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案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern heroPeriod 6Writing and Writing Task 整体设计 从容说课This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. The teacher can first check the homework and review what they learned in the last lesson. Some exercises which relate to attributive clauses should be designed for revision.The emphasis of this period is laid on developing the students writing ability. This is a best way to test if the students have mastered what they have learned. The part Speaking and writing on Page 39 requires students to look at the life of Nelson Mandela, find out what happened to him in 1999, discuss in pairs what qualities make Mandela a great man and write a summary of Nelson Mandelas life or a short paragraph about their ideas on Nelson Mandela. The teacher can first talk about and discuss with thestudents information about Nelson Mandela mentioned before, ask students to read through the passage Life of Nelson Mandela to know more about his life, and then let them write the summary or the short案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法paragraph according to the steps mentioned in the textbook. After their writing, share their ideas with the whole class by asking them to read their writings aloud. Writing Task on Page 75 requires students to write a passage about a great person worth admiring. The purpose of this exercise is for students to use their personal knowledge about people in their area. They can describe a person who they think is a great person because of what this person does for thecommunity. The teacher can direct students to write their passagefollowing the structureand someusefulwords and expressions given on Page 75.Writing is a higher stage of language learning. The teacher should frequently give students some assignments of writing. Only in this way, can students usewhat they have learned more freely.教学重点Develop the studentswriting ability by writing a summary and an articrle for a newspaper. 教学难点Get thestudents to learn how to writea good article for anewspaper. 教学方法1. Task-based teaching and learning 2. Cooperative learning 3. Discussion案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法教具准备A projector and other normal teaching tools 三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn and master the new words and useful expressions:leader, president, anti, anti-black, sentence, sincerely, set up, be sentenced to 2. Get thestudents to know thestructureof apersuasion passageand writing steps. Ability aims:1. Develop the studentswriting ability.2. Get thestudents to learn how to writea good summary and anticle for a newspaper. Emotional aims:1. Enable the students to master writing skills and write excellent articles. 2. Motivate the students to learn good qualities from great people.教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法2. Correct themistake in each sentenceof thefollowing. Show thefollowing on thescreen. 1)He told us about the countries wherehevisited. 2)Thedays when wespent together cannot be easily forgotten. 3)Weshall visit the college wherehis father works there.4)This is the knife with that thedoctor did the operation. 5)I know thereason which shelooked so worried. 6)Theold man has three sons, whosetwo aredoctors. Give three minutes for students to do the exercises. Then check the answers with the whole class. Give someexplanations if necessary.Suggested answers:1)where (which/that)2)when (which/that)3)去掉 there4)that which5)which why/for which6)whose of whomStep 2 Warming up 1. Talk about and discuss with thestudents someinformation about Nelson Mandela. 2. Read the passageLife of Nelson Mandela on Page 39 to know moreabout his life.案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法3. Discuss thequestion:What qualities make Mandela a great man?Step 3 Writing()1. Divide the students into two groups. The students in Group 1 write a summary of Nelson Mandelas life. The students in Group 2 writea short paragraph about their ideas on Nelson Mandela.2. Give 5 minutes for students to writetheir summary or short paragraph. Step 4 Writing()1. Imagine now Mr. Mandela is in prison. You are going to write a letter to the President of SouthAfrica asking him to freeNelson Mandela.2. Discuss with theclass thefollowing questions: Do you remember the format of a letter?How can you persuadepeople to follow your advice? (Get the students into discussion. )3. Collect and arrangeideas for the letter.4. Begin to write theletter to the President of South Africa like this: Dear President,案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should befreed. . .(Then write your ideas one by one. Each of them should take one paragraph. It doesnt matter if thep
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