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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?,Section A Vocabulary and Gramma,短语 and 语法,Part I: Vocabulary,1、raise money for 2、collect stamps 3、run out of 4、by the way 5、on the way to 6、be interested in 7、more than=over 8、fly kites 9、start class,筹钱 集邮 用尽 顺便说一下 在的路上 对感兴趣 超过 放风筝 开始上课,10、听音乐碟片11、额外的英语课12、语言方面有问题 13、开办雪球仪收集者俱乐部14、黑龙江的省会 15、一个有着丰富多彩历史文化的有趣的城市 16、三年半17、最普通的爱好 18、为慈善机构捐钱而举办的才艺展示,10、listen to music videos 11、extra English lessons 12、have problems with the language 13、start a snow globe collectors club 14、the capital of Heilongjiang Province 15、an interesting city with a colorful history 16、three and a half years =three years and a half 17、the most common(unusual, interesting) hobby 18、organize a talent show to raise money for charity,1)How much is a pair of shoes?= How much _a(this) pair of shoes cost?,19、a pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans,一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤,2)How much are the glasses?= How much _ the glasses cost?,does,do,Part II: Gramma,1、raise 以前学过“抚养”、“升起”的意思,这一课里我们还学习到它表示“筹(款)”“募捐”。,eg: raise money for,注:raise和rise的区别,1)raise是及物动词,即后面必须接宾语,rise是不及物动词即后面不加宾语。,2)raise一般主语是人,比如:raise ones hand ,rise 一般主语是物, 比如:the sun rises east。,2、run out of 用完,用尽 =use up,1) They have run out of their ink. =?,2)Their ink has been used up. =?,They have used up their ink.,Their ink has run out.,3、by the way “顺便说一句”,Eg: By the way, do you know where the post office is?,4、share 作动词,表示“分享”;作名词,表示“股票、份额”。,Eg: 1)Ill share the cost with you. 我会跟你分担费用。 2)He had a large share in bringing itabout. 他在促成这件事上出了很大的一份力。,5、go除表示 “去”,还用来表示“相配” “配合”“起作用”“行得通”,1)This truth goes everywhere. 这个真理到哪里都行得通。,2)Whatever he says goes. 他说到做到。,3)The story goes like this. 故事是这一的。,4)Any other night goes, but not this night.别的任何一个晚上都行,只有今晚不可以。,6、 each和every都可以表示“每一”、“每个”, 但every更强调全体或全部,each更强调个体或各别。 另外,every只能作形容词,each可以作形容词和代词。,Eg:She knows every pupil of the class. 所有She knows each pupil of the class. 每一个,注:在现代英语里,常常用they、their 这样的复数代词来指代each、every one。 eg: Every one has their own dreams.,Section B,现在完成进行时,A: When _ you _(begin) to learn English? B: I _(begin) to learn English five years ago. A: _ you still _(learn) it now? B: Yes, I am. A: How long _you _( learn) English? B: I _( learn) it for five years.,Warm-up:,begin,have been learning,Are,have,been learning,learning,began,did,1、现在完成进行时:表示从过去某时开始到现在这一段时间里,一直在延续的动作。,Part I:定义,表示:动作从过去的某个时刻开始,继续到现在, 可能继续下去,也可能刚刚结束。,1)I have been writing the letter since then. (动作从过去一直持续到现在还在继续) 2)I have been collecting stamps for ten years.(动作从过去一直现在还在收集) 3)How long have you been living here? (“居住”动作从过去一直现在还在继续),have / has +been+ doing,1)I have been writing letters for an hour (and I have still got some more to do).,注:说明动作还将继续下去。,2)Ive been sitting in the garden (and have just come indoors).,注:说明动作在说话时刻之前刚刚结束。,2、结构,1)现在完成进行时比现在完成时更强调动作的延续性; 2)如果没有时间强调,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行,现在完成时则表示动作已经结束; 3)现在完成进行时一般不适用于表状态的动词,而现在完成时则可;,3.现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别,Eg:I am sitting here right now.I have been sitting here for two hours.,前一例的意思是“我现在正坐在这里”,暗含的意思可能是“你不能坐这儿了”;后一例的意思是“我已经在这里坐了两个小时了”,暗含的意思可能是“我坐得很累了”或者“我已经等了很久了”。,“for一段时间”和“since时间点(或者表示过去时间的状语从句)” 。 都可以表示一段时间,常常用于完成时态,表示动作持续了多久。,Eg: 1)She has been learning to play the guitar for three years.,2)She has been learning to play the guitar since 1996.,4、for和since,3)She has been learning to sing songs since she was ten years old.,用括号中给出的词回答问题:,1、How long have you been collecting stamps?(two years and a half) _ 2、How long has she been playing the piano?(forty-five minutes) _ 3、How long did Lucy dance last night? (one and half hours) _,对应训练:,I have you been collecting stamps for two years and a half.,She has she been playing the piano for forty-five minutes.,Lucy danced one and half hours last night.,Quiz,Quiz,一、选择填空:,( ) 1. A: You look exhausted! B: Yes. I _ tennis for two hours.A. played B. was playing C. have been playing ( ) 2. It _ for the whole week. It is wet everywhere.A. is raining B. has been raining C. rained ( ) 3. I _ the English story book last night.A. have been reading B. read C. reading ( ) 4. She _ the letters since two oclock.A. wrote B. is writing C. has been writing ( ) 5. He _ since ten oclock. It is time to wake him up.A. has been sleeping B. was sleeping C. is sleeping ( ) 6. I _ a lot in America. I know much about that country.A. traveled B. have been traveling C. am traveling,A,A,C,B,C,B,二、单项选择,( ) 1. He prefers _ rather than _ the bus. A. walk, take B. to walk, to take C. to walk, take D. walk, to take ( ) 2. They have _ many difficulties these years.A. gone over B. gone on C. gone out D. gone through ( ) 3. Peter _ his middle school teacher in the street yesterday.A. ran after B. ran away C. ran out D. ran across ( ) 4. We have _ of food and drink. What shall we do?A. run after B. run away C. run out D. run across ( ) 5. Tony told me the _ story.A. all B. one C. whole D. both,
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