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流式細胞儀工作原理劉 益 年 產品應用專員 美商必帝股份有限公司 E mail: kenny_liubd.comFACSCalibur大綱 實驗設計原理 流式細胞儀運作原 理 FACSCalibur 操作流程Introduction of the experiment design for Flow Cytometry 藉由螢光抗體標識細胞之抗原特性 藉由螢光化合物標識細胞特性 藉由螢光染劑標識細胞特性 藉由螢光蛋白標識細胞特性 Cytometry Beads Array單一細胞特性之偵測單一細胞特性之偵測Adhesion Receptors Metaboliccytokinesstructure enzymes7Lysed Whole Blood ComponentsGranulocytesGranulocytesMonocytesMonocytesEosinophilsEosinophilsBasophilsBasophilsNeutrophilsNeutrophilsLymphocytesLymphocytesT TB BNKNKT T HelperHelperT TCytotoxicCytotoxicPeripheral White Blood CellsPeripheral White Blood Cells CD45+CD45+CD3CD3+ +CD4CD4+ +CD3CD3+ +CD8CD8+ +CD3CD3+ +CD3CD3- -CD19CD19+ +HLA-DRHLA-DR+ +CD3CD3- -CD16CD16+ +CD56CD56+ +MonocytesMonocytes8Example訊息傳導BD PhosFlow for Whole Blood or PBMC Sampleshttp:/bdphosflow.comMapping normal and cancer cell signalling networks: towards single-cell proteomics. Nat Rev Cancer. 2006 Feb;6(2):146-55 Development Of Visualization ToolsNolan et al.Irish JM, Hovland R, Krutzik PO, Perez OD, Bruserud O, Gjertsen BT, Nolan GP. Single cell profiling of potentiated phospho-protein networks in cancer cells. Cell. 2004 Jul 23;118(2):217-28.Clustering of Biosignature, Clinical Significance實驗設計原理 藉由螢光抗體標識細胞之抗原特性 藉由螢光化合物標識細胞特性 藉由螢光染劑標識細胞特性 藉由螢光蛋白標識細胞特性 Cytometry Beads ArrayAnnexin V AssayFlow Cytometric Analysis of Apoptosis in Jurkat T CellsRelative Cell NumberAnnexin VPE0 0.5 1 2 4Incubation with Camptothecin (hr)Fas-induced Apoptosis in Jurkat CellsPIAnnexin V-FITC實驗設計原理 藉由螢光抗體標識細胞之抗原特性 藉由螢光化合物標識細胞特性 藉由螢光染劑標識細胞特性 藉由螢光蛋白標識細胞特性 Cytometry Beads ArrayDNA 特異性染劑N+C2H5NH2NH2EthidiumN+C2H2)3NH2NH2N+C2H5CH3C2H5PropidiumGG2 2MMGG0 0GG1 1 s s0 200 400 600 8001000GG0 0GG1 1s sGG2 2MMDNA contentC o u n t2N2N4N4N細胞周期位相的決定Sub G1細胞增殖反應細胞增殖反應實驗設計原理 藉由螢光抗體標識細胞之抗原特性 藉由螢光化合物標識細胞特性 藉由螢光染劑標識細胞特性 藉由螢光蛋白標識細胞特性 Cytometry Beads ArrayGFP as ReporterGFP as a ReporterGFP as a Reporter The Usage of GFPGervaix, A. et. al. 1997. A new reporter cell line to monitor HIV infection and drug susceptibility in vitro. PNAS vol. 94.GFP as a ReporterGFP as a Reporter實驗設計原理 藉由螢光抗體標識細胞之抗原特性 藉由螢光化合物標識細胞特性 藉由螢光染劑標識細胞特性 藉由螢光蛋白標識細胞特性 Cytometry Beads ArrayCytometric Beads Array (CBA)Single Step Incubation Two-Step Incubation or Beads Provide a Flexible PlatformMultiple sizesBeads provide an expandable assay platform for use with a flow cytometerDifferent intensities*Different colors with different intensitiesProteins MeasuredA. Interleukin (IL)-2B. IL-4C. IL-5D. IL-10E. Tumor Necrosis Factor-aF. Interferon-gZap 70 Detection.Kinetic analysis of T cell activation by anti-CD3/CD28Philadelphia chromosome The presence of this translocation is a highly sensitive test for CML, since 95% of people with CML have this abnormality Philadelphia chromosome緩衝液 液流區緩衝液 液流區樣品流動區偵測區激發光源-螢光 -散射光 流式細胞儀的工作原理流式細胞儀能測量 : 散射光 細胞大小 (前方散射光) 細胞折射率 (側方散射光) 各色螢光液流系統:將細胞依序送到測量區受檢。 光學系統:產生並收集螢光、光散射等信號。 電子系統: 將光學訊號轉換成電子訊號。 分析所輸出的電流訊號,以脈衝高度、寬度、積 分面積顯示。 量化訊號並傳至電腦。 綜合三個系統的功能:綜合三個系統的功能-液流系統FACS Calibur 的液流系統FACS Calibur 儀表板LO = 12uL/min MED = 35uL/min HI = 60uL/minPRIME= Drain & FillSTANDBYRUNred laser blue laserLow Sample PressureHigh Sample Pressuresheathsheath samplesheathsheathsample綜合三個系統的功能-光學系統螢光濾片FACS Calibur 的光學系統488 nm綜合三個系統的功能-電子系統將光學訊號轉換成正比例的電子訊號。 分析所輸出的電子訊號,以脈衝高度、 寬度、積分面積顯示。 將量化訊號傳至電腦。 電子系統電子系統電位脈衝之定量訊號之產生與處理Amp Gain 1.0-9.99The Use of Linear AmplificatonAssume we convert linear analog signals using a 10 bit ADC- -we have 1024 channels of range corresponding to 0-10 V. Channel difference is 10V/1024= 0.01VIdeal Lin To Log Conversion實驗數據的呈現15 to 20 mmMonocyte 10 to 14 mmNeutrophil8 to 10 mm Lymphocyte散點圖反映細胞形態常見的數據呈現直方圖分析報告 CV=S.D./Mean散點圖分析報告 FACSCalibur-複習綜合三個系統的功能儀器之調試 調整FSC / SSC 散點圖以圈選目標細胞 群 設閾參數及閾值 調整螢光信號接受器 FL 1-4 色差補償 儀器之調試 調整FSC / SSC 散點圖以圈選目標細胞 群 設閾參數及閾值 調整螢光信號接受器 FL 1-4 色差補償 散射光信號的調整散射光信號的調整散射光信號的調整 Cell Line儀器之調試 調整FSC / SSC 散點圖以圈選目標細胞 群 設閾參數及閾值 調整螢光信號接受器 FL 1-4 色差補償 閾值的調整儀器之調試 設閾參數及閾值 調整FSC / SSC 散點圖以圈選目標細胞 群 調整螢光信號接受器 FL 1-4 色差補償 自體螢光信號的調整 Single儀器之調試 設閾參數及閾值 調整FSC / SSC 散點圖以圈選目標細胞 群 調整螢光信號接受器 FL 1-4 色差補償 Remember the basic assumption of flow analysis:The signal in FL1= the signal from FITC and only FITC andthe signal in FL2= the signal from PE and only PE.This is NOT TRUE for the raw data!The process by which each fluorescence channel is “corrected” for this spectral overlap is termed Fluorescence CompensationFL1 = FITC + x% PEFL2 = PE + y% FITC螢光補償調整 (The Problem)螢光補償調節FL2 - %FL1FL-1(FITC)FL-2(PE)FL1 - %FL2(18 30%)(0 1%)螢光補償調節(Compensation Fitc)螢光補償調節(Compensation Pe1)螢光補償調節(Compensation Pe2)螢光補償調節(Compensation PerCP)FACSCalibur 各部構造 檢體吸取區(SIP)Droplet Containment System包含 :a. 外管 b. 真空幫浦 清除內管內前一個檢體殘留物 c. 上樣管(內管)內管(SIT)底座Bal sealFACSCalibur儀表板LO = 12uL/min MED = 35uL/min HI = 60uL/minPRIME= Drain & FillSTANDBYRUN正確開機程序1. 開啟細胞儀電源。2. 開啟其他周邊配備電源,如印表機及 M. O.。3. 開啟電腦。4. 確認鞘流液筒有八分滿的 FACS FLOW,旋緊。5. 將廢液倒掉,並在廢液筒中加入100 c.c. 家用漂 白水。6. 將氣壓閥方向調在加壓(Pr
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