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感叹句 宾语从句 过去进行 时复习课件a lot意为“许多、大量”,用在动词后, 同very much。另外,a lot of 和lots of 的意思也是“许多、大量”,要用在名词 前,在肯定句中常代替much, many。 在口语中尤其如此。a lot of和lots of之 间没有多大区别,都可以与可数名词和 不可数名词连用。与不可数名词连用时 ,动词用单数,与可数名词连用时,动 词用复数。 in ones spare time意为“在业余时间; 在闲暇之际”,也可用in ones free time 替换。 in front of 意为“在的前面”,指在物 体外部的前面;in the front of意为“ 的前部”,指在物体内部的前面,即前 部。 free 意为“有空、空闲”,be free可以替 换为have time maybe 意为“也许、可能、大概”,是副 词,在句中作状语。may be是“情态动 词+动词原形”结构,在句中作谓语。 all the time意为“总是、一直”。not.at all 意为“一点也不;全然不” little和few都含有否定的意思,表示“不 多;很少”。little相当于not much, few 相当于not many。little与不可数名词连 用, few与可数名词复数连用。a little和a few含有肯定的意思,表示“一些;几个 (虽然少,但有一些)”。 teach oneself 意为“自学、自修”。 teach是动词,意为“教授、教”。有 些动词后常跟反身代词,如:enjoy oneself意为“过得愉快”, help oneself 意为“随便吃(用)”。 used to do sth. 这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生 的动作)或状态(暗含的意思是现在已不复存在),只有一种形 式,即过去式,用于所有人称。used to的否定形式为:used not to do或didnt use to do。疑问句为Used sb. to. ? 或 Did sb. use to.? be used to doing sth. 与used to do sth.的区别 (1)be used to doing sth 习惯于,适应于 e.g.He is used to working hard. 他习惯于努力地工作。 Im used to doing jogging in the morning now. 我习惯于早上慢跑。 (2)be used to do sth. 某物被用来做某事 e.g.Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来生产纸张。 Computers can be used to do a lot of work now. 如今电脑可用来做许多事。1感叹句的定义用来表示说话时喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句。感叹句末常用感叹号,也可用句号,一般用降调来朗读。 2感叹句的构成 感叹句常分为两种类型:一种以what引导的感叹句;一种以how引导的感叹句。 (1)以what引导的感叹句的结构: What +a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+! e.g.What a nice girl she is!多好的女孩啊! What an easy question it is!多么简单的问题! (3)what感叹句和how感叹句有时可互换。 What+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语+! e.g.This is a nice dog. 这是一直好看的狗 e.g.What beautiful flowers they are!多美的花啊! 其感叹句有两种形式: What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语+! How nice this dog is!=What a nice dog this is! e.g.What bad weather it is!天气真糟糕! 这只狗多漂亮啊! (2)以how引导的感叹句的句式结构为: (4)教你一招,感叹句构成歌诀: How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语+! 感叹句,不麻烦,how和what应提前。 e.g.How clever she is!她多聪明啊! 名词词组跟what,how形副紧相连。 How+主语+谓语+! 主语、谓语不用变,省掉它们也常见。 e.g.How time flies!光阴似箭! 注意: (1)感叹句中的主语、谓语通常可以省略。 e.g.What a nice girl(she is)! 多好的女孩啊! What bad news(it is)! 多坏的消息呀! How handsome(he is)! 真英俊! What a nice coat(it is)!多美的大衣! (2)感叹句除了上述的what, how引导之外,也可以用单词、短语或句子加感叹号构成。 e.g.Wonderful!精彩! Good luck!祝你好运! The book is so interesting!这本书真有趣!1由that引导,由于that没有任何意义,也不充当任何句子成份。因此that在非正式文体中可以省略。这类宾语从 句通常表达一种陈述意义。 e.g.He told me (that) he would go to Wuhan.Tom says (that) he must study hard.She told me (that) she was a student. 如果由and连接两个并列的宾语从句时,第二个that则不能省略:e.g.She said she liked English very much and that she didnt like maths at all. 2由连接代词或连接副词who, whose, what, which, when , where, how , why 引导,含有“谁、什么、哪个、 什么时候、什么地方、怎样、为什么”等特殊疑问意义。e.g.Do you know who theyre talking about?Can you tell me what theyre looking for?I dont know where she has gone.I wonder how she can find us.She didnt tell me where her hometown was. 3由从属连词whether和if引导,含有“是否,能否,对否,有否”等一般疑问意义。e.g.She asked me if I could help her.Jim wanted to know whether I had taken his English book. e.g.Please find out whether the money is his or not.Please tell me whether you can come or not. Let me know whether you can come or not.在这类宾语从句中要注意两点: I want to know whether you can help me or not.(1)if引导宾语从句和状语从句的区别if引导宾语从句时意为“是否”,从句中该用什么时态就应用什么时态。if引导状语从句时意为“假如”,从句中应用一般现在时代替一般将来时。e.g.She wanted to know if you were a teacher.I dont know if the letter is yours.Theyll go boating if it is fine tomorrow.Ill give it to her if she comes next week.(2)if引导宾语从句时多数情况下可以与whether互换,但如果要突出“究竟是还是不”层意思时,通常 用whether,并在后面的加上“or not”, 在口语中偶尔也会用到“ifor not”这种形式。使用宾语从句时要注意以下几点:1宾语从句要用陈述句的语序。e.g.She asked how old I was. My teacher wanted to know if I like English.We dont know where her office is.2宾语从句的时态(1)当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,宾语从句中的谓语动 词不受时态限制。e.g.She says that she is a student.She says that she was a student two years ago.She says that she will be a college student soon.She says that she has been a college student for 3 years.(2)当主句的谓语动词是过去时时,宾语从句中只能用过去的 某种时态。e.g.He told me that he would leave soon.He said that he was watching TV.He didnt tell me whether he had finished this homework.(3)如果宾语从句中讲述的客观事实,一般真理成自然现象时 ,则不受它限制。e.g.My teacher told us that Changjiang is the longest river in our country.Father said (that) the sun always rises in the east. 1过去进行时的定义过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作。2过去进行时的构成过去进行时是由“be动词的过去式was/were现在分词”构成。 . 过去进行时的基本句型4过去进行时的基本用法(1)过去进行时表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,常和表过去的时间状语连用,如:I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. 昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。They were expecting you yesterday. 他们昨天一直在等待。肯定式 疑问式 否定式I was workingWere you working?I was not working.He/She/it was working.Was he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it wasnt.He/she/it was not working.We were working.Were we working?We were not working.You were working.Were you working?You were not working.They were working.Wer
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