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基于语料库对动词基于语料库对动词 taketake 的搭配意义研究的搭配意义研究摘要:摘要:本文基于英语专业学生语料,以及外交部新闻发言稿总结统计语料,将二者进行对 比,以探究英语学习者对 take 搭配意义的理解,使用 take 的方式以及使用 take 搭配其 他词时出现的问题。根据初步统计显示,学习者对于 take 这一词的使用较为依赖,虽然与 外交部新闻中 take 使用的比重几乎相同,但学生在动词的选用上仍显匮乏,且搭配词语不 及外交部新闻中词汇使用丰富。词义选取以虚词为多数,多为“使”或“用”等意。这也 导致部分学生语料中出现了搭配错误,但从总体结果来说使用效果与正确用法的偏差不大。关键词:关键词:taketake;语料库;搭配;词义正文:正文:take 作为英语中的高频动词,在意义的选取上也极为自由,在牛津高级英汉双解词 典中仅单词释义就有 30 项(详细见后文 2.take 词义汇总) ,从意义类型角度来说,take 一词因其释义众多,还是比较偏重口语的应用,普及度较广,所以学习者对其更为熟知, 以简单明了地表述观点为目的简化挑选词汇过程的结果也导致了其错用及误用现象的出现, 基于此点,本文将通过图表的形式,在比较两个语料库中 take 用法不同的同时,尝试在学 生语料中找出一些英语学习者普遍易犯的错误。1.1.研究方法研究方法本文以北京工商大学 05 级,07 级英语专业学生和 2010 级同声传译课学生语料为基础, 以外交部 2004-2013 年新闻语料为对比,利用 antconc 软件检索高频词汇,出现频率以及 搭配来探究虚化动词 take 的用法,搭配,及使用当中出现的错误。 具体方法是将双方语料转为 txt 格式,导入 antconc 软件,得出结果学生语料共 105985 词,其中 take 及其其他形式共出现 204 次,占总词数 1.9%,外交部语料共 945600 词,占总数比重 1.9%。将检索出的这些语料总结,与词典上释义对比,探求学生语料中对 take 一词的错误用法以及和外交部预料进行对比,比较二者差异。2.2.taketake 词义总结及语料中统计出的使用概况词义总结及语料中统计出的使用概况基本词义中文词义应用举例 CARRY/LEAD携带、带领I forgot to take my bag with me. REACH AND HOLD伸手取I passed him the rope and he took it. REMOVE移开Will you take your books off the table? CAPTURE捕获The rebels succeeded in taking the town. CHOOSE/BUY选择、购买Ill take the grey jacket. EAT/DRINK使用、引用Do you take sugar in your coffee? MATHEMATICS数学Take 7 from 12 and you WRITE DOWN写下The police officer took my name.PHOTOGRAPH拍照To have your photos taken MEASUREMENT计量To take sbs pulse SEAT作为Are these seats taken? GIVE EXAMPLE举例Lots of couples have problems in marriage. Take Ann and Jim. ACCEPT/RECEIVE接受、收到If they offer me a job, Ill take it. CONSIDER考虑She took what he said. HAVE FEELING/OPINION有感情、看法My parents always took an ACTION行动To take action FORM/POSITION形式、位置Our next class will take the form of a debate. TIME时间The journey takes about half an hour. NEED需要It doesnt take much to make her angry. SIZE OF SHOES/CLOTHES尺码What size shoes do you want? HOLD/CONTAIN装得下、包含The bus can take 80 passengers. TEACH/LEAD讲授、带领The head teacher usually takes us for French. STUDY学习She wants to take a computer course. EXAM考试When did you take your driving test? TRANSPORT/ROAD交通工具、道路To take the bus GO OVER/AROUND越过、绕路走The horse took the first fence well. IN FOOTBALL足球To take a penalty VOTE/SURVEY投票、调查To take a vote BE SUCCESSFUL成功The skin graft failed to take. GRAMMER语法The verb “rely” takes the preposition “on”. 表表 1 1 taketake 基本词义总结基本词义总结 从上述图标资料可以看出,take 一词的利用几乎涵盖了生活的各个方面,其中学生在使用时更偏爱“利用”这一词义:RankFreqFreq(L )Freq(R )Collocate150500To242042This339381should429290And515015The615015More714014Effective813413R913013part1010100Who 表表 2 2 taketake 搭配高频词汇及出现频率搭配高频词汇及出现频率 在搭配使用中,学生语料更多的使用“to take”的形式,来表达“目的”的意思,而 后的搭配词“this” “more” “effective”之后的主体均为“opportunity”和“measure” , 从语法角度来说虽无大碍,但仍略显动词使用上的匮乏,除这些之外,语料中还出现了 “take the chance”这一搭配的误用,可见 take 一词词义中“使用”这个义项对于学习 者的误导。而从虚化动词选取列表中可以看出,take 的选取仅排在 have 与 make 之后,可 见纠正其搭配错误的重要性。 HaveMakeTake 学生966217204 外交部1014724761834 表表 3 3 语料中虚化动词出现次数语料中虚化动词出现次数3.3.结果分析结果分析3.13.1 总体差异总体差异在语料库中检索结点词,统计后得到 take 在语料库中出现的频率,并对其进行处理, 我们得出学生和外交部使用 take 的次数和频率,如表 4 所示。学生外交部Take1811137Takes11106Took3152Taken9439 合计2041834频率1.9%1.9%表表 4 4 taketake 各种形式出现次数汇总各种形式出现次数汇总通过对上表数据的计算,我们得出学生在 204 个样本中使用 take 原形的概率约为 88.72%,外交部在 1834 个样本中使用 take 的频率约为 61.99%。而学生和外交部使用 take 各种形式的概率都为 1.9%。学生使用 take 原形的比率比外交部高约 26.73%。这些数据说 明学生使用 take 原形的概率远远高于外交部,进而说明学生对 take 的词形变换灵活使用 能力远远低于外交部(外交部代表官方文件,具有较高的正确性,所以我们以外交部作为 参考,说明学生对 take 的使用情况。以下都是同理,将不再做说明。 ) 我们从语料库中搜索到了学生使用 take 时因不会活用词形而产生的句子语法错误,如 以下例子所示。1. Chinese government always take great attentions on drugs and solve(R) the problem. 2. So no drugging problems is have to take out. 3. nce(P) and to seek (P)or to seek(LP) excitings or take the effection (P)of other drugers become the sar(4. It also take influence on the feat of all human being. 5. social (P)association must be more(P) take part in more service acitivity (P)and this()topi 6. Please allow me take this chance to wish lord mayor and friends enjoy 7. Countries should takes effect actions to explore the drug. The gov 8. care about the drugs all of the time (P) and they takes mix measures of laws, political, governmental, ec 9. Of all the people who takes the drug, 80% of them are young people. So, they 10. ug and we should give more help to the people who takes drug. And we should help them to (R) to 以上十例 take 的正确使用分别为 takes, be taken, to take, takes, 去掉 be more, to take, take, take, take, take. 我们可以看出,学生学习和使用 take 的时候,仍然 会犯很多语法错误,而语料库搜索外交部 take 使用基本正确而且规范,现举五例说明。1.Prime Minister Sigurardttir expressed her cordial greetings to Premier WEN and welcomed Ambassador MA to take the post. 2.Last September, the Japanese government abandoned its previous agreement with China on setting aside the dispute and took the so-called nationalization measures regarding the Diaoyu Dao, which in essence are aimed at changing the Diaoyu Daos legal status。3.Qi Xiaoqiu, director of the MOHs disease control bureau, says that the outcome indicates that the measures carried out by the
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