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9A Uint5 Revision 不但而且(谓语就近) 预备;做好准备 停止做白日梦 哀悼的失去/损失 上芭蕾舞课not only. but alsonot just. but alsostand bystop daydreamingmourn the loss oftake ballet lessons 把某人全部的努力投入到 进入电影业 吸引某人的注意力 扮演的主角 标志着的开始 在某人的一生中put all ones effort intoenter the film industryattract ones attention play the lead role ofmark the beginning ofduring/in ones lifetime 最后一次在电影中露面 超过;超越 将奉献于(做)某事 与在一起密切工作 帮助贫困的小孩 赢得很多奖项 (平静地)死去make ones final appearance in filmsgo beyonddevote to (doing) sth.work closely with help needy childrenearn a number of awardspass away (peacefully) 适合于(所有年龄的人) 与某人相爱(与某人坠入爱河) 对某人有坏的影响 有幸福的结局 在(表演)方面有经验 因而出名 上演员训练课程 更多四个be suitable for (all ages)fall in love with sb.have a bad effect on sb.have happy endings be experienced in (acting)be well-known for = be famous/known fortake an actors training coursefour more = another four 在她的整个演艺生涯中 作为而记住某人 授予某人某物 患癌症 她最后一次散步 十在后(常用于过去时中) 在岁时throughout her acting years remember sb. as.present sb. with sth.have cancertake her last walk ten days laterat the age of 持续(时间) 为某人赢得某物 感到恐惧 上气不接下气 以结尾last forearn sb. sth.feel scaredout of breathend with 以结尾 以开始 最好(不)做某事 上演;上映;播放 表演技巧(演技) 全世界end withstart/begin withhad better (not) do sth. be on acting skillsall over the world 1. good take 好镜头 take 在这里是名词,表示“电影镜头、电 视镜头”。 take 更多地用于动词短语。 eg. take off; take care of sb. take place; take out; take ones temperature; take back; take care (小心);take photos; etc. 2. She in the USA, in other parts of the world. 她不仅在美国出名,而 且在世界上的其它地方也很出名。 eg. China the Great Wall. 中国 以长城而出名。 not only but also 不但而且,它是个并列连 词,可连接两个平行的主语、谓语、宾语、表语 等; 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与后面的主语保持 一致。 eg. Not only Jack but also his parents are interested in that film. Not only you but also he has missed the bus. He likes not only swimming but also singing. I am not only your teacher but also your friend. is famous not only but also is famous for 3. When Audrey died in 1993, the world a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian. 1993年奥黛丽赫本去世时,全世界都为失去这样一个美 丽的、著名的演员,一个伟大的人道主义者而哀痛。 5. She ballet training before she entered the film industry. 在她进入电影业之前,她把全 身心都投入到芭蕾舞的训练中。 put into 把投入;had put是过去完成时 eg. Put your heart into your study. 把你的身心投入到学 习上。 effort n. 努力。 make efforts to do sth 努力做某事 eg. Ill 我将尽力帮助你。 enter v. 进入,相当于go into / come into, enter 后不能加介 词into。 eg. She . 她悄悄地进入房间。mourned the loss ofhad put all her effort intomake efforts to help you.entered the room quietly 6. Audreys 奥黛丽赫本的美丽和魅 力深深地吸引了作家的注意力。 吸引某人的注意力 attract vt. 吸引,引起注意 eg. The concert attracted a great number of people. Bright colours attract babies. 鲜艳的颜色引 起婴儿的注意。 He was attracted by her smile.beauty and charm attracted the writers attention. attract ones attention 7. Colette insisted that Audrey was the play. 科莱特坚持认为 奥黛丽赫本是那部戏里女主角的最佳人选。 insist “坚持”,后跟that从句,也可跟on(doing) sth eg. He insisted that he had done right. I insist on my correctness. 我坚持自己是正确的 。 She insisted on (my coming with her) / going there with me. 担任主角 在起作用,扮演的角色 eg. In that play, he Itchy Feet.the perfect girt to play the lead role inplay the lead role play a role of played the role of 8. She that we should protect the environment by showing us . 她想通过展示自然之美来提醒我们应该 保护环境。 remind sb of sth / sb 使某人想起 remind sb + that 从句 提醒某人做某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 eg. He my brother. He I should be careful in doing it. He careful in doing it.wanted to remind usthe beauty of naturereminds me of reminded me that reminded me to be 9. Audreys the film industry. 奥黛丽的成就并不完全在电 影界。 beyond prep 超出之外,表示一种程 度。 eg. He was beyond the help of the teacher. 他使老师束手无策。 My TV set was beyond repair. 没去修 理achievements went beyond 10. People remember her not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because she devoted much of her time to charity. 人们记得她不仅在于她是一位出色的演员,而且还在于她 是一位把许多时间都致力于慈善事业的伟大的人道主义者 。 remember sb as 把当作 来记住/ 纪念 eg. We . 我们记得他 是一位著名的舞蹈家。 remember sb to sb 代某人向某人问好 He asked me to . 他叫我代他向你问好 。 Please remember me to your parents.remember him as a famous dancerremember him to you 11. Ten days la
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