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中考英语冲刺专题讲座: 名词,主讲教师:王克平,名 词,一、考点测试 ( ) 1. I am thirsty. Could you please give me some _?A. meat B. water C. bread D. vegetables ( ) 2. Lucy cant walk any more. There must be something wrong with her _.A. eyes B. noses C. legs D. hands ( ) 3. Three_ and five _ are waiting for the famous writer at the airport.A. Chinese, Australians B. Chinese, German C. Japanese, Frenchman D. American, Indians, ( ) 4. A group of _ came here to help the students with their lessons.A. man teacher B. women teachers C. men doctors D. women nurses ( ) 5. The two _ are taking _ outside the zoo. You can go there to talk with them.A. hero, photo B. hero, photos C. heroes, photos D. heroes, photo ( ) 6. He has four _. All of them can brush their _ by themselves.A. children, tooth B. children, teeth C. child, teeth D. child, tooth ( ) 7. Tony is _ father. He is talking with their teacher now.A. Jims and Rose B. Jims and Roses C. Jim and Roses D. Jim and Rose,B,C,B,A,C,B,C,名 词,( ) 8. Nobody is allowed to pick the _ of the trees. Without them the trees will die.A. fruits B. flowers C. leaves D. leaf ( ) 9. There are many _ on the farm. We can get wool from them every year.A. dogs B. deer C. cows D. sheep ( ) 10. Tina is a _ girl. She can help me clean the room.A. 2 years old B. 2-year-old C. 12 years old D. 12-year-old ( ) 11. I think _ is the most difficult subject to learn. I often ask my teacher how to speak it well.A. English B. physics C. math D. science ( ) 12. The _ reading room is next to the classroom. Its only _ walk.A. students, 2 minutes B. students, 30 minutes C. students, 2 minutes D. students, 3 minutes ( ) 13. I want to write a letter to my father. I need _.A. a book B. an umbrella C. some pieces of paper D. some pieces of bread ( ) 14. Lets meet at _ at 9:00a.m. OK?A. Lin Taos B. the Lin Taos C. the Lin Taos house D. the Lin Tao,C,D,D,A,A,C,D,名 词,( ) 15. Mr. Black is a friend of _. My father often goes to see him.A. my mother B. my father C. my mothers D. my fathers 二、考点精讲精练 考点1:可数名词单数变复数的规则 (1). 一般直接+s book-books pen-pens magazine-magazines tree-trees (2). 以s, x, sh, ch 结尾的单词在词尾+es class-classes box-boxes bush-bushes watch-watches (3). 辅音+y结尾变y为i 再+es baby-babies city-cities family-families party-parties (4). 以o 结尾的词变复数的规则(有生命则+es, 没生命则+s) tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes hero-heroes photo-photos piano-pianos zoo-zoos kilo-kilos radio-radios (5). 以f(e) 结尾变f(e)为v再+es leaf-leaves knife-knives life-lives shelf-shelves wolf-wolves thief-thieves,D,名 词,(6). 不规则变化 man-men woman-women policeman-policemen mouse-mice child-children foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese (鹅) (7). 由两个名词组成的复合名词常在最后一个名词变复数。如: a boy studenttwo boy students an apple treesix apple trees a shoe factorythree shoe factories 但如果第一个名词是man或woman时,两个名词都要变复数。如 a man teacherten men teachers a woman nursemany women nurses (8). 表示“某国人”单复数变化请记口诀:中日不变,英法变,其他s加后边。 a Chinese (Japanese)six Chinese (Japanese) an Englishmanseven Englishmen a Frenchmantwelve Frenchmen an American four Americans a Germanfive Germans (9). 常用的单复数同形的名词请记口诀:Chinese and Japanese 喜欢吃 fish, deer and sheep. a fisheight fish a deera lot of deer a sheeptwenty sheep (10). 有些名词通常只用复数形式,其后谓语动词也要用复数。如:people, police, trousers, socks, glasses,clothes, shorts, scissors等。 The people in Guangdong are friendly and kind. The police arrive soon and catch the thief.,名 词,考点2. 不可数名词 不可数名词没有复数形式,也不能直接与具体数字或a, an 连用。如:an advice (), six news()等。如果不可数名词要表示一定的数量,则在其前加数量词表示。如:a bottle of water(一瓶水), four pieces of paper(四张纸). 在这种情况下,后面谓语动词与量词有关。如:A bottle of water is not enough. But three bottles of water are OK. 考点3. 名词所有格 (1). S属格:有生命的名词以及表示时间,距离,国家的名词,常用S属格表示所有关系。具体规则如下:.不与S结尾的名词在其后+S。如:Lucys father, Childrens Day, todays newspaper, the boys room.以S结尾的名词在其后+。如:the girls desks, Teachers Day, the students homework.并列名词所有格:共有则在最后一名词后+S属格,分别有则每个名词后都要+S属格。如:Tom and Tims room(两人共有的房间) Toms and Tims rooms (两个分别有一间房,共2间房),名 词,判断共有或分别有主要看其修饰的名词是单数还是复数,单数则共有,复数则分别有。如:The man is Ana and Roses father(共有). Mr. Li is talking with Lucys and Lilys fathers (分别有).有时表示某人的家,医务室或店铺时,所有格后经常不出现它修饰的名词。at Toms(在汤姆家); at the doctors (在医务室)。 (2). of 属格: 无生命的名词所有格要用of 属格表示。如: the main idea of the story(故事的主要意思);the flowers of the tree(树的花) (3). 双重有所格:S属格与of 属格相结合。如:a classmate of my fathers (我爸爸的一位同学); a car of mine (我的一辆小车); 三、对点专练 循环一 ( ) 1. Its too hot now. Would you like _? Yes, please. Its very kind of you. Im really thirsty, now.A. a hamburger B. a cup of tea C. some dumplings D. a piece of bread ( ) 2. Near our school there are three _. You can buy some animal toys for your children.A. toy factory B. toy factories C. paper factory D. paper factories,
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