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Unit 8Could you please clean your room?一、教学内容:Unit 8 Could you please clean your room? (一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型(四)中考预演(五)写作二、知识总结 与归纳(一)重点单词1. dish2. sweep3. hate4. borrow5. invite6. disagree7. feed8. mine(二)重点短语1. do thedishes 洗餐具2. take out the trash 倒垃圾3. fold ones / theclothes 叠衣服4. sweep thefloor 扫地5. make ones / the bed 整理床铺6. the living room 起居室;客厅7. stay out late 在外面呆到很晚;晚回家8. work on 从事;忙于9. do chores 处理琐事;干家务10. do thelaundry 洗衣服11. take careof 照顾;照看12. take sb. for awalk 带某人去散步(三)重点句型1. Could you please ? 请你好吗?Yes, sure. 是的,当然可以。2. Could I ? 我可以吗?Yes, you can. 是的,可以。3. I hate to do sth. 我讨厌 做某事。4. I agree. 我同意。5. Dont forget to do sth. 别忘了要做某事。6. Im sorry, but I . 对不起,我(四)中考预演预演 1 用所给单词 的适当形式填空:That boy hates(swim).点拨 hate 作动词 ,意为“ 讨厌 ,憎恨,不喜欢”,后面可跟名词、动词 不定式 to do 及动词-ing 形式作宾语 ,通常不用于进行时态 。链接 hate 的反义词为 love, love 的用法与 hate 相同,后面也跟名词、动词 不定式 to do 及动词 -ing 形式作宾语 。预演 2 翻译句子:谢谢 你帮我照看房子。Thanks formemy house.点拨 thanks for 相当于 thank you for。for 作介词,后跟名词或动词 -ing 形式。take care of意为“ 照顾,照料, 照看”,同义词组 是 look after。表示“ 好好照看”,则为 take good careof 或 lookafter well。如:You must take good care of your sister when Im out. (=You must look after your sisterwell when Im out.)预演 3 同义句转换 :Old Jack often takes his little grandson to thepark for awalk.Old Jack oftenhis little grandson in the park.点拨 take sb for awalk 意为“ 带某人去散步”,相当于 takea walk with sb。链接 表示“ 去散步”,除了 takeawalk 之外,还有 have awalk 和 go for awalk。如: I wentfor / had / took awalk in thepark this morning.预演 4 用所给单词 的适当形式填空:His bike is newer than(I).点拨 mine 意为“ 我的”,是名词性物主代词,具有名词的功能,可单独作主语、表语或宾语 等,相当于“my+ 名词”。即上句也可表述为:His bike is newer than my bike.(五)写作寒假到了,你们全家准备去北京过春节(the Spring Festival)。你想请你的朋友刘星在你们走之后帮你喂猫、浇花。假设你叫吴华,请你给刘星写一封电子邮件,向她说清楚需要她帮你做的事情。词数:80 左右。参考例文Liu Xing,Winter vacation is coming. My parents and I aregoing to spend the Spring Festival in Beijing. I needsome help while Im not at home. Could you help me to feed the cat and water the flowers? Its not easyto take care of the cat. You should do it every day. Give her water and feed her three times a day. Thenwash her bowl.You could water theflowers onceaweek. See you 20 days later.Thanks!Wu Hua【典型例题】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 。after meals. the clothes on the sofa, Jenny?1. We often help mother do the d2. Could you help mef3. Wheres Jane?Shes sthe floor.4. Our teachers arediscussing the teaching plans in the mroom.5. Many children hhistory becausethey think its very boring.二、用所给单词 的适当形式填空。1. Could you please2. Im going to(do) it again? (use) thecomputer.3. My mother often cleans the4. Its too late. I have to(live) room in the morning. (go) to schoolby taxi.5. Peter doesnt like to stay at home. He likes(be) outside.三、从方框中选择 适当的词组 完成句子。work on, stay out late, have a test, go to a meeting, go out1. I have lots of work to do. Im afraid I cantwith you. tomorrow.2.You can go to themovie with your friend in theevening, but you cant3. Janecant go to your birthday party becausesheis going to4. Wheres father? Hethis afternoon and hell comeback late.5. Susan has a new computer, and sheisit now.四、有问有答:根据提示词写出恰当的问句或答句完成小对话 。1. A:B: Yes, sure.2. A:(you, dishes)(he, laundry)B: No, hedoesnt. But he likes making the bed.3. A:(you, chores)B: Because its relaxing.4. A: Could you clean your room?B: 5. A:(do, homework)(use, computer)B: Sorry, Im working on it.You can usemy sisters.五、根据汉语 填入正确的单词 。1. Could I2.You can(借) your new storybook, John?(邀请) your good friends for the dinner.3. Students shouldnt take4. Please help me5.Ann, take good(小吃) to the class.(喂养) my birds on the weekend.(照顾) of your little sister.六、填入适当的介词完成句子。1. My cousin often borrows books2. Miss Li likes children and sheoften plays3. Does your brother often take his dogthe library.them.a walk after dinner?4. Thanks5. James invited mehelping medo thehousework.his new housefor a visit last night.七、完成下列同义句转换 ,每空一词。1. We aregoing to take good careof your pet birds.We aregoing toyour pet birds.2. I want to invite my friends to the schoolparty.I want tomy friendsto theschoolparty.3. They enjoyed themselves in the aquarium yesterday.Theyin the aquarium yesterday.4. He visited my housethree days ago.Heto my housethree days ago.5. Lets go for a walk with thedog.Letsthe dog.八、下列各句均有一处错误 ,请找出并改正。1. Could you please to clean the classroom?2.You may go out, but first you have to finishing your work.3. I dont like math, so its too difficult.4. Do they often play with he?5. Could I borrow any money from you?6. Thescientist worked at the experiment(实验 ) for five years.; http:/www.028aide.com/ 路由器设置 wdl274uip
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