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Revision Unit 16单词复习在前面(外) 在后面(外)在前部(内) 在后部(内)在左面 在我的右边在中间 在中心靠近 在对面词组复第二个路口向左拐 你不会错过它的 沿着这条路往前走 在街道的角落在某人去的路上 出什么事啦?生病住院 也许你把它放在那儿了在末端 很长一段路高兴做 环顾四周她一天的购物 及时5分钟的路程 就在那时 走出 往方向走去首先 在路的另一边到达 为谢某人走错 迷路Can you tell us how to ask directions, find five ways at least( 你能找出至少5种的问路方法吗?以学校为例) 1. Where is the nearest school? Can you tell me2. Which Can you tell meis the way to the nearest school?which is the way to the nearest school?3. Howcan I get to the school?Can you tell me how I can get to the school?where the nearest school is?4. Can you tell methe way to the school?5. Can you show me the way to the school?6. Is therea school near here?7. Could you tell me how to get to the school?Can you tell us how to give directions , find five ways at least.(找出至 少5种指路的方法)Go along (down,up) this roadGo up this road to the endGo on until you reach the end.Turn left at the crossingTake the second turning on the leftYou will see in front of youYou cant miss it= you can find it .1. How to get to the park? Go along Zhongshan Road until you reach the second crossing, Go across the crossing, the park is just on your right .当堂检测:补全对话,每空一词 A:Excuse_. _is the nearest hospital?B: Sorry, I _ _. I am new here. Youd better_ the other people.A: Thank you _ _ _.A: _ _. Which is _ _ to the nearest hospital?C: Walk _ this street and _ right. Then turn left _ the first turning. You can see the hospital _ front _ you.A: How far is it _ here?C: Its not very far, its about ten minutes walk.A: Thank you _ _.mewheredont knowask all the sameExcuse methe wayalong turn at inoffromvery much语法复习can 的用法有三种:1.I can swim.(表示能力“会, 能” )Can you ride a bike?2.You can go home now.( 表示许可或请求)Can I borrow your book?3.The man can be a thief.(表示猜测“可能” )It can be dangerous. That cant be right.may 的用法:1.Ask Jim. He may know.(可能性 )It may be in your inside pocket?2.May I use your pen?(请求 )-May I come in?-Yes, you _./ No, you _.may/cancant/mustnt当堂检测:用相应的情态动词填空.1.I dont know, our teacher _know.2._you help me carry the box?Sorry I _.3._I go for a walk?No, you_.4._I clean the room now? No, you_. But you_it before school is over.5.I think it _ be true. No, it _ be true.6._we play football after school? Yes, you_.mayCan cantMaymustntMust needntmustmustcantShall/cancan/may1.沿着这条路往上走直到路的尽头.Go up the road until you reach the end. 2.他们两天前抵达了上海.3.在他去摘苹果的路上,他摔狡了.4.他三天后回来They reached/got to/arrived in He fell down on his way to pick apples.He will be back in three days. 5.小孩子很容易在像北京之类的大城市迷路.Its easy for children to get lost in a big city like Beijing.1.到那儿会花你半小时. It will take you half an hour to get there.2.你走了远路一定饿了.3.我不可能看过这本书,因为它是新的.5.一天的购物之后我感到又累又饿.4.我家离学校只有5分钟的路程. My home is only 5minutes walk from the school.You must be hungry after you went a long way.I cant read the book because its new.I felt tired and hungry after my days shopping.; http:/www.juxing688.com/ 聚星娱乐 bgk162utb 庄逍遥对那样的白荌苒并不做任何的回应,依旧是淡淡的做着自己的功课,似乎刚刚给那个女孩子讲解知识点的人并不 是自己。等到他们同桌的时间久了之后,在学校的道路上偶然碰上的时候白荌苒总是会甜甜的冲他一笑,喊他“庄逍遥同学”, 他依然是淡漠的不做任何的回应。随着他们认识的时间越久白荌苒便越发自觉地寻求起庄逍遥同学的帮助,她总是笑得很甜地看着他“庄逍遥同学下课之 后可不可以帮我辅助一下功课”。庄逍遥难得的一次回应却是“以你现在的成绩、发挥正常的话考个一本什么的应该没有什么大的问题。”白荌苒似乎没听明白他的话语,瞪大了无辜的双眼,并没有发觉这不过是一种委婉的推辞,她那样定定地看了庄逍遥一 会儿仍是笑得腼腆“为什么会这样说啊?”她不明白庄逍遥同学怎么突然说了那样一句话。庄逍遥沉了一沉,开口道“所以,你只要保持现在的状态就好,没必要再让我帮你了”,他觉得自己有必要讲清楚,不 然还是要解释。白荌苒默然的低下头来,咬了咬嘴巴,一时语塞竟不知该说什么,眼看庄逍遥同学就要起身离开,她握了握拳头,声如 蚊讷的开口“因为我想跟你考到同一所大学呀”!庄逍遥听到这样的话、不免内心一窒,没想到那个看起来活泼开朗、实则内心腼腆的女孩子居然会说出这样的话来,他 终究是没能拒绝那个经常冲他甜甜一笑的女孩子,仍是垂下眼睑,淡淡的回应一个“好”字。
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