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授课人:刘明蓉21物质名词nature前不用冠词.24.the+比较级+,the+比较级 表“越越”26.能理解句意吗?(主语的同位语) Mum,what do the words on that sign“You are forbidden to take photos here ”mean? (主语的同位语) _They mean we_B_ take photos there,son. A.neednt B.mustnt C.may not27. _ _ I have trouble designing a new project in two days,Mike. Its so difficult! Take it easy._I think two days _ enough. Besides me, the rest of your friends_ going to help you.A.is/is B is/are C.are/is D.are/are 分析:把two days看作一个整体,那么谓语动词用单数。 而短语词组the rest of your friends 作主语,意在强调个 体意义,则谓语动词用复数。Eg,1. Two hours _is_ enough to clean the room2.Two thirds of the population of China_are_ farmers.29.Which能引导非限制性定语从句,而that不能。( Which在这指代什么?)B注意注意:2.:2.非非限制性定语从句中的关系代词限制性定语从句中的关系代词which which 可以代表可以代表一个词,词组,或者整个句子。一个词,词组,或者整个句子。 翻译以下句子翻译以下句子: (: (注意先找先行词注意先找先行词) ) 1) 1) 昨天我买了一本书,非常有趣。昨天我买了一本书,非常有趣。2)2)英语晚会真是很好,它是在我们教室开的。英语晚会真是很好,它是在我们教室开的。3)3)他把我的自行车丢了,我对此很不高兴。他把我的自行车丢了,我对此很不高兴。Yesterday I bought Yesterday I bought a booka book, , which which is veryis veryinteresting. interesting.The English PartyThe English Party, , whichwhich was held in our was held in our Classroom, was really good.Classroom, was really good.He lost my bikeHe lost my bike, which, which made me unhappy. made me unhappy.词词词组词组整个句子整个句子 二)完形填空的解题技巧 1、精读全文,获取大意和主旨。 2、仔细推敲,初定答案。 (1). 根据上下文确定答案。 (2). 根据惯用法或习惯搭配确定答案。(3). 运用逻辑推理判定答案。 (4). 根据词语用法确定答案。 3. 重读全文,核实答案。完形填空 31了解another/others/other/the other区别 35.根据上下文分析,推敲得到答案B 1.细节理解 2.推理判断 3.词语猜意 4.主旨大意 5.作者意图试题涉及掌握语篇主旨,事实细节、深层含义、推理判断、猜测词义等多方面的阅读能力考查。设题通常考虑以下四个方面。 1. 直观性问题。直接引用原文中的语句或根据短文中原语句稍加改动而编成。 2. 常识性问题。考查学生依据短文信息,并根据自己所具备的一般常识作出判断的题型 3. 理解性问题。考查学生对文章的中心思想,某段的段落大意,某一事实的细节及作者意图等的理解程度。 4. 推理性问题。这类题需在深刻理解短文后,再经过推理判断才能选出正确答案。it it 可用来指代前文提到的那个事物 ,前后是同一个事物。 The weather here is quite cold. I dont like it. I cant find my pen. I dont know where I put it.3.2.作形式主语替代不定式 1). It takes sb. . to do sth. 做要花费某人 It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall. 2). It is kind ( of sb. ) to do sth. 主句中的形容词必须是表示人的品质特征的形容词。 常见的有: bad , brave , careless, clever , foolish ,stupid , wise wrong 等。 It is very kind of you to lend me so much money. 3). It is necessary ( for sb. ) to do sth. 常见的形容词有: important, necessary, easy , safe , hard , difficult ,dangerous 等。 句中的形容词作表语。It is important for you to learn English well.2.形式宾语2)I think it no use crying over spilt milk.3)I believe it amazing that he made such a mistake.1)I find it easier to say than to do.。3) 代替(to do sth./doing sth./that clause)3.强调句(amphatic sentence)结构: It is (was)+被强调部分+that/who +句子其它成分 It was yesterday that I saw Tom here It was here that I saw Tom yesterday3).It is +v-ed +that 从句 It is said (reported, believed , known) that . 据说(据报道,人们相信,众所周知) It is said that he has come to Beijing. 4).It作形式主语,构成一些常用句式。如It happens (seems, appears ) that . 碰巧 似乎是 看来是 该句型中it是形式主语, that 引导的是主语从句 It happened that he met his teacher in the street. It seems that he will be back in a few days. one one用来指代前文出现的可数名词,表示 同类事物中的一个. I dont have a dictionary, I want to buy one. I have a bike. Do you have one? 我有一辆自行车,你有吗? 而ones用来替代泛指的复数名词。 The apples are expensive, I want to buy the cheaper ones.that that可用来指代前文出现的可数名词单数 或不可数名词。若指代内容为复数,常用 those,以避免重复。 The population of China is larger than that of the USA. The cars made in America are much cheaper than those in China.( )2. She must be _ honest girl ,because she wants to be _ usefulperson when she grows up.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a ; aB/ ju: /元音前 “ 一个” an( )3.The _ you study, the _ progress you will make.A:hard/ much B:harder/more C:harder/mostB1-Tts surprising that he got such a high mark . He doesnt workhard at all. -I wonder _ it. A:where did he do B:how he didC:whe did he do D:that he didB I found _ possible to succeed if I tried my best. A. it B. that C. oneAEx . Youve dropped _ “s” in the word “necessary”. Oh, _ letter “s” is doubled.A. a; a B. a; theC. an; theD. the; the/es/_3._ I cant find my pen . DO you know where is _?_ No, why not buy another _? A. it, one B. that ,one C. this , it D. it , that_It: 同一个 ; one: 同一类 , 复数ones; that : 不可数名词或指示代词4. _ Who teaches _English?_ No one. I teach _. A. you; myself B. your; myself C. you; me _Note: teach sb宾格. Sth. teach oneself =learn by oneself 5.The number of the students in our school is about nine _. _ of them are boys. A. hundred; Two thirds B. hundred; Two third C. hundreds; Two thirds D. hundreds; Two third基子序母,基1,序复数_四、书面表达做题步骤:四、书面表达做题步骤:1 审题:审清作文体裁(类型)时态、人称等细节;2 列提纲(文章结构框架):分几段,以及每段大体 内容;3. 三思:词汇短语句式;还有拼写,语法和连 贯。五、作文一般框架:五、作文一般框架:文章分3段:(1)总起句:概括性强,最多2句话引入主题;(2)正文主要内容:层次性强,一定要有过渡型连接词。(3)结尾:紧扣主题,2句话内结束,尽量升华。要注意:1.按照题目要点写,不要写漏了某个或几个信息;多使用简单句,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型写; 几种句型交替使用,以避免重复和
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