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Module 3澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)by air by seathe national flagSydney Opera Housebeacha child visiting her grandmotherWhat is the passage about?a train ride to Sydneytaking the train to Australiatraveling to the central part of AustraliaRead the passage quickly and silently, judge T or F and correct the error:1. Alice got on in Alice Springs,and got off in Sydney.( )2. The scenery of the whole journey is very colorful. ( )3. On the train,Alice still studied. ( )4. They used camels instead of horses because horses are not good at traveling a long distance. ( )5.The government built a new railway line in 1925.( )FFTTFSummarize the general idea of each paragraph.Para 1.Para 2.Para 3.Para 4.Para 5.Para 6.Information about the writer and her train ride. What the writer saw on the train. What the writer did on the train Why is the train called the Ghan? The use of camels. What happened to the camels. Read the passage again carefully and fill in the gapAlice Thompson made her first long-distance train ride at the age of _. She got on in _ and got off in Alice Springs. They ate meals cooked by _. They saw fields, soil, desert and _ farms which were built over 100 years ago. On the train, Alice talked to other _ and studied Chinese. She watched the night sky and found stars, which shone like_.Why is the train called the Ghan? It is short for _. The Afghans trained the _ to carry food and supplies. They did this until _, when the _ built a new railway line.18Sydney experts abandonedpassengersdiamondsAfghanistancamels the 1920s government; http:/wy188888.com/ 试管婴儿养生 昆明试管婴儿医院 试管婴儿多少钱 djm376ach “妈,我看小说不仅没有妨碍学习,还能提高写作水平”“怎么?你还蛮有理由,有本事你考全班第一!”肖艳被女儿激怒了。 小荷看着妈妈果真生气了,站在一边,低下头不再说话。 我的岳父说:“小荷啊,你知道你爸和你妈凭着一个好端端的家不住,到这儿来住这两间小屋是为了什么吗?不就是为了你和 你弟弟的学业吗?在我们山里条件差,为了你们长大了不再向他们一样没白没黑地干活,这才撇家舍业地来到这儿”“姥爷我错了,我不该让妈妈生气,以后我要好好学习。”“好了好了,小荷懂事了,一定能给宝根带个好头。”岳母端上做好的饭菜,“开饭了。” 孩子犹如一棵小树,在成长过程中需要不断地修整,过分的袒护只能使它枝叶横生,虽然看似繁茂却不能参天。 我决心要把刚刚的事跟五哥好好谈谈。 我来到了五哥的办公室,五哥正在忙着接电话。 五哥接完电话,抱歉地对我说:“六弟,镇教委有个紧急会议,我的马上去参加。”“那你先忙吧”“六弟,我工作忙,刚刚就交给你了,有你在我一切都放心。”五哥说完,便骑上摩托车走了。 回到县城的小屋,小荷胆怯地对我说:“爸爸老师让你明天再去趟学校,班主任有事找你。”“怎么?你又惹事了?”肖艳抢先地问。“哥哥把教室的黑板打了。” 这孩子真叫人不省心!搞不好会开除的,这让我如何向五哥交代! 我们一家人大眼瞪小眼,我气得一时说不出话来 第二天,我没有做生意,早早地去了学校。 班主任已坐在办公室里等我,这一次,尽管她的态度很和蔼,但我还是感到了事情的严肃性。“苏林老乡,我们又见面了。”她一边说一边让我在对面的椅子上坐下,“也许你还不知道,我也是山里人,和你五哥是高 中同学,师范毕业后分配到县城教书。前些日子你五哥托我让孩子来读书,好不容易让他来了,可是真没想到” 我这才知道她就是五哥说的熟人,孩子们也太不给人弄脸了!我心里这么想着。“昨天,你走后,我把我们的谈话跟苏小刚详细地作了解释,希望他能理解我们的苦心,让他好好地约束自己,把精力用在 学习上。谁想到他却认为我在告他的状,一气之下竟把教室里的黑板打破了气得我昨晚一夜没合眼,甚至为他掉眼泪 ”“老师这孩子还小不懂事,回家后我一定跟五哥如实汇报,让五哥”“我想了一夜责任在我也许我太偏激了,我的教育方法不适合他所以,我想再给孩子一次机会,不上报学校领 导。但是,黑板的费用是必须要陪偿的。”说到这里她看着我,在征求我的意见。“那是那是”我迫不及待地说:“只要不开除孩子的学籍,一切费用全部有我们来承但。
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