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案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法英语: Unit2 What is happiness to you教案 Grammarand Usage(译林牛津版选修 6)GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to usethe past and the futuretenses properly.2. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help thestudents learn how to usethe past and thefuturetenses.3Teaching important points 教学重点Theusage of thepast and the futuretenses.4Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to teach the students to usethepast and the futuretenses.案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法5Teaching methods 教学方法Explaining and practising.6Teaching aids 教具准备A multimedia computer.7Teaching procedures ways 教学过程与方式Step RevisionT: Yesterday, we learned somewords and also some English idioms about emotions. Lets have arevision.Try to explain them in English. Thefirst one: hot under thecollar?S: Theidiom means that somebody is very angry.T: Do you agree?Ss:Yes.T: Next one: down in thedumps?案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法S: Let me have a try. Theidiom expressed the feeling of sadness.T: You are right. Thelast one: on cloud nine?S: That means someone is very happy.T: Correct!You all have donea good revision.Step PresentationShow students thefollowing sentences, and ask them to speak out thedifference.1. He went to Paris two years ago.2. He will go to Paris next year.T: Please look at thetwo sentences. Can you tell the differencebetween them?S: The first sentence talks about something that happened in the past and the second sentence talks aboutsomething that happens in the future.T: Exactly!案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法Step ExplanationGet thestudents to talk about the different forms of thepast tense and the futuretense.T: We have learned what the past tense is and what thefuturetense is. Thereare many forms of each tense.Lets deal with thepast tense first. Please look at thefollowing sentences.Show students thefollowing sentences.1. Sang Lan was born in Ningbo, China in 1981.2. She knew that in thoseyears she was making her parents proud.3. Instead of crying about what shehad lost, Sang Lan thought about what shecould do to get better.4. By the time she competed in the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnastfor eleven years.T: First, look at the four sentences. Do they havesomething in common?S: Yes! They all usethe past tense.案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法T: But there are also differences among them. Can you tell the differences? Next, discuss with yourpartners. Pay attention to theitalic words.Several minutes later.T: Can you show your opinions now?Ss:Yes.S: In the first sentenceweusethesimple past tense to talk about something happened in thepast.T: Very good. What about the second sentence?S: I think it means something happened in thepast and continued for sometime.T: Very good! Thank you! Now lets move to the last two sentences.S: They are both used in the past perfect tense. By looking at the two sentences, I think we use the pastperfect tenseto talk about things that happened in the past and stopped before another past action began.T: Excellent! But I think you are partly right. Do thetwo sentences express thesamemeaning?S: Thefourth sentencemeans the thing happened in the past and at that time another past action began.案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法T: Thats it! Just now wetalked about different forms of the past tense. And later, wewill do more practiceabout them. Now lets move to the future tense. Please look at the following sentences. Can you tell thedifference?Show students thefollowing sentences:1. She will comewith us to watch thefootball match tomorrow.2. I shall work hard and learn to becomea gymnast.3. Today, Im going to talk about how to find happiness.4. Dr Brain will be talking about success next time.5. Before shewent to the Goodwill Games, Sang Lan told her parents shewas going to win her event.Several minutes laterT:Are you ready to show meyour answers?Ss:Yes!S: I will have a try. In sentences1, 2, 3 the simple future tense is used. When the subject is the first案例教学常用操作方法不同管理思想的特点及其主要学派的基本观点高考阅读 七选五解题方法国务院要求加快制定网络安全电子商务法person, weusually useshall instead of will.T: You are right. Then when shall weuse“be going to”?S: I think when wewant to talk about futureplans and intentions, wecan use“begoing to”.T: Very good.You got the answer. What about sentence4?S: Sentence 4 uses the futurecontinuous tense. This sentence is used to talk about something that will startin the futureand continuefor sometime.T: Excellent! Thefifth sentenceis used in the future in the past. When shall weusethis tense?S: When wewant to talk about an event which was in the futureat the time when it was discussed.T: You got the answer. Good job! Next Ill show you further explanations about futuretense.Show thefollowing to the students and ask them to take somenotes
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