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PSY 369: PsycholinguisticsIntroductions, Syllabus & Brief History of PsycholinguisticsYour syllabusnCan be found on-linenThrough Blackboardnhttp:/blackboard.ilstu.edunLogin and password - use your ULIDnAlso accessible at:http:/www.psychology.ilstu.edu/jccutti/psych369/sp12/sp12syllabus.htmlWhat is “psycholinguistics”?What is “psycholinguistics”?PsychoLinguisticsThe study of language from a psychological perspective.What is “psycholinguistics”?Knives R usHow are these two going to communicate? What are the “issues” going to be?What is “psycholinguistics”?Mental Processes-Short Term Memory-Long Term Memory-Encoding-Retrieval-Mental RepresentationsLinguistic Theory - Phonology - Morphology - Syntax - Semantics - RulesPsychoLinguisticsPsycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:The ancient Greeks: Noticed that brain damage could cause aphasia Aristotle: objects of the world exist independent of language and that definite words are subsequently allied to these objectsPsycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:Paul Broca (1861): described a patient who could say only one word.“tan.“ damage to part of the left frontal cortex(“Brocas Area”)Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:Karl Wernicke (1876): Found that damage to posterior part of the temporal lobe caused a different kind of language problems. Wernickes AreaPsycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics (1800s):Philosophers of Language: Wittgenstein: underlying logic of language Russell: reference and language universals Frege: sense and reference (meaning)Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:Merringer & Meyer (1895): Speech errors reveal properties of linguistic systempsycINFO16 Pre 1920Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:Wilhelm Wundt: Physiologist Established the first psychological laboratory Wrote about language Early theory of language productionpsycINFO16 Pre 1920Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics:Ferdinand de Saussure: Linguist Separation of historical linguistics and descriptive linguisticspsycINFO16 Pre 1920Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Pre-psycholinguistics: From the 1920s to the mid 1950s Psychology wasdominated by behaviorism John B. Watson (1920): Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? Leonard Bloomfield (1935): LanguagepsycINFO3990 1920-50Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):Lashley (1951): Neuropsychologist Argued that the structure of a sentences mustbe more than just associations between adjacent wordspsycINFO2911 1951-60Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):1951: Social Science Research Council Conference which invited many of the mostprominent psychologists and linguists Often identified as the “birth” of psycholinguisticspsycINFO2911 1951-60Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):1953: Another conference Included psychologists, linguists, anthropologists, and communication engineers First time the term psycholinguistics is used Birth of Cognitive SciencepsycINFO2911 1951-60Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):Defense department funds projects: Machine translators Machine speech processors The beginnings of the field of artificial intelligence researchpsycINFO2911 1951-60Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):B. F. Skinner (1957): Behavioral psychologist Published Verbal Behavior In-depth analysis of language within thebehavioral frameworkpsycINFO2911 1951-60Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Dawn of psycholinguistics (50s):Noam Chomsky : Linguist (1957) published Syntactic Structures (1959) book review of Verbal BehaviorpsycINFO2911 1951-60Chomskyan revolutionnMajor proposals/innovations nDevelop a grammar that can generate an infinite number of grammatical sentencesnTransformational-generative grammarnLanguage acquisition - innate universal grammarnLimited explicit instruction for language learnersnArguments against behaviorist accounts of languagenOften credited with the downfall of behaviorismPsycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Psycholinguistics (60s):George Miller Cognitive psychologist Collaborated with Chomsky Beginnings of the search for the psychologicalreality of linguistic rulespsycINFO4221 1961-70Psycholinguistics : A brief history1900102050607080902000Psycholinguistics (60s):The search for psychological reality of syntactic transformations begins e.g., studies by Bever, Fodor, and GarrettpsycINFO4221 1961-70Psycholinguistics : A b
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