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英语:Unit3Computers学案(2)(新人教版必修 2)in common1. havein common, havenothing/little/something/a lot/one thing/muchin common with完成 B句,使之与 A 句意思相同或相近ABI like a lot of what shelikes.Wehave a lot _ _.Tom and Lacns, I feel , have much,they always havethe samelikes and dislikes.A. as wellB. in commonC. at leastD. by farHarry visited the bookstore every week. He became such a_customer that the bookseller gave himsomebooks as presents.A. commonB. normalC. usualD. average他们彼此毫无共同点。They _ _ _ _ with oneanother.这兄弟俩共有这家公司。_和大多数受过教育的人一样,比起爵士乐来他更喜欢古典音乐。_1. go by勿失此良机。_不知不觉两年过去了,他才意识到它。_随着时间 的推移,电脑 开始得到人们的认可。_As time _ my memory seems to get worse.A. goes alongB. goes awayC. goes byD. goes throughATimepassed quickly. Peter grow into atall young man.BWith time _ _, Peter becamea tall young man.As time _ _, Peter became atall young man.2. consider让我们换 个角度来考虑这 个问题 。_好好考虑一下你到底需要什么。_他考虑是否加入他们。_考虑考虑为 我工作怎么样?_我认为 他是最合适的人选。_3. explore我们勘察了新发现 的岛屿 。_那历史学家探讨了革命的起因。_4. signal红灯是危险的信号。_他给服务员 示意,让她拿菜单来。_5. in a way/in thewayThereused to _ a truck _ and I cant get through.AA. be, in thewayB. be, in awayC. being, on thewayD. being, by the wayI cant seetheword on the blackboard. Your head is _.A. on thewayB. in awayC. by thewayD. in theway在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。_ _ _, what you said is reasonable.在某种程度上接受建议并非易事。_6. ariseThequestion then _ . What are wegoing to do when wegraduatefrom theuniversity?A. raisesB. arousesC. arisesD. rises_夜里暴风雪来临了。_他在黎明时候起床。_答案in common1. havein common,have nothing/little/something/a lot/one thing/muchin common with完成 B句,使之与 A 句意思相同或相近ABI like a lot of what shelikes.Wehave a lot in common .Tom and Lacns, I feel , have much,they always havethe samelikes and dislikes.A. as wellB. in commonC. at leastD. by farHarry visited the bookstore every week. He became such a_customer that the bookseller gave himsomebooks as presents.A. commonB. normalC. usualD. averageThey have nothing in common with one another. 他们彼此毫无共同点。这兄弟俩共有这家公司。The two brothers own the company in common.和大多数受过教育的人一样,比起爵士乐来他更喜欢古典音乐。In common with most educated people, he prefers classic music to jazz.7. go by勿失此良机Dont let this opportunity go by.不知不觉两年过去了,他才意识到它。Two years have gone by before he realized it.随着时间 的推移,电脑 开始得到人们的认可。As time went by computers began to be recognized by people.As time _ my memory seems to get worse.A. goes alongB. goes awayC. goes byD. goes throughABTimepassed quickly. Peter grow into atall young man.With time going by, Peter became atall young man.As time went by , Peter became atall young man.8. consider让我们换 个角度来考虑这 个问题 。Let s consider the problem from a different angle.好好考虑一下你到底需要什么。Consider what you really need.他考虑是否加入他们。He considers whether he should joins them.考虑考虑为 我工作怎么样?Would you consider working for me?我认为 他是最合适的人选。I consider him as the best choice.9. explore我们勘察了新发现 的岛屿 。We explored the newly discovered island.那历史学家探讨了革命的起因。The historian explored the causes of the revolution.10. signal红灯是危险的信号。A red light is a signal of danger.他给服务员 示意,让她拿菜单来。He signaled the waiter to bring the menu.11. in a way/in thewayThereused to _ a truck _ and I cant get through.AA. be, in thewayB. be, in awayC. being, on thewayD. being, by the wayI cant seetheword on the blackboard. Your head is _.A. on thewayB. in awayC. by thewayD. in theway在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。In a way, what you said is reasonable. (In a way)在某种程度上接受建议并非易事。In a way following the advice is not easy.12. ariseThequestion then _ . What are wegoing to do when wegraduatefrom theuniversity?A. raisesB. arousesC. arisesD. rises夜里暴风雪来临了。A storm arose during the night.他在黎明时候起床。He arose at down.优山美诗 http:/ww
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