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郑 金 海 港口海岸与近海工程 2010年10月11日 国家自然科学基金项目申报国家自然科学基金项目申报 组织工作经验与体会组织工作经验与体会港航领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 China ocean engineering0.260.423Coastal engineering2.4043.114Coastal engineering journal1.0261.227Coastal management1.0631.132Ieee journal of oceanic engineering1.0961.841Journal of coastal research1.3661.021Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-asce0.8010.887Journal of hydrology2.4333.171Journal of hydrology engineering1.0981.479Ocean & coastal management0.8151.554Ocean dynamics1.6122.434Ocean engineering0.9661.06Ocean modelling2.2363.156Progress in natural science0.7040.688journal of waterway port coastal and ocean engineering-asce1.2181.25港航领域SCIE检索 期刊名称 International journal of offshore and polar engineering International journal of structural stability and dynamics Journal of hydraulic research Journal of marine science and technolog Journal of water resources planning and management-asce Marine structures Journal of materials in civil engineering 港航领域EI检索 期刊名称 ISSNChina Ocean Engineering0890-5487Journal of Hydrodynamics1001-6058Journal of Materials Science and Technology1005-0302Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition) 1004-0579Journal of Central South University of Technology1005-9784Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)1007-1172Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)1003-7985Journal of Wuhan University of Technology - Materials Science Edition1000-2413Journal of Zhejiang University science a1673-565XTsinghua Science and Technology Editor Information1007-0214Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)1672-5220Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)1005-9113港航领域EI检索 期刊名称 ISSN地球科学 学报网站1000-2383水科学进展1001-6791水利学报 学报编辑 部0559-9350 北京工业大学学报0254-0037北京航空航天大学学报 学报编辑 部1001-5965北京科技大学学报 学报编辑 部1001-053X北京理工大学学报 学报编辑 部1001-0645北京邮电大学学报 学报编辑 部1007-5321大连理工大学学报1000-8608湖南大学学报 (自然科学版)1000-2472港航领域EI检索 期刊名称 ISSN华南理工大学学报 (自然科学版) 编辑部网站1000-565X华中科技大学学报 (自然科学版)1671-4512江苏大学学报 (自然科学版)1671-7775解放军理工大学学报 (自然科学版)1009-3443南京理工大学学报 (自然科学版)1005-9830清华大学学报 (自然科学版)1000-0054天津大学学报 学报编辑 部0493-2137同济大学学报 (自然科学版)0 253-374X 土木工程学报 学报网站1000-131X中南大学学报 (自然科学版)1672-7207重庆大学学报 学报网站1000-582X港航领域会议 会议议名称 Proceedings of Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean EngineeringThe Proceedings of International Conference on Coastal EngineeringThe Proceedings of International Offshore and Polar Engineering ConferenceProceedings of International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic EngineeringProceedings of Ocean Engineering and Maritime Technology Workshop 物理海洋学领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 Progress in oceanography 3.5824.215Limnology and oceanography 3.5454.099Geophysical research letters 3.2043.341Journal of geophysical research-ocean 3.0823.475Marine pollution bulletin 2.633.079Deep-sea research part i-oceanographic research papers 2.5932.916Journal of physical oceanography 2.3822.603Journal of marine systems 2.2382.495Ocean modelling 2.2363.156Tellus series a-dynamic meteorology and oceanography 2.2142.639物理海洋学领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 Continental shelf research 2.183 2.577 Estuarine coastal and shelf science 1.97 2.366 Deep-sea research part ii-topical studies in oceanography 1.965 2.535 Journal of sea research 1.803 2.256Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 1.788 1.703Limnology and oceanography- methods 1.737 2.443Ocean dynamics 1.612 2.434Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 1.5881.81Marine and freshwater research 1.561 1.762Journal of marine research 1.556 1.828物理海洋学领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 Geo-marine letters 1.5521.566 Bulletin of marine science 1.5031.42 Journal of coastal research 1.3661.201 Journal of oceanography 1.1881.434 Helgoland marine research 1.1151.846 Atmosphere-ocean 11.491 Limnology 0.9681.044 Polar research 0.9090.352 Science in china series d-earth sciences 0.880.996 Applied ocean research 0.8071.114 物理海洋学领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 Marine geophysical researches 0.7291.27Brazilian journal of oceanography 0.6770.768Terrestrial atmospheric and oceanic sciences0.6430.899Oceanologia 0.6131.064Acta oceanologica sinica 0.4810.656Journal of marine science and technology 0.3610.562Oceanology 0.3070.388Indian journal of marine sciences 0.1020.199海洋遥感领域SCI检索 期刊名称 2010影响因子 5年期影响因子 Remote sensing of environment 3.612 4.757 Ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 2.234 2.705 Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 2.308 3.267 International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 1.776 Ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters 1.379 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 1.11 1.877 International journal of remote sensing 1.089 1.621 Giscience & remote sensing 0.957 Canadian journal of remote sensing 0.724 1.01 海洋科学会议 会议议名称 会议论议论文集检检索 Agu fall meeting Agu ocean science meeting Agu western pacific geophysics meeting International ocean-atmosphere conference Porsec (pan ocean remote sensing conference) Igarss (Ieee international geoscience & remote sensing symposium) EIIs
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