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Unit25, 26Unit 25 一、词组: 1.看录像带 2.骑摩托车 3.复习功课 4.学俄语 5.看起来很累 6. 看小说 7.发生点儿意外 8. 走过 watch video tapes ride a motorbike review lessons learn Russian look tired read a novel have a little accident walk past 13.pick it / them up 把它(它们)捡起 14. give it / them back to me 把它(它们)还给我 15. a traffic accident 一次交通事故 16. fall off the truck 从卡车上落下 17.in the middle of the road路中间 18. shout to the driver 朝司机喊 19. cause an accident 引起事故 20. the sound of a motorbike 摩托车的声音21. the man on the motorbike骑摩托车的人 22. notuntil 直到. 才 23. hit the bag of rice 撞了一袋米 24. lie on the road 躺在地上 25. be badly hurt 伤得严重 26. crowd round sb. 围着某人 27. as quickly as she could 尽快地 28. call the police 报警 29. hurry up 匆匆地 30. hurry off 匆匆离开31.a 38-year-old woman一位38岁的女士 32. be worried about 担心 33. the steering wheel 驾驶盘 34. at once 立即;马上 35. mouth-to-mouth breathing 人工呼吸 36. come to oneself 苏醒;恢复知觉二、 句型: 1. Youd better (not) do sth.Eg: Youd better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can. 2. Its really nice/ good /kind of sb.to do sth. Eg: Its really nice of you. 3. Dont mention it. 4. Lets move the bag, or it may cause an accident. 5. Dont crowd round him. 6. Ill go with Lin Tao to move the bag of rice out of the road. 7. After they moved the bag away, the girls let the traffic go again.8. As quickly as she could, Miss Zhaogot a medicine box. 9. With the box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. 10. Mr Javkson jumped into the water at once. 11.Back on land, he gave Mrs Beetmouth-to-mouth breathing. Soonthe lady came to herself Unit 26 一、词组: 1. be robbed 被抢劫了 2. the most hard-working person 3. TV / film / singing /sports star 4. at the moment 5. set off 6. here and there 7. on watch 8. Look out. 9. in front 10. come to a stop11.get into 12. make room for take ones place be married 15. more than lose ones life 17.for example 18. sink into the sea 19. save people21. by the way 22. all the year round 23. another way of 24. a day or two 25. ask for sick leave 26. right leg 27. lay eggs 28.stand on ones toes 29.hold ones head 30. some day 31.rub necks together 32. look up 33. a note for sick leave二、句型: 1.Its ones turn to do sth. Eg: It your turn to tell me your favourite film. 2. Whats another way of saying ? 3. be happy / glad to do sth. Eg: Im so happy to see my uncle. 。 4. Who do you think is the best in(at) physics in your class ? Who is the most hard-working person in his class? 5. What is the most popular song at the moment? 6. Whats your favourite film ? 7. Its hard to say because I like many films.8. Mrs Jones house was robbed last night. 9. One afternoon in April 1912, a new ship set off from England to Americaon its first trip.10. The trip was pleasant and peoplewere enjoying themselves. 11. The ship hit the iceberg and came to a stop. 12. Theres no more room here. 13. It is terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea. 14. There were not enough lifeboats and the Californian arrived too late to save more people. 15. You have to write to your teacher to ask for two days sick leave.投资理财 https:/www.imoney888.com/ 投资理财 yrk196utb 人类的生存、生活及其它活动离不开物质基础,与理财密切相关。 是世俗,还是依旧天真?长时间写作,是独自在黑暗里前行,要面对未知的恐怖和长久的无望。没有同事、没有朋友,在闹市中隐居,渐渐发现自己失 去与世界的联系。但是,如果不写作,自己也不知道能做什么,远离人群太久,会惧怕回到人群之中,不能适应与人的交往。就像看见一艘旧船破了一个洞,海水灌进来,船身不断被水淹没下沉,但是无能为力。一种明白无误的自我损毁。有时候很长时间写不出一个字,不知道写什么,为何而写。长时间失眠,日夜颠倒。这是工作与生活太过密切的弊端,二者已 经无法剥离。不像曾经朝九晚五时一般,工作与生活的界限确切分明。即使有加班,即使工作时有忙碌,只要一下班,工作就 脱离而去。写作不是,它需要能随时开始随时结束,生活与工作的界限越来越模糊不清,密不可分。
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