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对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Lesson 45Li Mings Favourite Festival 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯red envelope give the red envelope 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯 Learning Aims: New words: sweater shake nervous funny anyone guess lantern during hang Sentences:Its Li Mings turn to speak.He is nervous.On the first day of Spring Festival ,I say happy new year and give me red envelop.During Spring Festival ,we hang lanterns.对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯sweater n.厚运动衫;毛线衫shake v.摇动nervous adj.神经紧张的funny adj.滑稽的,好笑的anyone pron.任何一个guess v.猜lantern n.灯笼during prep.在期间hang v.吊着,悬挂对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . People usually decorate the doors and windows with red paper, because red means good luck .people usually clean house too, because they want to sweep away bad luck .children can get some clothes or presents from their parents on New Years Eve ,family always have a big dinner everyone is watching TV and waiting for new year to come On New Years Day ,people usually put on their new clothes And visit their family and friends .they often say “Happy New Year” The spring festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks .people usually eat a kind of food called yuanxiao .It can take people good luck all year round. 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Think about it 1. What do you do during Spring Festival? 2. What do you like about Spring Festival? 3. How much money do you usually get in your red envelope? 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯 Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks1. It is _ turn to speak .2. Li Mings hands are _ .3. Li Ming hold a _ _ envelope in his hand .4. on the first day of spring festival ,Li Ming says “ _” and “give me my _ _”5 .Jenny can hang the lantern _.Li Mingsshakingsmall redHappy New Year red envelopeon her Christmas tree对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Discuss and talkHow do you celebrate Spring Festival?对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯lantern hang the lantern on 对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Listen and answer Is Li Ming nervous? What does he hold in his hand? What does Li Ming give to Jenny?Yes, he is nervous.He holds a red envelope.A Chinese lantern.对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯Project Write a short passage about Spring Festival.对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯 Exercise 根据汉语提示,补全下列句子。 Please (给)this apple to me. Many twins _ (看上去一 样). Xiao Lin is a new student .We must _ (照顾) him. Now please look at the blackboard and _ (听) me. _ (让我们) be good friends.givelook the sametake care oflisten toLets对于闪光灯,很多人是恐惧的。同时驾驭两三灯,甚至五灯,的确是很难。但是如果仅仅只是一灯的话,问题就简单很多。更何况即便是,一人一灯It s time to relax !Bye-bye!
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