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1The Department of Ecology & The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Fudan University Evolutionary Biology, Fudan University Bao-Rong LuBao-Rong LuScientific Methodology Scientific Methodology & Scientific Paper & Scientific Paper WritingWriting 科学研究方法与论文写作科学研究方法与论文写作 2七、如何致谢和引用参考七、如何致谢和引用参考 文献文献How to write How to write Acknowledgement & Acknowledgement & cite referencescite references3Listed parts of a paper (MS)AcknowledgementsReference/ literature citedTablesFigure legendsFigures AppendicesTitleAuthorsAddressAbstract/ summaryKey wordsIntroductionMaterial and methodsResultsDiscussion4AcknowledgementLife is not so short but that is always time enough for courtesy R. W. Emerson5Whom to acknowledge?Grants received (Grant No. Grants received (Grant No. xxx)xxx)Any significant help with Any significant help with methods, work, reagents etc.methods, work, reagents etc.Any help with comments & Any help with comments & editing of the paperediting of the paper6Basic rules:It is an It is an acknowledgementacknowledgement, not a , not a surprising presentsurprising presentBe short and preciseBe short and preciseNo No religiousreligious words wordsAcknowledged persons have no Acknowledged persons have no responsible for the paperresponsible for the paperDo not write “wish to thank” Do not write “wish to thank” simply “simply “thankthank” ”78910Plant PhysiologyPlant PhysiologyAmerican Journal of BotanyAmerican Journal of Botany1112References:Cite only Cite only significantsignificant, , publishedpublished referencesreferencesCheck every part of every reference Check every part of every reference against the originalagainst the originalCheck all reference in list and in Check all reference in list and in text text Is the existing knowledge supporting your work13Author Guidelines:1415BioScience: Instruction to authors16Reference list:17181920Do:Consult the instruction to authors21Do not:Cite references without reading Cite references without reading the references (from other the references (from other sources)sources)List reference without citation it List reference without citation it in the textin the textCite unpublished MSCite unpublished MSCite from AbstractsCite from AbstractsCite your own thesisCite your own thesis22Samples23Questions
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