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He is an English teacher who likes singing songs.定语从句先行词引导词引导词关系代词 :who whom that which whose关系副词:where when why在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句The apple is mine.The apple is mine.The apple is yours.The apple is small.The apple is big.which is redwhich is greenwhich is redwhich is green The woman who lives next door is a teacher.1. The woman is a teacher.2. The woman lives next door.The one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night.1. The one million people of the city went to bed as usual that night.2. The one million people of the city thought little of these events.It was heard in Beijing, which is one hundred kilometres away.1. It was heard in Beijing. 2. Beijing is one hundred kilometres away.A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. 1. A huge crack cut across houses, roads and canals. 2. A huge crack was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide.The number of people who were killed or Injured reached more than 400, 000.1. The number of people reached more than 400, 000. 2. A number of people were killed or injured. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.1. The army organized teams to dig out people and to bury the dead. 2. Those people were trapped. 指出关系代词(副词)在定语从句中的成份:1.The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang.2.The girl (whom) I met is Lucy.3. A child whose parents are dead is called Tom.主语宾语定语4.I like the book (which) you bought yesterday.5. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone whose family was poor. 6. We shall never forget the days (that) we spent together. 定语宾语宾语I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow.Ive read all the books that are not mine. 1. 当先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代 词时或被all, every, no, some, any, little, much few only等修饰时。that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。This is the first book (that) he has read.2. 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。This is the very book that belongs to him.3. 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。4. 当并列的两个先行词分别表示人或物 , 用关系代词that。We were deeply impressed by the teachers and the schools that we had visited there.5. 先行词是who或who引导的主句。Who that broke the window will be punished.Who is the girl that drove the car?6. 主句以There be 引导时There are 200 people that didnt know the thing.7. 当先行词在定语从句中作be表语時, 关系代词用that。She isnt the girl that she was 10 years ago.8. 当先行词是which时,关系代词用that.Which is the book that you bought last week?; http:/www.mylsfw.com/ 邵阳律师 rtz85qts 长善说:“他们是我的三个娃儿!”耿老爹赶快问:“那我的三个娃儿呢,我的正儿、英子和小直子呢?他们都到哪里去了啊?”李长善 的妻子流着眼泪难过地说:“耿大哥,你可知道碧山大坝,记得那一年夏天发生的大洪灾,你最后一次看到你的三个娃儿们是什么时候? 你们是怎么”耿老爹的记忆之门继续徐徐开启,他看到三个孩子顺着大山一侧的那条人工开凿的山路,吃力地向山上走去了耿正 走在最前面,他后面是弟弟耿直,女儿耿英走在最后对,那是碧山突然间,轰隆隆天崩地裂,他刚一抬头就被卷入到巨大的洪水 中了定格在记忆中的耿正兄妹三人向山上走去的画面,轰隆隆的天崩地裂声,没头而下的洪水!耿老爹变成了一尊雕塑70第七十 二回 百般医治无效果|(百般医治无效果,李长善夫妇没奈何;嘱咐儿女多孝敬,让恩人快乐度余生。)且说被儿女们认为早已经不在人 世的耿老爹,幸得善良的李长善夫妇收留。他们在感激大恩人的同时,又非常同情他的大不幸,想法设法请当地的郎中为他医治,希望这 位大恩人能够早日清醒过来。李长善第一次请来给耿老爹看病的是王郎中。这位王郎中口碑不错,人也很热情;但在设法了两个月之后, 看看实在没有什么效果,只好满怀歉意地知难而退了。之后,李长善又四处打听,先后寻找了多位据说能这种疾患的老郎中继续给耿老爹 治病,但无奈这耿老爹实在是清醒不过来,成日里将李家的三个孩子“正儿”、“英子”、“小直子”的唤个不停。呼唤李尚英“英子” 尚且让人感到没有什么,因为尚英的父母哥哥原先就是这样呼唤她的。但对于李尚文和李尚武来说,一开始老是听到耿老爹呼唤他们“正 儿”、“小直子”的,别提有多么别扭了。好在日子一久,这样呼唤的多了,他俩也就逐渐习惯了。再过些时候,倒快要把爹娘原先呼唤 他们的“文儿”和“武儿”给忘掉了。尽管总是被耿老爹督促着干活儿多少有点儿让人吃不消,但他们的内心里却都已经慢慢地喜欢上这 个多才多艺的“慈父”了。尤其是李家的小儿子尚武,对耿老爹的感情更是与日俱增,那一声声“爹”也叫得越来越顺口了!后来,李长 善也曾多次耐心地细细启发盘问耿老爹家在何处,家里还有什么人。但他只记得家在“三六九镇”,父子四个是出来拼搏创家业的,遇到 了可怕的大洪水。至于其余的,一概都是一问三不知。若再问下去,他就急得直想撞墙,狠狠地拍打着自己的脑袋说:“我这脑瓜子到底 是怎么了?看书写字吹笛子拉二胡唱曲儿都还会呢,就是想不起来”干着急一会儿,他又难过地说:“我记不起来也就罢了,可我的 三个娃儿怎么也都记不起来了呢?我问了他们好多次了,可谁都说不知道!”李长善无奈地摇摇头,心里暗暗叫苦:他们
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