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Chapter 5Diet Formulation and Processing (饲料配方及加工)Genral1. Use of nutrient requirement data(营养需要 数据的使用)*2. Formulating fish diets (配制饲料)3. Commerical diet ingredients (商业饲料原料)4. Quality of ingredients (原料品质)5. Feed processing (饲料加工)6. Reference diets (参考饲料)GeneralThe primary objective in diet formulation (饲料配 方设计的基本目的) to provide a nutritionally balanced mixture of ingredients at an acceptable cost(营养均衡,成本 合理) to support the maintenance, growth, reproduction and health of the animal (以维持鱼 类的生存、生长、繁殖、健康). The requirement for the fish diet *(1) facilitate the manufacturing process (易于加工) (2) to produce a diet with the desired physical properties(具所需的物理性状)(3) The diet should be palatable to the fish(适口性好)(4) not contain antinutritional components at concentrations that would influence the performance of the fish.(抗营养物含量不致高到 影响鱼的性能)The requirement for the fish diet(5) with desirable flesh qualities of the fed fish,(养 出的鱼的肉质理想) (6) and have minimum effect on water quality in the culture system.(对养殖水质的影响尽可能小) PublicationsCho et al. (1985), Halver (1989), Lovell (1989), Robinson (1991), Wilson (1991)BulletinThe Food and agriculture Organization (FAO) The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)1. Use of nutrient requirement data(营养需要数 据的使用)2. Sources of data * NRC,1993, Nutrients requirements Table Research publication If the dietary energy and nutrient requirements are not known for a species, the requirements established for a related species can be discretely substituted.Representativeness of dataSmall fishOptimum growth conditionNear 100% digestibility to the fish (determined with diets containing chemically defined and purified, highly digestible ingredients) Maximum growth rateFactors affecting dietary nutrient levels for Maximum growth rate fish size(鱼体规格) metabolic function(代谢功能) management(管理) environment(环境)Principles of formula design with natural ingredient bioavailability of nutrients (生物利用率)processing and storage losses (加工和贮存损耗)cost (饲料成本) 2Formulating diets(饲料配方设计) *2.1 PrinciplesProtein is usually the first nutrient considered, with the level of energy in the diet being adjusted to provide the optimum ratio.(最佳能蛋比) The protein has to be balanced for essential amino acids.(必需氨基酸平衡)carbohydrate in the diet varies with fish species, and processing requirements.(取决于鱼种和加工的需要)2.1 Principles The type and concentration of lipids used in the diet are selected to satisfy essential fatty acid (EFA) and energy requirements.(满足EFA和能量的需要)The vitamin requirements are mostly supplied from a supplemental premix(补充预混料) in excess of the requirement.(超量添加)mineral is made on the basis of the composition of the major ingredients.(根据主原料中的基础含量来补充)Necessary information(必需数据)(1) nutrient requirements of the animal;(动物的营养 需要)(2) bioavailable nutrient and energy content of the ingredients;(原料的生物可利用率)lysine in cottonseed meal is less digestible than that in soybean meal(3) minimum and maximum restrictions on concentrations of various ingradients;(各种原料使 用量的上下限)cotton-seed meal:because of free gossypol toxicity(4) cost of ingredients.(原料的价格) Restrictions can be placed on minimum or maximum concentration levels of certain ingredients(规定原料用量的上限或下限)manufacturing process;(影响饲料的加工性能)cotton-seed meal, starchpalatability(适口性)fermented brewers grains, canola seed: higher in taninsadverse effects on fish performance, flesh quality, or water quality(影响鱼的生产性能、鱼肉品质或水质)minimum fishmeal levels are usually assigned in catfish dietscarotenoid: xanthophylls(叶黄素) impart undesirable yellow pigmentation to light-fleshed fish(带给白肉鱼类不需要的黄色)canola seed: higher in fiber2.2 Method of formulating dietsEX1Formulating tilapia dietEX 2Formulating tilapia vitamin premixHomework Formulating tilapia mineral premixReference3. Commerical diet ingredients (商业饲料原 料)*Classification (渔用商品饲料的原料可类)protein (amino acids) 蛋白质(氨基酸)原料 energy 能量原料EFA 必需脂肪酸原料vitamins 维生素原料minerals 矿物质原料special ingredients (特殊原料, or feed additives )Special ingredients (feed additives) to enhance growth(用于促进生长) pigmentation(着色) sexual development(性腺发育) and to prepare diets having the required physical(或使饲料具有所需的物理性状) palatability(适口性) preservation properties(保存性) The nutrient composition of some ingredientsNRC 1993, Table 8-1 Proximate composition and digestible and metabolizable values for natural and chemically defined ingredients Table 8-2 Amino acid composition of ingredients commonly used Table 8-3 Mineral composition of ingredients commonlu used Table 8-4 Vitamin composition of ingredients commonly used Table 8-5 Fatty acid composition of common animal fats, fish oils and vegetable oils4. Quality of ingredients (原料品质) * Major ingredients used in fish diets should be analyzed regularly for proximate composition(主 要原料组成要进行常规分析) selected nutrients (such as lysine and sulfur amino acids) or
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