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仓储服务协议WAREHOUSING SERVICE AGREEMENT本协议于 年 月 日由:_公司,其注册地址为_(本协议中简称“客户” )和丹沙中福货运代理有限公司,其注册地址为 (本协议中简称“DHL” )共同签订。This agreement is made and entered into by and between _ _, with its office at _ (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) and DHL Logistics (China) Co., Ltd/Danzas Z.F. Freight Agency Co., Ltd, having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to as “DHL”) at 。.鉴于:1. 客户需要 DHL 以其专业知识按下文条件和条款提供仓储及相关物流服务;WHEREAS, Customer requires the facilities and expertise of DHL for warehousing and relevant logistics services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below; and2. DHL 同意在 仓库提供上述仓储及相关物流服务。WHEREAS, DHL has agreed to perform such warehousing and relevant logistics services for Customer at DHLs facility at , Peoples Republic of China;现双方经协商一致同意如下:NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1.服务范围SCOPE OF SERVICES在本协议规定期限内,DHL 将应按客户要求提供仓储及相关服务,主要的服务范围请见附件 1。During the term of this Agreement, DHL shall provide warehousing and related services for Customer as requested by Customer. The main scope of services to be provided under this Agreement is set forth in Appendix 1.2.价格:PRICE除非双方另有约定,否则双方应按附件 2 确定的费率/价格来结算仓储费用及相关的其他操作费用。除非是在报价书中特别明确,DHL 向客户提交的报价不含按照中国法律规定需要由客户承担的税费(所得税除外) 。客户将负责承担并补偿 DHL 在地方的当局征收的与因货物或与货物有关的税费。Both parties shall settle the warehousing charge and other handling charges on a fixed rate and/or price set forth in Appendix 2, unless other rate and /or price has been agreed by both parties. Unless otherwise specified, the quotations are exclusive of taxes imposed on Customer by any government or other authority (except income tax). Customer shall be liable for any taxes, or outlays of any kind levied by the authorities at any place for or in connection with the goods.3.支付PAYMENT3.1DHL 就本协议所提供的服务应在每月 日前向客户开具上月的发票,客户应在收到发票后的十五日内(异议期)进行核实。客户不能因索赔、反索赔或冲抵而扣除或延期支付所有到期款项。DHL 迟延开具发票的,客户有权拒迟延付款。客户保证在 DHL 发票开出后三十日内付清发票上的应付款项金额,否则 DHL 有权收取违约金,违约金按日万分之一计算,最长不超过 天。违约金计算期间为自款项到期之日起至客户的款项付至 DHL 的帐户上之日为止。3.1 DHL shall submit invoices before to Customer on a monthly basis for services rendered under this Agreement. Customer shall address its object or dissent against the invoice within fifteenth (15) days (the period of objection) upon receipt of the invoice. In case DHL delays in submitting invoices, Customer is entitled to delay payment accordingly. Customer shall pay to DHL all sums without deduction or deferment on account of any claim, counterclaim or set-off. Customer undertakes it will pay off all amounts due and payable as stipulated in the commercial invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of invoice. Otherwise DHL is entitled to charge Customer the overdue payment as penalty at 0.01% per day until all the sums arrive at DHLs account, calculated no more than days.3.2 除非双方另有书面约定外, 客户应以人民币方式付清发票上的应付款项, 如需美元、欧元或其他货币支付人民币费用的,应根据甲乙双方约定的人民币汇率支付,如无事先约定的,则按照发票开具之日中国人民银行公布的有关人民币汇率中间价进行结算。3.2 Unless otherwise as stipulated in written form, Customer shall pay off all amounts due and payable as specified on DHLs invoice in RMB (Renminbi). In the event the above payment has to be remitted in US Dollar, Euro or other currencies, Party A shall pay off the above amounts in terms of the exchange rate determined and agreed by both parties, otherwise the exchange rate should be the middle rate announced by Peoples Bank of China on the date of commercial invoice issuance.3.3 如3.3 能否删除?遇运价政策、汽油燃油费用、人民币费率及人民币增值等因素的波动和变化,需要对运费和其他费用进行调整的,客户同意 DHL 有权单方面对该费用进行调整,但应提前三十日书面通知客户,且在该次价格调整后一年之内不得再次调整价格。3.3 Provided that the fluctuation or variety of cost, market transportation price, gas and fuel cost, exchanges rate, currency adjustment factor (CAF) and other key elements lead to the adjustment of transportation service expenses and other expenses, Customer agrees that DHL is entitled to unilaterally adjust the corresponding expenses by giving 30-days prior written notification to Customer or Customers designated customer. DHL shall not make any other adjustment on price within one year since such adjustment. 4.保险:INSURANCE4.1 协议双方应自己承担为其员工购买足够的工伤保险,4.1 Each party shall carry Worker Compensation Insurance on its own employees.4.2 协议双方应对各自的财产及责任足额投保。4.2 Each party shall arrange sufficient insurance for its properties and liabilities 5.责任LIABILITY客户Customer5.1 客户应保证并承认其仓储、运输货物是遵守中华人民共和国所有与运输、税收、货物进出口、知识产权等相关的法律、法规、政策和要求。如客户或客户指定的第三方违反上述规定而遭到相关政府部门的调查、查处、扣留、扣押等措施而导致 DHL 损失的,客户负责赔偿。5.1 Customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo for warehousing and transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or requirements of Peoples Republic of China in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo, cargo import and export, intellectual property right and other relevant aspects. Customer shall indemnify and keep DHL harmless from and against any and all losses arising f
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