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用心 爱心 专心- 1 -Chapter1.Chapter1. MyMy FavoriteFavorite Sport-SkiingSport-Skiing GrammarGrammar 学案学案一、章节分析一、章节分析(一)综述(一)综述本章节主要语法-情态动词是表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气等,本身有一定的词义,这一点与实义动词相近,但情态动词不能单独作谓语, 只能辅助其他动词构成谓语。本章节语法教学要让学生对情态动词的基本含义,及用法有基本的了解。(二)目标(二)目标讲解几个重点和较为常用的情态动词的相关用法。(三)教学方法(三)教学方法 口语情景教学法。 (教师创设情境,通过对于课文和日常生活的谈论,在口头表达之中加操练态动词的运用)(四)重点和难点(四)重点和难点A 部分的情态动词 must, have to, should, ought to二、快捷识记二、快捷识记情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能” 、 “应当” 、 “必要”等等,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独作谓语。1. can 与 could I can do it well. 我能做好。 (表能力)She can be free this Sunday. 她这个星期天可能有空。 (表可能性)How can you be so careless! 你怎么这样粗心! (表惊异)What you told me cant be true. 你跟我讲的不可能是真的。 (表怀疑) Could you give me some help? 你可以帮帮我吗? ( 委婉提问) 2. may 与 might May I come in? 我可以进来吗? ( 表允许) 在回答 may 的问句时,要尽量避免直接用 may 或 may not, 而用其他的方式来代替。-May I come in?- Yes, please. 或 Certainly.等-No, please dont 或 No, you mustnt. “ 不行。 ”He may be at home. 他可能在家。 ( 表可能,也许)If he were here, you might get some help from him. 他要是在这儿,你或许能从他那里得到一些帮助。 ( 在虚拟条件句中表假设 )用心 爱心 专心- 2 -3. will 与 would will 表示“意志、意愿” ,可用于多种人称。在疑问句中用于第二人称时,表示询问对方的意愿或向对方提出请求。例如:We will help him if he asks us to do.Will you give him a message when you see him?would 是 will 的过去式,表示过去时间的“意志、意愿” , 可用于多种人称。若表示说话人的意愿或向对方提出请求,语气比 will 婉转,表示现在时间。例如:They said that they would help us.Would you like some coffee?4. shall 和 should在疑问句中,shall 用来征询对方意见或请求指示、用于第一、三人称。Where shall we wait for you?Shall I start the work now?should 作为情态动词,表示“劝告、建议” ,常译为“应该” 。You should keep your promise.Young people should learn new things.should 用于疑问句或感叹句中(表示意外、惊异等,意为“竟会” , 与 how, why , who 连用。例如:How should I know?Who should come in but he president himself!5. 情态动词+have done 表示“可能已经”, “ 想必已经”, “本来可能”等意思,是对过去情况的判断。例如:He must have arrived there. 他一定到那儿了。He can have understood what you had said. 他可能已经听懂你所说的了。You could have done it better. 你本来可以做得更好的。We ought to have given you more help. 我们本应该给你更多帮助的。You neednt have told them that. 你本来不必告诉他们的。三三随堂过关随堂过关I. 用适当的情态动词填空。用心 爱心 专心- 3 -1) My friend John _ to smoke, but now he doesnt.2) - Could I borrow your dictionary?- Oh, of course you _.3) She _ bring me little presents when she came to our house.4) If you want help, let me know, _ you? 5) You _ go to Beijing by air or by train.6) A soldier _ shave every morning in that country.7) - Shall I tell John about it?- No, you _. Ive told him already.8) At that time they thought the story _ be true.9) Its a secret. You _ tell other people. 10) _ you come a little earlier?II. 单项选择:1. He knew he _ tell her that.A. ought not B. ought to not C. didnt ought to D. ought not to2. In those days, whenever I had difficulties, I _ Mr. Shen for help.A. used to go to B. was used to go to C. would go to D. used to going to 3. Who _ to meet us but the manager!A. is coming B. will come C. should come D. has come4. If we had taken the other road, we _ earlier.A. might arrive B. had arrived C. might be arriving D. might have arrived5. The boy _ the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adult.A. has finished reading B. will finish reading C. cant have finished reading D. cant have finished to read6. I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left 用心 爱心 专心- 4 -C. cant have left D. neednt leave7. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady.A. might B. need C. should D. would8. Mr. Zhang _ come to the party, but perhaps he will go to see his father. A. must B. should C. may D. ought to 9. - Must I do it now?- No, you _.A. wont B. neednt C. cant D. couldnt10. Put on more clothes. You _ be feeling cold with only a shirt on in such cold winter.A. can B. may C. would D. must11. This pen _ his; he was not here in the morning.A. mustnt B. can not be C. should not be D. may not be12. The book is borrowed from a friend. You _ you children put dots and lines here and there. A. shouldnt be letting B. neednt have let C. shouldnt have let D. ought to not have let13. We came early and had to wait two hours before the ceremony began. We _.A. should not hurry B. must not have hurriedC. need not hurry D. need not have hurried14. He_ to speak with them but they appeared to be in a hurry.A. would stop B. will stop C. would have stopped D. would be stopping15. He didnt even turn his head when I shouted at him. He _ a deaf man.A. is B. should C. must be D. must have been16. The mother is telling her son, “You _ eat with
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