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Unit 4Wildlife protectionn减少,减1decrease vi.& vt.减少;(使)变小;或变少小;减少量(反义词:increase)decrease by.下降了(强调幅度)decrease to.下降到(强调结果)辨析decrease/reducedecrease 强调数目减少;reduce 则表示尺寸、数量、程度或强度减少,也可以表示地位、处境、状况降低或恶化。运用完成句子(1)参加英语口语测试的人数减少了 10%。The number of students who took part in the oral English test_.(2)最近几年,这个镇的人口减少到 10 万。In recent years, the population in this town _.(3)我们要逐步缩小工资差距。We must gradually _ the wage gap.decreased by 10% has decreased to100,000reduce 2hunt vt.& vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for 搜索;试图找到hunt after 探求;追求hunt sth./sb.down 捕获某人/物hunt sth./sb.out 找出某人/物运用完成句子(1)警察追捕到了一名罪犯。 The police _ a criminal. (2)约翰那天外出找工作了。John went out to _ work that day. (3)他从储藏室里找出一本旧日记。He _ an old diary from the storage.hunted down hunt for hunted out 3contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍辨析contain/include(1)contain 意为“包含;容纳”,指某物被容纳在比它范围更大的东西之内,侧重所含的量与成分。(2)include 意为“包括”,侧重被包含者只是其中的一部分。运用完成句子(1)这本书包含了你所需要的全部信息。 This book _ you need. (2)这个瓶子可容纳多少粒药片?How many tablets can the bottle _? (3)这个价钱包括邮资在内。The price _ postage charge.contains all the information contain includes 4affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭;作用effect n结果;影响;效力be affected by 受影响/被感动have an effect upon/on 对有影响/有效力运用完成句子(1)这对孩子的将来影响很大。It _ the future of the child.(2)所有的观众都被这场电影感动了。All the audience _ the movie.had a great effect on/upon were affected by 5appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到appreciation n欣赏;感激appreciate doing sth.感激做某事I would appreciate it if.如果我将会很感激运用完成句子(1)那是因为你不会欣赏音乐。Thats because you are not able to _.(2)如果你能帮我做这件事,我将十分感激。_ you would help mewith it.appreciate music I would appreciate it very much if 用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1他们的狗将门咬了一个洞。Their dog _ a hole in the door.2十一月正是猎鹿的好时节。November is a good time to _ deer.3一些野生动物处于危险中,因此有必要保护它们。Some _ animals are in danger, so it is necessary to protect them.4他每月的收入刚刚超过 2000 元。His monthly _ was just over 2,000 yuan.bit hunt wild income 5他成功地得到了那份工作。 He _ in getting the job. 6这起事件正在被调查。 The _ is being investigated. 7水中含有氧气。 Water _ oxygen. 8这个城市烟民的数量在持续下降。 There has been a steady _ in the number of smokers in this city. 9我很欣赏他对工作的极端专注。 I really _ his complete absorption in his work. 10情绪会影响工作。 Mood can _ work.succeeded incident contains decrease appreciate affect 1die out 灭亡;逐渐消失die of 死于(疾病、饥寒、情感、年老等)die from 死于(除疾病、饥寒、情感、年老等以外的其他原因)die down 暗淡;平静下来;减弱die off 一个个死去;相继灭亡be dying for/to do sth.渴望(做)某事运用用 die 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)The baby _ fever.(2)He _ a chest wound.(3)The sound of the car _ in the distance.(4)This kind of animal has _ in the world.(5)The deer in the forest are all _ for lack of water.(6)Im _ something to eat.died of died from died down died out dying off dying for 2burst into laughter 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来burst into tears/flames 突然哭起来/着火burst out laughing/crying 突然大笑/哭起来burst into some place 闯入某地运用完成句子(1)我的英语老师的幽默足可以让每个学生捧腹大笑。My English teacher is so humorous as to make every student_.burst into laughter/burst out laughing (2)我们又继续了 10 分钟,直到女儿突然哭起来,并承认她被打败了。We continued for another ten minutes, until suddenly my daughter _, and admittedthat she was beaten.3protect.from/against 保护不受(危害)运用完成句子大树长出很多树叶,所以它们提供树荫保护我们免受阳光照射。Trees produce many leaves, so they provide shade to _ _.burst into tears/burst out crying us from/against the sun protect4pay attention to 注意to 为介词的常用搭配有:look forward to 期待be related to 与有关be addicted to 沉溺于get down to 着手做make a contribution to 对作出贡献refer to 参考;查阅;涉及运用完成句子(1)当比较不同的文化时,我们经常只是注意不同点,而没有注意许多相似的地方。When comparing different cultures, we often only _ the differences without noticing the similarities. (2)我熟悉他的作品,并期待他能就文艺创作问题发表自己的见解。I am familiar with his works and _ hearing his view on literary and artistic creation. (3)当你不知道怎么拼写一个单词时,查阅一下词典。_ the dictionary when you dont know how to spell a word.pay attention to looking forward to Refer to 5come into being 形成;产生come into effect 实施;生效come into use 投入使用come into power 上台执政运用用 come 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)When did the world _?(2)The new seat belt regulations _ last week.(3)When did this machine _?come into being came into effect come into use 用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1罗马帝国是什么时候形成的?When did the Roman Empire _?2我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。I will give you all the facts _ you can judge for yourself.3请按照说明将表填好。Please fill up the form _ the instructions.4所有的村民都和睦相处。All the villagers live together _.come into being so that according to in peace 5随身带一顶帽子,你需要保护你的头发不被太阳晒伤。Take a cap with you.You need to _ your hair _ the burning sun.6许多动物物种正处在濒临灭绝的危险中。Many species of anima
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