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1 建筑节能技术 2 n建筑能耗包括建材生产能耗、建 筑施工能耗和建筑使用能耗,其 中建筑使用能耗占80-90%。 建筑 使用能耗主要包括采暖、通风、 空调、照明、炊事燃料、家用电 气、热水供应等。 n建筑节能就是节约建筑物的能源 消耗,减少能源损失,提高能源 利用率。 第一节 建筑节能的紧迫性Built EnvironmentHealth Safety Comfort Environment Sustainability建筑环境与设备工程 改善人类工作、生活与居住条件,提供一个健 康舒适、和安全的生活、工作环境。 它包括供热、供燃气、通风空调和制冷、消防 、照明、电气电梯安装、弱电通信、保安、室 内给排水、建筑周边环境、室内空气品质等。 对现代建筑而言,一般标准的办公楼,建筑设 备可占总造价的三分之一,运行、维护费用的 四分之三以上。 必须考虑能源效益、环境影响及环境问题能源在建筑中的应用能源在建筑中的应用Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable development is development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.World Commission on Environment and Development, 1983中国建筑能效的背景预测到2015年民用建筑保有量的一半是2000年以后 新建的,并认为中国没有注重建筑节能,从而每年 新增78亿平方米的不节能的建筑在未来几十年里 将无节制地消耗大量能源。到2000年末,我国建筑年消耗商品能源共计3.76亿 吨标准煤,占全社会终端能耗总量的27.6% 。其中 采暖空调能耗约占建筑能耗65%左右建筑用能正在持续快速上升,其所占全社会能耗的 比重不断增大。将从目前的27%左右上升到2020年 的35%左右。 建筑能耗的构成采暖空 调热水供 应电气照 明炊事各部分所占的比例65%15%14%6%Climate changeBuildings in the UK. account for over 40% of the nations energy consumption and resultant carbon dioxide emissions, which is recognized cause of global warming and climate change. 英国温室气体排放World Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal Use (2001)World Carbon Dioxide Emissions (2001)Climate Change全球气候变化及其影响CO2 emissionsIncrease in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide科学家近日预言,由于全球温室效应使得南北极冰山融解、海 平面上升,进而造成许多海岛地区沉入海底。台湾岛内的环境专家 也大胆预言:“台湾陆沉的速度必然加速!” 第二节 建筑节能综合性措施建筑节能是一个系统工程,必须在能 源利用的各个环节和系统从规划设计到运 行的全过程中贯彻节能的观点,才能取得 较好的效果。 建筑节能的途径建筑设计建筑设备建筑使用者新能源利用Building Design一、建筑设计Integrated approach to sustainability3. Site analysis5. Building material selection strategies 6. Building services strategies4. Building analysisEcological Social Economic 1.Climate Analysis2. Microclimate AnalysisSocial IssuesSecurity Poor internal environment 恶劣的iaqCommunity involvementHealth & ComfortAccess存取Recreation消遣 Public transportAmenity舒适Economic IssuesEmployment Best value & Whole life costing Rental income Productivity Global Environmental IssuesOzone depletionAcid rainBiodiversity lossClimate changeWater depletionLand depletionFuel depletionResource Waste generationLocal Environmental IssuesTraffic congestion阻塞Ecological footprint Poor internal environment IAQ & Comfort Acoustics声学 Controls Impact on microclimate Poor windenvironment Solar & light accessIncreased Toxicity Increased Eutrophication 富营养Photochemical光化学 oxidation Integrated approach to sustainabilityBuilding Design & Services StrategyReduced air leakage渗漏Super- Insulation Advanced DHW systemsEnergy efficient lightingHeat recovery & Natural ventilationPassive/ low-energy cooling systemsEfficient heating systemsHarvesting renewablesLessons from vernacular 本 国的 traditionsarchetypes 原型 for the future?Project ExamplesLA Courthouse, USASystem selectionDisplacement置换 ventilationFan Powered BoxesPassive coolingNight time coolingDouble SkinsExternal ShadingNatural ventilationThermal Mass & Passive Cooling The earth is at a constant12 14C throughout the year. This is an idealcooling source Termites use the sameprinciple of thermal massto keep their homes coolbut in a vertical form By combining these twoprinciples (horizontallabyrinths & vertical earth tubes) free cooling can be provided for a substantial period Project ExamplesWind RosesWind tunnel analysisCFD analysisWind PowerANALYTICAL DESIGN METHODSDouble skin 双面层层Sun path diagramSolar access analysisANALYTICAL DESIGN METHODS Study of Solar Heat GainANALYTICAL DESIGN METHODS Study of Well-Being and Productivity Theory Physics captured: Air temperature Relative humidity Air movement Working space Noise Day Lighting visual performanceThe improvement of an overall workspace will influence the well being and the productivity of the staff.ANALYTICAL DESIGN METHODSThe relaxing property of Comfort will encourage the costumer to stay longer, with an increased probability of higher quantity of purchasesStudy of Well-Being and Productivity2、建筑物围护结构的节能措施 1、建筑物的规划设计 提高能量利用效率冷热源系统的节能二、建筑设备三、热回收、废热与可再生能源的应用 四、建筑的使用者强化管理楼宇程控系统智能建筑
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