky question / situation The equipment is tricky to install. trick: play a trick/tricks o
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