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Happy Thanksgiving,Module 4 unit1,大汶河开发区担山小学 马秀宣 万艳丽,Class show,-My name is-My hobby is .,Listen to a song.,Can you tell me which festival is about? (你能告诉我它是关于那一个节日的吗?)f e s t i v a l /f e s t i v l/ 节日,1,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,-Whats this in English?,-Its a meal.,m ea l /m i: l / 一餐,1,2,3,1,2,3,-Do you know what it is ?,-Its a turkey(火鸡).,Turkey is a special food.,s p e c ia l /s p e l /特殊的,1,2,2,1,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,s ou n d /s au n d/ 听起来,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,-How about eating a turkey after class?(下了课吃只火鸡怎么样?),-That sounds nice. 听起来真不错!,festival, festival, American festival.,special, special, special food.,sound, sound, that sounds nice.,meal, meal, a special meal.,Go through the following pictures and try to guess the festivals. (看图猜节日),Thanksgiving Day,Flag Day 国旗日,The text,1.listen and find these two festivals and circle “I, me, my, we, our”m04u1_1.swf,2.listen and repeat, then answer the questionsm04u1_1.swf,(1)What do they do on Flag Day?,(2) What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?,They carry flags(手持国旗)and we sing songs(唱歌),They have a big family dinner. They say “thank-you” for our food, family and friends.They watch a big football game onTV.,role-play and show,Summing up,一、New words:festival meal special sound 二、Sentence pattern:what do you do on (节日)?(在节日你都干什么?),Homework,1. To make cards of the new words.(制作新单词的学习卡片) 2. To ask your friends what do they do on our National Day and take them down.(询问并记录自己的朋友在十月一国庆节 的时候都干什么),Thanks,bye!,
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