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国际贸易实务习题集3Chapter 4 .Judge the following statement, mark True (T) or False(F) 1. Symbolic delivery is most risky to the seller. ( ) 2. In international trade, the buyer can not be responsible for the transport on FOB basis; however, they should be responsible for it under CFR and CIF term. ( ) 3. Suppose you are importer, you will select hard currency to go through Your business. ( ) 1. F 2. F 3. F 4.Under the EXW term, the seller should clear goods for export. ( ) 5.Warsaw-Oxford Rules clearly explain the thirteen kinds of trade terms incurrent use. ( ) 6. Under CIF term,the seller is responsible for marine insurance,but under CFR term,it is borne by buyer, so on the former occasion the seller take responsible for the risk about loss and damage during transit ,and on the latter occasion the buyer is responsible for it. ( ) 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. CFR Landed indicates that the seller must guarantee the arrival of the goods at the destination without any damage. ( ) 8. 根据贸易术语的作用,我们称FOB为离 岸价,CIF为到岸价( ) 9. All the trade terms on D group is arrival price .( ) 10. 国际贸易买卖合同的有关规定必须与有 关国贸易惯例的规定相符,否则仲裁机构或 法院有权根据有关惯例的规定解释合同条款 。( ) 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. F . Monomial Choice 1. According to the stipulation of INCOTERMS 2000,FOB is only suitable for _transportation. A. SEA B. INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT C. RAILWAY D. SEA AND INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT 2. INCOTERMS 2000规定,CFR条件下卸货时可 能形成的驳船费( ) A. 由买方承担 B. CFR Landed条件下由买方承担 C. 由卖方承担 D. CFR Ex Ships hold条件下由买方负担 3. Regarding the expenses borne by the seller,the following correct one is ( ) A.FOBCFRCIF B.FOBCIFCFR C.CIFCFRFOB D.CIFFOBCFR 4. 从启运地到目的地的运输责任和费用均由 买方承担,即所谓“MAIN FREIGHT UNPAID”的贸易术语是( ) A. E组 B. F组 C. D组 D. C组 5. FOB条件下, DEAD FREIGHT和 DEMURRAGE分别表示( ) A.空舱费、仓储费 B.空舱费、滞期费 C.滞期费、仓储费 D.仓储费、滞期费 6. Under( )terms, the sellers responsible is minimum. A.FOB B.DAF C.EXW D.FAS 7. 一般情况下CIF价比FOB价要多考 虑( ) A.国外运费、国内费用 B.国外运费、国外保险费C.国外保险费、国内费用 D.国外保险费、净利润 8. Regarding the risks borne by the seller, DES and CIF ( ) A.CIFDES B.DESCIF C.DES=CIF 9. Under( )terms, the sellers responsible is maximum. A.DDU B.DAF C.EXW D.DDP 10. 制定1932年华沙牛津规则 的国际组织是( )。 A.国际法协会 B.国际商会 C.联合国贸易署 D.商业协会 11. 在国际贸易中,COMMISSION和 DISCOUNT分别表示( ) A.代理费,抵押费 B.佣金,折扣 C. 佣金,折扣 D.佣金,抵押费 12. Suppose you are an exporter ,please pick our the correct expressing ( ) A . US$100 PER DOZEN FOB NEWYORK B . US$ 136 PER CASE CIF TIANJIN C. 156 PER PIECE FOB GUANGZHOU NET D. US$ 200 PER CASE CIF HONGKONG NET 13.正确表示含佣价的是( )。 A. FOBS B. FOBT C. FOBC D. FOBST 14. CFR术语的变形是为了解决( ) 。 A.装运费用负担问题 B.卸货费用负担问题 C.交货地点问题 D.风险划分问题 15. 一般情况下,CIF条件下不需卖方 自费负担的是( )。 A. 水上运输保险 B. 运输单据 C. 保险单据 D. 进口许可证 16. FOB条件下,买方未经卖方同意 提前派船到港,则卖方( )。 A.有权拒绝交货,但需承担空舱费 B.无权拒绝交货,但可以索赔 C.有权拒绝交货,不承担空舱费 D.必须马上交货 17. 按通则解释,采用FCA成交是, 风险转移标志为( )。 A. 货到目的港 B. 货交买方 C. 货交承运人 D. 运输代理人承 担 18. 下列各项中有关CFR叙述错误的是 ( )。 A.全文是Cost and Freight B.又称运费在内价 C.水上运输保险由卖方负责 D.卖方负责租船订舱国际贸易实务THANK YOU
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