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SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用上海通用汽车制造部GMS核心小组 V1.2SGM GMS ManualSGM GMS Manual 上海通用汽车上海通用汽车GMSGMS手册手册1SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用P Prelude relude 序言序言 319319People InvolvePeople Involvemment ent 人员参与人员参与 20472047St Sta andardization ndardization 标准化标准化 48684868Built-In-Built-In-Q Quality uality 制造质量制造质量 69866986Short LeShort Lea ad Time d Time 缩短制造周期缩短制造周期 8711587115C Continuous Improvement ontinuous Improvement 不断改进不断改进 116145116145Acronym Acronym L List ist 缩写字母列表缩写字母列表 146151146151Table of Contents Table of Contents 目录目录2SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用3SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用In 1996 Jack Smith challenged the manufacturing organization saying, “All General Motors plants are part of the same company and must operate with one production system with common elements.” Even before that statement was made, all the regions were hard at work implementing what we now know as the GM Global Manufacturing System. But we did so in an uncoordinated manner and duplicated efforts in developing training materials and operating manuals.1996年,Jack Smith挑战了传统的制造系统,他声明:“所有通用汽车的厂区 都是同一家公司的一部分,必须运作具有通用要素的统一生产体系。”其实,早在此声明发表以前,各地区的公司已经在努力贯彻我们现在所熟知的 通用全球制造系统,只是没有按照一统一协调的方式,致使在发展培训素 材和运营手册中耗费了大量的重复劳动。To address this issue, we established the GMS Global Process Champion Team to review these materials and publish a single GM document that would describe GMS to any facility in the world. This manual is the result of that work. For the first time in our history, we have one global document to describe our manufacturing system. Future improvements will no doubt be made and the team is already starting to document its next level of detail, but this is the first and therefore a very important step in the process.为达到这一目标,我们成立了GMS全球工艺领导小组,负责审核各区域的材料并推出了一套统一的适用于全球范围厂区的GM文件,即本手册。这是公司历史上第一次运用全球统一的文件来描述我们的制造体系。当然,本 手册还有待于不断改进,我们已经开始了对文件更深层细节的整理,这是 整个过程中的第一步也是非常重要的一步。SGM-GMS 上海通用汽车全球制造系统 Prelude 序言 GM Global Manufacturing System通用汽车全球制造系统4SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用General Motors Vision, Core Values and Cultural Priorities are the overriding drivers of the principles and elements in the Global Manufacturing System.通用汽车公司的宗旨,核心价值观以及文化理念是全球 制造系统中原则和要素的最重要的驱动力。GM-GMS ensures that the Vision, Values and Cultural Priorities are an integral part of our business process.通用汽车全球制造系统保证了公司的宗旨、价值观和文 化理念是我们业务过程中一个不可分割的整体部分。SGM-GMS 上海通用汽车全球制造系统 Prelude 序言 5SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用General Motors Vision 通用汽车公司的宗旨GMs vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. We will earn our customers enthusiasm through continuous improvements driven by the integrity, teamwork, and innovation of GM people.通用汽车的宗旨是依靠一支具有正直、团队合作及创新 精神的员工队伍,通过不断改进来赢得客户的热诚,使 通用汽车成为汽车行业及其他相关服务业中的国际领先 企业。The General Motors Vision is supported by a value system whose foundation is rooted in building customer enthusiasm through People, Teamwork, and Continuous Improvement.以通过员工、团队合作和持续改进赢得客户热忱为基础 的价值体系是通用汽车宗旨的强大基石。SGM-GMS 上海通用汽车全球制造系统 Prelude 序言 6SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用Shanghai General Motors Vision 上海通用汽车的宗旨Facing the challenges of the 21st century. Shanghai GM is to be the leading domestic and internationally competitive automotive company, utilizing lean management principles, through a well trained and highly committed team dedicated to continuous learning, innovation and teamwork to safely deliver high quality products and services to satisfy our customers with a world class experience. 依靠一支训练有素、富有使命感和团队精神的员工队伍 ,贯彻精益管理原则,注重不断学习和积极创新。安全 地为顾客提供高质量的产品和服务,使上海通用汽车成 为面向二十一世纪,国内领先、在国际上有竞争力的汽 车公司”。SGM-GMS 上海通用汽车全球制造系统 Prelude 序言 7SGM Internal Use Only 仅供上海通用汽车有限公司内部使用Customer Enthusiasm 客户热忱 We will dedicate ourselves to products and services that create enthusiastic customers.No one will be second-guessed for doing the right thing for the customer. 我们致力于能创造热情的客户的产品和服务。没有人会对做有利于客户的事情而有丝毫的犹豫。Integrity 诚信正直We will stand for honesty and trust in everything we do.We will say what we believe and do what we say. 我们所做的每一件事都是诚实守信的。言行一致,表里如一。Teamwork 团队合作 We will win by thinking and acting together as one General Motors team, focused on global leadership.Our strengths are out highly skilled people and out diversity. 整个通用汽车作为一个团队,思想行动一致,以赢取我们全球领先的主导地位。高技能和多样化 的员工队伍是我们的优势。Innovation 创新 We will challenge conventional thinking,explore new technology and implement new ideas, regardless of their source, faster than the competition.
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