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UNIT SEVENPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSPart I LANGUAGE SKILLPART II LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPART III TOWARD PRODUCTIVE LANGUAGE若出现禁用“宏”和“ActiveX”对话框,请选择“启用”KEY WORDS MADE EASYKEY EXPRESSIONS IN USEPart I LANGUAGE SKILLBACK UNIT SEVENKEY WORDS MADE EASYRead aloud the following sentences and figure out what each italicized word means. The clue in the parentheses will help. 1. Many people compliment Mary on the design of her new dress.(praise) 2. Marys father gave an oral criticism on his son-in-laws telling a lie.(comment) 3. Hillary appreciated her husbands way of dealing with the political matters.(understood) 4. I will become confused about my future career before I graduate next year.(puzzled) 5. I couldnt forget his sweet words asking me to marry him; they were imprinted on my heart.(impressed) BACK UNIT SEVENKEY WORDS MADE EASYA Read aloud the following sentences and figure out what each italicized word means. The clue in the parentheses will help.6. His persistent way of going after the girl was very moving; the girl accepted his offer.(steady) 7. The president worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.(finally) 8. I knocked at my friends door; he ushered me into the new house.(led) 9. The weak patient was all right now; the kind nurse tended him carefully.(cared) 10. The good relationship between husband and wife can energize them for hard work.(excite)BACK UNIT SEVENA Study the following expressions.set ones standards highset oneself great goals 制定很高的标准 win sb. overgain over; succeed to do 争取过来,拉过来;战胜 warm upmake it warmer 使变暖;感到亲切;激动 be imprinted onbe impressed on 印刻,留下烙印 get alonghave good terms with. 融洽相处 give a second thoughtthink something carefully 仔细考虑KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USEBACK UNIT SEVENB Read aloud each of the following sentences. See how these expressions are used. 1. The young man did all he could to win over the pretty girl. 2. On the first date, the girl warmed up the air with a funny story. 3. Every detail of how we developed into a couple is imprinted on my mind. 4. At the initial stage of marriage, it is hard for the young couple to get along. 5. The girl wanted to break up with the boy, but her roommates asked her to give it a second thought.KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USEBACK UNIT SEVENPART II LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTREADING SELECTION: TEXT ASTUDY AND PRACTICEQUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONBACK UNIT SEVENPreview Questions Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 1. What are the prerequisites of the boyfriends or girlfriends you are looking for? 2. Do you think it (im)possible for people to have a close friend of the opposite sex without romantic involvement? 3. What are the different ways for people to find someone to marry in modern society? 4. Some people argue that it is not right for the young university students to spend time on love romance. Do you agree? Why or why not?BACK READING SELECTION: TEXT AUNIT SEVENLead-in QuestionsLead-in QuestionsWhat are the prerequisites of the boyfriends or girlfriends you are looking for? Tips: Since some students may have difficulties in finding the words to describe the personality, the following words aim to be of assistance:emotional indecisive brave diplomatic neat charming idealistic sympatheticquick-minded considerate honest independent ambitious energetic modest versatilehumorous creative nagging intolerantgenerous sensitive aggressive thrifty Lead-in QuestionsLead-in QuestionsDo you think it (im)possible for people to have a close friend of the opposite sex without romantic involvement?Tips: Possible: Friends of the opposite sex can give you the most logical, sensible, and reasonable advice. And they can be the good listeners. Impossible: The proper restraint in such friendships cannot be managed well. Often one of the boys or girls will change his or her feeling to love unconsciously. The situation is especially hard for married ones who are pressed too much by family, friends and colleagues. One will be afraid of gossip, too.Lead-in QuestionsLead-in QuestionsWhat are the different ways for people to find someone to marry in modern society? Tips: Means of meeting the other half: getting married after courting through the Internet introducing by friends or relatives arranged marriage or matched marriage meeting their future spouses by accident putting personal ad in the newspaper asking for help from a mate introducing agency being free loveLead-in QuestionsLead-in QuestionsSome people argue that it is not right for the young university students to spend time on love romance. Do you agree? Why or why not? Tips: Agree: It will take them too much time, especially for those who cannot arrange their time properly. And the main task for students is study. On the other hand, most of the students at university have no independent income. They have to ask for money from their parents. That means they have no economic support for courting. Third, the young students are not mature enough to carry
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