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BrainStorm (头脑风暴)1、vocabulary (词汇)2、Sentence (句子)3、Article (文章)4、knowedge point (知识点 ) Hello!How are you? Good morning!Good afternoon!Nice to meet you!How do you do?Thank you !Goodbye!Hello!Im fine, thanks. Good morning!Good afternoon!Nice to meet you!How do you do?Youre welcome. (Thats all right.) Goodbye!Starter Unit 13Greet (问候) Whats his name? Whats his first name?Whats his last name?Whats his telephone number?Unit 1、 问姓名、 名、 姓、电话His names Liu Xiang.His first name is Xiang.His last name is Liu.His telephone number is 123456789.Liu Xiang12345678Whats her name? Whats her first name?Whats her family name?Whats her photo number?Her names Jenny Green.Her first name is Jenny.Her family name is Green.Her phone number is 122499.Jenny Green 122499Whats this ?How do you spell it?What color is it ?Unit 2 (1)问单数物品、拼写、颜色Its a pen. (an apple) P-E-N.(A-P-P-L-E)Its blue . (red)What are these ?What color are they ?(2)问复数物品、颜色They are tomotoes. (bananas ) They are red . (yellow)(3)翻译1. This is a book. 2. That is his pen. 3. These are pears. 4. Those are rulers. 5. They are erasers.1. 这是一本书。 2. 那是他的钢笔。 3. 这些是梨。 4. 那些是尺子。 5. 他们是橡皮。主语+ be(is, am,are) + 其它.(4)变否定句1. This is a book. 2. That is his pen. 3. These are pears. 4. Those are rulers. 5. They are erasers.1. This isnt a book. 2. That isnt his pen. 3. These arent pears. 4. Those arent rulers. 5. They arent erasers.主语+ be not(isnt, amnt,arent) + 其它.(5)变一般疑问句,并作肯否回答1. This is a book. 2. That is his pen. x 3. These are pears. 4. Those are rulers. x 5. They are erasers.1. Is this a book? Yes,it is. 2. Is that his pen? No, it isnt. 3. Are these pears? Yes, they are. 4. Are those rulers? No, they arent. 5. Are they erasers ? Yes, they are.Be + 主语 + 其它 ? Yes, No, (6)就划线部分提问1. This is a book. 2. That is a pen. 3. These are pears. 4. Those are rulers.1. What is this ? 2. What is that ? 3. What are these ? 4. What are those?特词+ be +主语?Unit 3 1. This is Tom. 2. That is my brother. 3. These are his cousins. 4. He is my uncle. 5. She is my aunt. 6. They are my parents.7. Here is my family photo.1. 这是Tom. 2. 那是我的哥哥. 3. 这些是他的表兄们 。 4. 他是我叔叔。 5. 她是我姑姑。 6. 他们是我父母。 7. 我的全家福照片在 这里。(1)、翻译主语+ be(is, am,are) + 其它.(2)变否定句 1. This is Tom. 2. That is my brother. 3. These are his cousins. 4. He is my uncle. 5. She is my aunt. 6. They are my parents.1. This isnt Tom. 2. That isnt my brother. 3. These arent his cousins. 4. He isnt my uncle. 5. She isnt my aunt. 6. They arent my parents.主语+ be not + 其它.(3)变一般疑问句 1. This is Tom. ( ) 2. These are his cousins. 3. He is my uncle. 4. They are my parents. x1. Is this Tom ? Yes, it is. (Yes, he is.) 2. Are these his cousins? Yes, they are. 3. Is he your uncle ? Yes, he is . 4. Are they your parents? No, they arent.Be + 主语 + 其它 ? Yes, No, Unit 4 1. My book is on the desk. 2. Her backpack is under the bed. 3. The baseball is in the dresser. 4. The keys are behind the door. 5. I dont know.1. 我的书在桌子上. 2. 她的背包在床下. 3. 棒球在梳妆台里。 4. 钥匙(复数)在门后。 5. 我不知道。(1)、翻译 主语+ be + 其它.1. My book is on the desk. 2. Her backpack is under the bed. 3. The baseball is in the dresser. 4. The keys are behind the door.(2)、变否定句1. My book isnt on the desk. 2. Her backpack isnt under the bed. 3. The baseball isnt in the dresser. 4. The keys arent behind the door.主语+ be not + 其它.1. My book is on the desk. 2. Her backpack is under the bed. x 3. The baseball is in the dresser. 4. The keys are behind the door. x(3)、变一般疑问句1. Is your book on the desk ? Yes, it is. 2. Is her backpack under the bed ? No, it isnt. 3. Is the baseball in the dresser ? Yes, it is. 4. Are the keys behind the door ? No, they arent.Be + 主语 + 其它 ? Yes, No, 1. My book is on the desk. 2. Her backpack is under the bed. 3. The baseball is in the dresser. 4. The keys are behind the door. (4)、变特殊疑问句1. Where is your book ? 2. Where is your backpack ? 3. Where is the baseball ? 4. Where are the keys?特词+ be +主语?Unit 5 1. I have a sports collection. 2. She has a baseball. 3. He watches TV every day. 4. They play tennis every day. 5. Lets play volleyball. 6. That sounds good. 7. He only watches them on TV. I like to play basketball.1. 我有一个运动收藏. 2. 她有一个棒球. 3. 他每天看电视。 4. 他们每天玩网球。 5. 让我们玩排球吧。 6. 听起来不错。 7. 他仅仅在电视上看它们。 8.我喜欢打篮球。(1)、翻译主语 + 动原 三单 + 其它.1. I have a sports collection. 2. She has a baseball. 3. He watches TV every day. 4. They play tennis every day. (2)、变否定句1. I dont have a sports collection. 2. She doesnt have a baseball. 3. He doesnt watch TV every day. 4. They dont play tennis every day. 主语 + dont + 动原 + 其它.1. I have a sports collection. x 2. She has a baseball. 3. He watches TV every day. x 4. They play tennis every day. (3)、变一般疑问句1. Do you have a sports collection? No, I dont. 2. Does she have a baseball? Yes, he does. 3. Does he watch TV every day? 4. Do they play tennis every day? Do / D
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