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高考听力高考听力三里屯一中三里屯一中李春芳李春芳08北京听力特点 1、语速特点 :总时长是21分27秒,比去年多 了42秒。 2、语音特点:英式发音 3、话题特点:更体现实践性原则,所选材料 更加贴近生活实际,有做梦、询问、请求搭车 、谈购物、旅游、交通、天气、找车位,女儿 跟父亲谈在新城市的工作和生活、采访气味专 家等等。 4、考察的重点:依然围绕重点信息的捕捉、 把握说话者的态度、时间数字这几个大方向展 开。 1 23重点信息的捕捉: M: I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt I won acompetition.W: Oh, really? What did you win? Money? A new car?M: I won a holiday on a desert island. I hope it will come true.What did the man win in his dream? A. A holiday. B. A new car. C. Some money. 把握说话者的态度: 2. M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Tom come?W: That sounds nice. Thank you. But Ill have to check with Tom.Will the woman come to the party? A. Maybe. B. No. C. Certainly. 时间数字: 3.M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author? W: Well, Tom, I didnt start writing until I was in my thirtieth, and Im over seventy now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about forty years. How long has the woman been an author? A. About 30 years. B. About 40 years. C. About 70 years. (6、7)高考英语听力特点及分析n一、听力测试的特点 n二、听力测试的主要形式n三、听力测试的主要测试点 n四、正确的答题技巧 n五、确立科学训练体系一、听力测试的特点 1、语体特点 :听力材料中的语言是地道而自然的 英语口语,人们日常交流中常有的停顿、重复、略 音、拖音或“嗯”、“啊”的声音都会出现在所听的材 料中。因此要善于排除这些干扰信息,抓住主要信 息,做到有的放矢。 2、语音特点 :一男一女,身临其境;熟悉英美人 口音;英语口语的语音特点如:弱读、连读、音素 的省略、失去爆破等。 3、内容特点 :鲜活,话题较广:学校、家庭生活 、个人爱好、天气、问路、时间、数字、地点、健 康、购物、文化娱乐、体育、租房、旅游、交通等 生活的方方面面 。二、听力测试的主要形式 1、对话理解:考查在一定语境中的快速反应、推理 判断能力 。(单项听力对话材料简短,语言信息量小 ,所设问题大部分都为直接性的表层理解题,通过认 真读题,捕捉听力材料中的相关信息即能找到正确答 案。还有,短对话第一听信息,尤其关注第二个人的 回应,第二听语气,即使重要信息漏了,通过态度把 握也能推出正确答案。) 2、短文理解:在对话理解基础上考查对一个结构比 较完整,意义相对连贯的语段的理解能力,是一种高 层次、有难度的听力测试形式。(整体听力以成段成 篇的对话或独白为材料,每个听力材料所提供的信息 量大,语言材料较难,句子结构较为复杂,所设问题 综合性强。)三、听力测试的主要测试点1、理解对话的主旨大意 2、获取对话中具体信息,捕捉主要细节 3、推断对话发生的背景、地点、辨认人 物的角色及对话者之间的关系 4、理解领会对话的观点,判断人物的态 度、感受及意图 四、正确的答题技巧 听前: 1、利用听录音前的时间,整体浏览所设问题,预 测话题,了解文体特点:故事 、新闻报道、演讲 等。 2、用笔画出问题中的重点词: 1)疑问词:人物(who)、事件(what)、时间 (when)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方 式(how)、程度(how long,how soon,how much)、数字(how manyhow much)、选 择(which)等。2)读关键词:名词,代词,形容词是重点。 3、做纵向比较,只看差异之处,相同信息不读。 4、归纳特定场景用语 四、正确的答题技巧 听时:1、保持良好的精神和心理状态 2、快速浏览问题和选项 3、注重对文章整体内容的理解4、边听边记:抓关键词。听力具有不可“回听” 的特点,不像阅读材料,可以“回视”。所以, 要尽可能地把听过的内容“记住”,有时做不正 确题不是听的问题,而是“记忆”的问题,必要 时可以采取“做笔记”的方法来协助记忆。 5、运用归纳、分析、综合等技巧听后:果断答题,”勇于放弃”,没听明白的就 放弃,不要影响后面的答题。高考话题中常见的地点:nAt a hospitalnAt a restaurant nIn a shop nAt the airport nAt a hotelnIn the post officenIn the schooldoctor, nurse, patient, take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, blood pressure, medical report, operationhospitalwaiter, waitress, customer, table, order, menu, drinks , soup, fish, bill, full, delicious sandwich, hamburger, dish, beerrestaurantgoods, shop assistant, size, goods, shop assistant, size, color, price, customer, color, price, customer, shopper, cost, pay, cheap, shopper, cost, pay, cheap, expensive, bargain, on expensive, bargain, on sale,sale, storekeeper, charge , try storekeeper, charge , try onon, change change shopairport flight, take off, land, round trip, single trip, airline, passport, visa, the customs, declare, luggage* single/ double room, front single/ double room, front desk, porter, Room 411, desk, porter, Room 411, book a room , check in, book a room , check in, check out, receptionistcheck out, receptionist, room service, morning callsroom service, morning calls hotel* mail , deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, postage, package, letterPost officeheadmaster, students , professor ,classteacher, classroom, subject, course, term, lab, library, lecture hall, playground, dining hall, exam, test, professor, degree, sports meet, homeworkschool高考话题中常见的时间和数字quarter million monthly billion weekly double dozen score once twice one third half three times once a day every other day triple daily (一)Finding the WaynExcuse me.Could you please tell me the way to?nCan you tell me whereis?nHow can I get to? nCan you tell me where I can get ?nCan you direct me to?nWhere is the (nearest), please?nAm I on the right road to?nIs there anear here? nIm looking forDo you know? nI wonder of you could help me. Im looking for(一)Finding the Wayn Go down /along this street ton Follow this road until you come tonGo straight ahead till you come ton Turn tight/left (at the first/second crossing).n Take the first turning on the right/left.n Its about meters/minutes walk /drive.nIts near/far (away) from here.nYou cant /wont miss it.(二)Seeing a doctornA. Whats the trouble?nWhats troubling you?nWhats wrong with you/your?nAre you feeling/Do you feel well/tired?nHows your?nHow long have you been like this?nB. Thes something wrong withnIve got a fever/headache/coughnI feel terrible/sick/badnI dont feel well/like eating anything.nIve got a pain here. This place /Myhurts(二)Seeing a doctornC. (Its) Nothing serious.nIt looks/sounds like/as ifTakethe medicine three time a day.nDrink plenty of water and have a good rest.nYoull get over it soon/recover indays.nYoull be well /all right soon.(三) Talking about the weathernA .Whats the weather like today?nHow is the weather in?nIs it always a
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