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刺杀肯尼迪中英文对照台词刺杀肯尼迪中英文对照台词The assassination reduced the President to a transient official.暗杀总统是最快达到目的的方法His job is to speak as often as possible of the nations desire for peace while he acts as a business agent in the Congress for the military and their contractors.他的任务就是每当他在国会扮演厂商、军事或承包人代理时尽可能讲出国家渴望和平Some people say Im crazy.有人说我疯了Southern caricature seeking higher office.南方小丑寻求高官位Theres a simple way to determine if I am paranoid.有个简单的方法评估我是否有偏执狂 Ask the two men who profited most from the assassination former President Johnson and your new President, Nixon.问两位从暗杀得利最多的前总统詹森和新总统尼克森.to release the 51 CIA documents pertaining to Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby.公布 51 份中情局档案包括李奥斯华和杰克鲁比Or the secret CIA memo on Oswalds activities in Russia that was destroyed while being Photo copied.或中情局秘密备忘有关奥斯华在俄活动翻照时毁损These documents are yours.这些资料是你们的The peoples property. You pay for it.是人民的财产,你们有缴税But as the government sees you as children.但官方视你们为小孩子.who might be too disturbed to face this reality.面对真相会受困扰.or because you might lynch those involved.或因为你们会制裁那些牵涉.you cannot see these documents for another 75 years.你们不会再有另一个 75 年看到这些资料Im in my 40s.我已四十so Ill have “shuffled off this mortal coil“ by then.那时候我会死But Im telling my eight-year-old son to keep himself physically fit.但我告诉八岁儿子要保持健康.so that one glorious September morning, in 2038.那样在 2038 年 9 月一个灿烂的早上.he can go to the National Archives and learn what the CIA and FBI knew.走进国家档案库找出中情局和调查局所知道的They may push it back then.他们或许延后It may become a generational affair. Questions passed from parent to child.变成两代间的事疑问由父母传子女But someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth.但某日某地某人或许找出狗屎真相We better.最好这样Or we might just as well build ourselves another government.不然我们或许只好自己建立另一个政府.like the Declaration of Independence says to, when the old one dont work.像独立宣言所说当老的无能Just a bit farther out West.就再往西部开拓一点An American naturalist wrote:一位美国自然主义者写过“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country.爱国者要经常准备为保卫国家.against its government.“而不惜抵抗政府Id hate to be in your shoes today.我讨厌面对你们今天就要下决定You have a lot to think about. Youve seen evidence the public hasnt seen.你们要多想看大众看不到的证据Going back to when we were children.回到童年.I think most of us in this courtroom thought justice came automatically.我想本庭我们多数人认为正义会自动送过来That virtue was its own reward. That good triumphs over evil.要以道治道战胜邪恶But as we get older we know this isnt true.但等我们年长我们知道这不是真的Individual human beings have to create justice, and this is not easy.每个人要建立正义,而这不容易.because the truth often poses a threat to power.因为真实常常受权势威胁封住口.and one often has to fight power at great risk to themselves.我们经常要冒很大风险战斗权势People like Holland.人们像荷兰Lee Bowers.李包尔.Jean Hill, Willie OKeefe.珍希尔,威里欧奇夫.have all taken that risk and theyve all come forward.都是要冒那样的风险前来作证I have here some $8,000 in these letters.我这里的信封内大约有八千美元.sent from all over the country.是从全国各地寄来的Quarters, dimes, dollars from housewives.有两毛五,一毛,一元来自家庭主妇.plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids.水管工,汽车销售员,老师,病弱者These are people who cannot afford to send money but do.有些不能送钱却出力者People who drive cabs.有人是开车的.who nurse in hospitals.有在医院当护士的.who see their kids go to Vietnam.有的送儿子去越南Why?为什么?Because they care.因为他们关心Because they want to know the truth.因为他们要知道事实Because they want their country back.因为他们想要找回他们的国家Because it still belongs to us.因为国家仍然属于我们as long as the people have the guts to fight for what they believe in.只要人们为其信仰战斗The truth is the most important value we have, because if it doesnt endure.事实是我们拥有最重要的价值,因为如果不持续if the government murders truth.如果政府谋杀事实.if we cannot respect these people.如果我们不能尊敬这些人.then this is not the country I was born in, or the country I want to die in.那么这不是我生于斯死于斯的世界Tennyson wrote:“Authority forgets a dying king.“丹尼逊写道: 执政当局遗忘了垂死的国王This was never more true than for John F. Kennedy whose murder was probably one of the most terrible moments.再真实不过的是肯尼迪的谋杀是其中最恐怖的一刻.in the history of our country.存在我们国家的历史中We, the people, the jury system sitting in judgment on Clay Show.我们人民陪审团,做着审判克莱萧.represent the hope. 代表人性的希望.of humanity against government power.对抗政府权势In discharging your duty.尽我们的义务.to bring a first conviction in this house of cards.对这个不实的政府作第一次判罪.against Clay Shaw.来对抗克莱萧“.ask not what your country can do for you.不要问国家能为你做什么.but what you can do for your country.“要问你能为你的国家做什么Do not forget.不要忘记.your dying king.你们垂死的国王Show this world.显示给全世界知道.this is still a government “of the people, for the people and by the people.“ Nothing as long as you live will ever be more up to you这里仍然是民有民治民享的国家,没有比真相的存在更重要,全靠你们Weve all become Hamlets in our country, children of a slain father-leader.我们都变成国家中的哈姆雷特残杀父王的子女.whose killers still possess the throne.杀手仍然掌权The ghost of John F .Kennedy confronts us with the secret murder at the heart of the American Dream.肯尼迪的鬼魂在美国内心深处被暗杀后看着我们He forces on us the appalling questions: Of what is our Constitution made?他逼我们悚然质问我们的宪法奠定了什么?What are our lives worth?生命的价值是什么?What is the future of a democracy.民主的未来是什么?.where a President can be assassinated under suspicious circu
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