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affect 影响;感动attention 注意;立正bite 咬;一口contain 包含;克制drug 药;毒品effect 结果;效果fierce 凶猛的;狂热的hunt 猎取;追赶loss 遗失;亏损mosquito 蚊子peace 平静,安宁,和平powerful 强大的,有力的protection 保护,警戒recently 最近,近来reserve 储备,储备金species 种,种类suggest 建议;暗示supply 供应(量)trick 诡计,骗局;恶作剧wild 野生的;荒凉的重点词语 单词拼写 1. We are going to build a school in this a_.2. A_ please, fellow! We have got new task.3. The dog has b_ a hole in my trousers.4. Beer c_ alcohol.reattensionittenontains单词拼写 5. The army advanced to meet the e_.6. War started again after eight years of p_.7. Things got so bad r_ that he decided to go on a diet.8. its warmer to wear a f_ coat than a cotton one in winter.nemyeaceecentlyur重点词组 as a result 结果come into being 形成;产生die out 灭亡;逐渐消失in danger 在危险中;重危in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地pay attention to 注意protectfrom 保护不受词语拓展 protect v. 保护protection n. 保护protective adj. 保护的protector n. 保护者词语拓展 affect v. 影响,感动;喜爱affection n. 影响;爱(情)affected adj.做作的;假装的affectionate adj. 深情的词语拓展 Milu deer 麋鹿antelope 羚羊rhino 犀牛panda 熊猫WWF(World Wide Fund) 世界野生生物基金会millipede 千足虫1. As a result, many of them have died out. result n. 结果;效果拓展: as a result 结果是as a result of 因为,由于in the result 结果是with the result that 为此,因此without result 毫无结果,徒劳result in 结果为,终归,导致result from 源自, 因为即学即练 Fill in the blanks with as a result of, result in and result from.1. The terrible accident _ his carelessness.2. He was late _ the snow.3. This illness will _ total blindness if left untreated.resulted fromas a result ofresult indie out 灭亡;逐渐消失拓展:die to/from 因而死die away (声音、风等)逐渐减弱,消失die down (植物)枯萎、凋谢;渐渐消失die off 相继死亡;绝种;枯死2. Daisy hurried to get dressed and put on her jeans and sweater.戴西急忙穿戴起来,她穿好牛仔裤和毛衣。辨析: wear, put on, dress, be dressed in, have on, try on, be in, be on etc.have on 表状态, 不用进行时态;wear 表状态,可广泛用于“穿衣服,袜 子,戴帽子、手套、眼镜等。put on 表动作 “穿上”try on 表动作 “试穿”dress vt. 给某人穿衣,vi. 穿上衣服be dressed in 穿着be in 穿着,可跟衣服名称或表示颜 色的词,主语是人。be on 穿着,on 是副词,后不接宾语,主语是衣服,鞋帽等。3. I would like to see the animals that gave fur to make this sweater.我想去看看为做这件毛衣而提供毛绒的那种 动物。would like 想,愿意,后接名词、代词、 不定式作宾语,也可表达 would like sb. To do.拓展:1. would like/love to +have done 本愿意做 但实际没有做,是对过去意愿的一种虚拟 。feel like 想,愿意 like 是介词,后接名词 、代词、动名词。2. would prefer 更愿意、更想,接名词、代 词、不定式。3. would rather 宁愿,后接动词原形或从句 ,使用虚拟语气。1. _ (我 本愿意去参加聚会)last night but I had to work to finish a report.2. - would you like to go out for a walk?_(我宁愿不去). Besides, it is raining outside.I would love to have gone to the partyId rather not即学即练 make构成的常用短语:make a sweatermake peacemake a journeymake a suggestionmake a firemake teamake coffee打(编织)毛衣谋求和平去旅行提个建议生火沏茶煮咖啡make a notemake a decisionmake no answermake ones choicemake an experimentmake progressmake moneymake a promise做个标记作出决定每做回答作选择做试验取得进步挣钱许诺make fun ofmake use ofmake a livingmake up ones mindmake no differencemake a facemake an apology to开玩笑利用谋生决心没有关系扮鬼脸向某人道歉4. The tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers.旅游公司申请批准作有偿捕猎,这样农民 就可以赚很多钱。apply v. 1. 申请,请求;apply to sb. for sth 向申请2. 施用,贴;适用applyto 将涂抹于,将使用于拓展:1. applicant n. 申请人,应征人an applicant for 申请的人application n. 适用,应用;应征,申请an application ofto 把应用到上2. applied adj. 应用的,适用的applied chemistry 应用化学5. Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.千百万年前恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的 出现要早得多。long before 早在之前很久before long (soon after/shortly after)不久以后。既可以指将来,也可以指过去 ,所以与过去时或将来时连用。long ago (现在)很久以前。It will be long before + clause 很久才It was long before + clause 很久才It will not be long before + clause 没过很久就It was not long before + clause 没过很久就6. loss n. 失去,丢失,损失;输相关词组:the loss of sth. 损失,丢失,损害suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失make up a loss 弥补损失a loss in weight 重量减少,体重减轻at a loss 不知所措lose v. 失去,损失,失败,丢失lose ones way 迷路lose ones balance 失去平衡lose a game/match by (以之差)输掉比 赛lost adj. 丧失得,迷失的,输掉的be lost to sb. 已不是某人的be lost in 沉迷于,埋首be lost in thought = be deep in thought即学即练 选择适当的词形填空(lost, lose, losing, loss)1. _ in the tropical forest, he was in complete danger.2. Never _ faith in himself, the scientist went on with his research until he finally succeeded.3. What made him unhappy was the _ of yesterdays football match.Lost losingloss即学即练 4. Mary is doing business studies in her free time in order not to _ the present job.5. The company suffered a heavy _ as a result of that mistake.loselos
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