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Charlie Chaplin What is familar to us is this image !But have you ever known his original image ?Charlie Chaplin, (16 April 188925 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era who became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. Just like George Bernard Shaw called him “the only genius to come out of the movie industry“. His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88. His high-profile public and private life encompassed both adulation谄媚 and controversy. Chaplins identification with the left ultimately左翼倾向 forced him to resettle in Europe during the McCarthy era in the early 1950s. Chaplins robust health began to slowly fail in the late 1960s, after the completion of his final film A Countess from Hong Kong 香港女伯爵and more rapidly after he received his Academy Award in 1972. Chaplin died in his sleep in Vevey, Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977. Charlie Chaplin was born in a special family , and his father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. His mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living . Unfortunately happy life didnt last long. Fathers alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable不服输的.Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London. Somehow she not only 她不仅想方设法 managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed but she conjured3 little treats for them而且动足脑筋变 换方法,让他们过得欢乐愉快. She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life查理继承了母亲的这点,而 这也正是他一生用之不尽的财富. There are such movies as The Gold Rush ,City Lights , Modern Times , The Great Dictator , Monsieur Verdoux , Limelight .淘金记、摩登时代 、大独裁者 、凡尔杜先生 、舞台生涯 Charlie Chaplin and Peaking Opera master MeiLanfang .谢谢观看
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