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presenting a dialogue communicative informative reflective simple/direct/not too redundantA dialogue should be :Skills building 1: understanding tones in spoken English the volume of the language a rising or falling tone stress on certain words pauses in the sentencesWhat should we listen for to understand the speakers feelings?ListeningPlease tell what the speakers emotion is:1. the falling tone angry or displeased2. the pause & the rising tone polite3. the rising tone questioning4. stressed & a falling tone angry5. a flat tone expressing a factPracticeHow do you read this sentence He will come here tomorrow. when you arehappy?excited?questioning?a little angry?Listen to Part AAnswers:1 questioning 2 frustrated3 excited4 sadListen to Part BHow do you think the speaker feels about the man?She does not like him./ She does not trust him.Step 1Divide students into groups of four and discuss each picture: What do you see in each picture?How are they feeling?Listening practiceListen to the radio phone-in programme.1 Jane 2 Christina 3 Shirley 4 Richard 5 Patrick 6 WilliamHomework:1 Finish Workbook Ex A on page 84.2 Review the words and expressions in this unit.六年级数学上册课件-比的基本性质和化简比江苏省连云港市田家炳中学高一生物现代生物进化理论的主要内容课件八一建军节主题教育活动PPT模板军队国防改革强军梦学习云鼎彩票 http:/www.3878.com/ 云鼎彩票 彩票能用人人平等而又合理合法的方法,来满足人类天生具有的摆脱道德责任一年后又与小曼的母亲交往,生下一个男孩,长乐,他们才结婚。他需要能生儿子的漂亮女人。他已经在规划他的商业版图的日后归属 ,需要超过一个的继承人。而小曼父亲早早去世,跟着母亲寄人篱下,母亲生下弟弟之后,对她越来越不够关心。有时候,人与人之间的缘分很奇怪,有各种各样的相遇,而你会遇到很多人。大部分人只是偶然相遇,然后各奔东西。也会有很重要的 人,但是最初的时候,你并不知道她会在你生命里留下厚重的一页。相处的时候,你不会知道谁对你无关紧要,而谁又对你举足轻重。分别后你才会知道,你才可以轻易估量一个人在你心上的分量,是你 标设的几分之几。又或者仅仅如空气一般轻薄,转身便不再有任何印象。
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