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Chapter 12Chapter 12 Major Tourist CitiesMajor Tourist CitiesA Glimpse of Chinese CultureA Glimpse of Chinese Culture 本章教学的目的本章教学的目的n n对中国主要旅游城市的介绍与了解对中国主要旅游城市的介绍与了解本章教学的重难点本章教学的重难点n n1. 1. 北京的旅游景点介绍北京的旅游景点介绍n n2. 2. 西安的旅游景点介绍西安的旅游景点介绍n n3. 3. 南京的旅游景点介绍南京的旅游景点介绍本章教学的时间安排本章教学的时间安排n n教师课堂讲解教师课堂讲解 (60 minutes)(60 minutes)1. Beijing (15 minutes) 1. Beijing (15 minutes)2. Shanghai, Hangzhou (10 minutes) 2. Shanghai, Hangzhou (10 minutes)3. Guilin (5 minutes) 3. Guilin (5 minutes)4. Xi 4. Xi an (15 minutes)an (15 minutes)5. Kunming, Lhasa (10 minutes) 5. Kunming, Lhasa (10 minutes)6. Nanjing (5 minutes) 6. Nanjing (5 minutes)n n讨论讨论 (10 minutes)(10 minutes)n n学生课件展示学生课件展示 (30minutes)(30minutes)Beijing Beijing n nBeijing, ChinaBeijing, China s capital city, is located in the s capital city, is located in the northern part of the North China Plain. This northern part of the North China Plain. This teeming modern city and its surroundings teeming modern city and its surroundings abound with cultural relics, historic sites, abound with cultural relics, historic sites, and captivating landscapes. Cultural events and captivating landscapes. Cultural events and theatrical performances are also a great and theatrical performances are also a great attraction here.attraction here.Forbidden CityForbidden Cityn nThe Forbidden City is a vast ancient The Forbidden City is a vast ancient architectural complex located in the center architectural complex located in the center of Beijing, covering an area of 72 hectares. It of Beijing, covering an area of 72 hectares. It is regarded as the finest example of is regarded as the finest example of traditional Chinese architecture.traditional Chinese architecture.n nSurrounded by a six-Surrounded by a six- meter-deep moat (meter-deep moat (护护 城河城河) and a ten-) and a ten- meter-high wall are meter-high wall are 9,999 rooms.9,999 rooms.n nOpposite the Opposite the TianTian anmen Gate, to anmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of the north is the Gate of Divine Might (Divine Might (神武门神武门 ), which faces Jingshan ), which faces Jingshan Park.Park.n nThere are unique and There are unique and exquisitely structured exquisitely structured watchtowers on each watchtowers on each of the four corners of of the four corners of the curtain wall (the curtain wall (宫墙宫墙). ). n nListed by UNESCO as Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, Heritage Site in 1987, the Forbidden City is the Forbidden City is now one of the most now one of the most popular tourist popular tourist attractions in the attractions in the world.world.TianTian anmen Squareanmen Squaren nThe symbol of New China, is one of the The symbol of New China, is one of the largest squares in the world, large enough to largest squares in the world, large enough to hold 1 million people.hold 1 million people.n nThe The Tiananmen Gate Tiananmen Gate towertower stands stands imposingly at the imposingly at the northern end of the northern end of the square. square. n nThe Five-Star Red Flag The Five-Star Red Flag flies high above with flies high above with the Monument to the the Monument to the Peoples HeroesPeoples Heroes dominating the center dominating the center of the square. of the square. n nThe Great Hall of the The Great Hall of the PeoplePeople flanks the east, flanks the east, while the while the NationalNational Museum of China Museum of China is to is to the west. the west. n nThe Chairman Mao The Chairman Mao Memorial HallMemorial Hall and the and the Qianmen Gate sit to Qianmen Gate sit to the south of the the south of the square. square. Temple of HeavenTemple of Heavenn nThe Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design, is situated in architecture and landscape design, is situated in the southern part of Beijing. It stands as the finest the southern part of Beijing. It stands as the finest of all Chinas temples. It was once the place where of all Chinas temples. It was once the place where the Ming and Qing emperors worshipped Heaven the Ming and Qing emperors worshipped Heaven and prayed for good harvests. and prayed for good harvests. n nA long wall encloses the Temple of Heaven. The A long wall encloses the Temple of Heaven. The northern wall is semicircular (northern wall is semicircular (半圆形半圆形) symbolizing ) symbolizing Heaven and the southern section of the wall is Heaven and the southern section of the wall is square symbolizing Earth. square symbolizing Earth. n nThe most magnificent The most magnificent buildings from south buildings from south to north are to north are the the Circular Mound AltarCircular Mound Altar, , the Imperial Vault of the Imperial Vault of HeavenHeaven and and the Hall the Hall of Prayer for Good of Prayer for Good HarvestHarvest. . n nAdditional structures Additional structures in
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