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诸城繁华中学高二英语学案诸城繁华中学高二英语学案UnitUnit 5 5 TheThe PowerPower ofof NatureNature 课文预习学案课文预习学案 教师寄语:教师寄语:A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问 LearningLearning aims:aims: 1.ToTo graspgrasp thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe text.text. 2.2. ToTo findfind outout thethe difficultdifficult phrasesphrases andand sentencessentences andand thenthen reciterecite them.them. StepStep 1 1 .Read.Read thethe texttext andand finishfinish thethe exercisesexercises onon P128P128 基础训练基础训练StepStep 2 2 1) Read the text quickly and find out the key words(关键词)of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 _ Paragraph 2 _ Paragraph 3 _ Paragraph 4 _ 2)2) IntensiveIntensive ReadingReading ParagraphParagraph 1 1location _Position _Height _ Changbaishan Rare animals _The aims of visitors _The most attraction _ ParagraphParagraph 2 2 introductionintroduction _Height_Height_TianchiTianchi Depth_Depth_Sight_Sight_ParagraphParagraph 3 3 FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith somesome personspersons oror animalsanimals toto completecomplete thethe chart.chart.Bathing 1_2_flewflew5_ dropped friut swallowedswallowedfather gavegave birthbirth toto 4 _ pregnantpregnant 3 3_ParagraphParagraph 4 4 : coincoinYou and your _ one drop a _ into the clear, blue water to _ your love will be as _ and _ as the lake. StepStep 3.3. readread thethe texttext againagain andand findfind outout thethe followingfollowing phrases.phrases. 1. 茂密的森林_ 2. 从到不等_3. .的家园_4. 一些人另外一些_5. 与有关,关于_6. 得到回报_7. 生孩子_8. 之父_9. 所爱的人_10.确保_Step4Step4 FindFind outout thethe sentencessentences thatthat youyou cantcant understand.understand._UnitUnit 5 5 TheThe lakelake ofof heavenheaven 课文学案 诸城繁华中学高二英语学案 编写人:李润梅 审核人:杨爱霞 教师寄语教师寄语:A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学 问 Learning aims: 1. To check the preview work 2. To understand the text and deal with some difficulties. Step 1: Check the preview work 1) Changbaishan Tianchi stories coin 2) ParagraphParagraph 1:1: ChangbaishanChangbaishan L Location(位于): JilinJilin ProvinceProvincePosition : ChinasChinas largestlargest naturenature reservereserveHeight: variesvaries fromfrom 700700 m m toto 2,0002,000 m mRare animals: : cranes,cranes, blackblack bears,bears, leopardsleopards andand tigerstigers The aims of visitors : : ToTo studystudy thethe plantsplants andand animalsanimals ; ; ToTo walkwalk inin thethe mountains;mountains; ToTo seesee thethe waterfallswaterfalls ; ; ToTo bathebathe inin thethe hothot waterwater poolspools The most popular attraction:Tianchi,:Tianchi, thethe LakeLake ofof HeavenHeaven ParagraphParagraph 2:2: Introduction:Introduction: a a deepdeep lakelake hashas formedforme
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