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用心 爱心 专心1UnitUnit 2 2 GrowingGrowing painspains 学习目标预览学习目标预览Words:Words: vacation n. 假期,休假curtain n. 窗帘 sink n. 水池,水槽,洗碗池garbage U 垃圾 leave vt. 使处于某种状态,听任forbid v. (forbad(e), forbidden) 禁止 scene n.(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色grandparent n. 祖父(母) ;外祖父(母) mark n. 分数;标志;记号period n. 时间段,时期,阶段 selfish adj. 自私的 suggest v. 建议;暗示,使想起 suggestion n. 建议 behaviour n. 行为 behave v. (行为或举止)表现 interest v. 使感兴趣 interesting adj. 有趣的,有意思的 interested adj.感 兴趣的 explain v. 解释 explanation n. 解释 touch v. 触摸 touched adj. 感动的 touching adj. 感人的,令人感动的 explain v. 解释 explanation n. 解释 reason n. 理由 reasonable adj. 合乎情理的 unreasonable adj. 不合乎情理的 punish v. 惩罚 punishment n. 惩罚 unpunished adj. 免受惩罚的 go unpunished 没 受惩罚 bore v. 使厌倦 bored adj. 感到厌倦了的 boring adj. 令人厌倦的 mix v. 混合;混淆 mixture n. 混合物 value n. 价值 valuable adj. 宝贵的,有价值的 n. 贵重物品 valueless adj. 不值钱的,没有价值的 argue v. 争论 argument n. 议论,争论,论点 freedom n. 自由 free adj. 自由的;有空的 true adj. 真诚的,真实的 truly adv. UsefulUseful expressions:expressions: be supposed to do sth. 应该做,被期待做某事 be in charge of sth. 负责某事 be in ones charge / be in the charge of sb. 由某人负责 punish sb. for sth. /for doing sth 因(做)某事而惩罚某人 argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事,就某事和某人争吵 be upset about / over sth. 为而感到心烦意乱 make a difference 产生差异,使有所不同,起重要作用 forbid sb. to do sth. / forbid sb. from doing doing 禁止某人做某事 Whats up? 怎么了?be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻 in the form of a dialogue 以对话的形式should have done sth. 本应该做某事而未 做 followed by a big dog 身后跟着一条大狗go unpunished 饶过;没被惩罚 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事 have ones arms crossed 双臂交叉 turn up the radio a little 把收音机音量开大一点 leave out 漏掉after all 毕竟;别忘了 at present 目前,当前like crazy 发疯似地,拼命地 do sth. like crazy 疯狂地干某事用心 爱心 专心2in ones spare time 在某人业余时间里keep sth. in mind 牢记 be meant to be / mean to be 本意为in a mess 处于混乱状态 go out (灯)熄灭do with 处理 now that 既然,由于insist on 坚持 get the room tidied up 把房间整理好clean up 收拾干净 the only child 独生子deserve to do sth. 配得上做某事 not any more 不再,再也不as though 似乎,好像 have a good laugh over 对大加嘲笑mix up 混淆,混合 be related to 和有关系of great value 有很大价值 Internet caf 网吧be proud of 以为自豪 stay up late 不睡觉,熬夜到很晚fail (in) the Maths test 没有通过数学 测试 be proud of 以为自豪take / follow ones advice 接受某人的 忠告 stay up late 不睡觉,熬夜到很晚fail (in) the Maths test 没有通过数学 测试 take / follow ones advice 接受某人的忠告prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人 做某事 waste some time doing sth. 浪费时间做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事I.I. VocabularyVocabulary surprisesurprise vt. 使惊奇,是震惊U 惊奇,诧异C 使人吃惊的事,出人意料 surprisedsurprised adj.“感到惊讶的” ,指某人对某事感到震惊 surprisingsurprising adj. “使人惊奇的;惊人的” ,事物本身令人惊讶则用 surprising 搭配搭配bebe surprisedsurprised atat 对感到吃惊 inin surprisesurprise 惊奇地 toto onesones surprisesurprise 使某人吃惊的是1. _ ( surprise ) at the _ (surprise ) news, the _ (surprise ) student said with a _ (surprise ) look, “Its really very _ (surprise )”. 2. The _ look on his face suggested he _ that. A. surprised; wouldnt have expected B. surprising; hadnt expected C. surprising; would expect D. surprised; hadnt expected 3. 使我感到惊奇的是,我父亲对这个令人震惊的消息并不感到惊讶。_.dodo withwith 处理 WhatWhat dodo withwith 如何处理;如何摆置;对付 注意:注意:dealdeal withwith 和和 howhow 连用。连用。 What have you done with my pen? Put it away.用心 爱心 专心3“你把我的钢笔弄到哪里去了?” “收起来了。 ” How do you deal with it and what should I do with it? 你是怎样处理这件事的? 我又该怎么处理? 你打算如何处理这么多废纸?_.chargecharge 用法用法 charge v. 要价,要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电;*指控;猛攻; n. “收费,费用,价钱” ,charge 是普通用语,泛指生活个方面所花费的“价 钱、费用” ,尤指某种服务的费用。 chargecharge 构成的短语:构成的短语: chargecharge sbsb somesome moneymoney forfor 因为某物收某人多少钱 freefree ofof chargecharge 免费的,免除了的费用 ( = for free ) inin chargecharge ofof“负责,管理” ,表示主动意义,of 的宾语是所管理的事物。 inin / / underunder thethe chargecharge ofof “在的管理下,由负责” 。 of 后只能接管理 者。(= in ones charge)I charged two dollars for repairing the bike, but he didnt have that money on him. He had no money and the doctor promised to treat him free of charge. 尽管他 没有钱,但医生答应给他免费治疗。Ill be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director was away. Can I have a word with the doctor in charge of the operation? 我可以和负责 这次手术的 大夫说句话吗? 那个饭店一间房一个晚上收了我 50 元。_. 杰克是负责这个项目的工程师。_.faultfault 多指性格、品质上的弱点、行为上的过失,强调过失应负的责任。 ItsIts sbssbs fault.fault. 是某人的错。 findfind faultfault withwith sb.sb.挑剔某人的毛病;找某人的茬 “这是我的责任,不是你的责任。 ” (fault) “The fault lies with me, not with you.” Whose fault is it that we are late? Its not my fault. “我们迟到是谁的过错啊?” “错不在我。 ” He is always finding fault with me the way I do things. 他总是对我的作 法百般挑剔。gogo outout 外出,出门 (火、灯)熄灭用心 爱心 专心4Can I go out to play, Mom? 妈,我可去外面玩吗? 昨晚我们正在做作业,突然灯灭了。_
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