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国际货币基金组织在欧债危机中的作用及局限,一、希腊债务危机新闻报道,希腊援助谈判紧锣密鼓僵局待破 外界违约担忧加剧2015年06月26日 07:45 来源:经济参考报 王婧欧元区财长会和欧盟峰会25日均在布鲁塞尔举行,但欧元区财长会之前希腊和国际债权方(国际货币基金组织、欧洲央行和欧盟)仍未能达成援助协议递交会议进行审核。希腊总理齐普拉斯25日仍在布鲁塞尔与国际债权方展开艰难的援助谈判。希腊正试图在最后时刻与国际债权方达成一致,以避免下个星期出现债务违约,甚至导致其面临退出欧元区的威胁。,希腊援助谈判僵局已经持续了五个月,24日的谈判尽管延续至深夜,双方仍然没有达成一致。齐普拉斯25日清晨与国际货币基金组织(IMF)主席拉加德、欧洲央行行长德拉吉、欧元集团主席杰伦以及欧盟委员会主席容克再次重启了援助谈判。但在25日上午的欧元区财长会之前,谈判双方仍未能达成协议,这意味着财长会将无法审核协议内容,从而为欧盟峰会批准协议作准备。25日晚间欧盟领导人峰会将举行,一旦之前希腊和国际债权方达成任何协议,料将都会获得欧盟的支持。双方谈判分歧出现扩大迹象,有分析认为,谈判很可能会拖至周末。德国财长朔伊布勒25日在欧元区财长会前表示,希腊在谈判中没有向前迈进反而在倒退,双方的分歧没有减少反而增加。,希腊最新提出的改革提案包括进一步削减开支,增加对商业和富裕阶层的征税,选择性的增加增值税,以及抑制提早退休的改革措施等。但据媒体报道,国际援助方认为增税和减支幅度均达不到预期,尤其是IMF不愿意接受希腊提出的改革方案。希腊政府25日拒绝了国际债权方23日提出的改革要求,称这些要求是在试图“胁迫”希腊政府。据希腊媒体报道,希腊目前已经答应国际债权方削减80亿欧元的开支,但是国际债权方要求其再多削减23亿欧元。国际债权方还希望通过增值税增加希腊政府的收入,要求将餐饮业的增值税由目前的13%提高到23%,但希腊政府不愿意再更多削减开支,也担心提高增值税会影响对经济来说至关重要的旅游业。,欧盟委员会主管经济事务的委员皮埃尔莫斯科维奇在24日磋商前还对于达成一致信心满满,表示“只要有解决的意愿,就会有解决的方法”。但是在深夜的两个小时磋商之后,希腊政府的立场依然坚定。希腊劳工部长帕诺斯斯库尔莱蒂斯表示,如果不涉及债务改革和促进经济增长的方案,就无法达成协议,希腊也不接受削减薪资和养老金。据英国卫报报道,希腊政府内部人士透露,目前政府正在考虑所有可能的结果。希腊媒体25日报道称,最终与欧洲决裂也是可能的结果之一。,即使达成协议递交欧元区财长会和欧盟峰会通过后,援助协议还需递交希腊国以及其他欧元区政府投票通过。一些批评人士认为,希腊改革方案的一些内容可能会被认为是违背了希腊新政府当初终结紧缩的承诺,因此协议获得国会通过也将成为一大挑战。希腊30日需偿还国际货币基金组织16亿欧元的到期贷款,否则就面临违约。一旦出现违约,希腊还可能面临退出欧元区的威胁,进而可能会对欧洲甚至全球经济造成重大影响。因此,希腊迫切需要与国际贷款方达成援助协议,以获得第二轮援助中最后一批72亿欧元的贷款。,由于担忧希腊可能出现债务违约,欧元25日略微上涨后逐步走低,英国和法国的股市开盘均出现下滑,亚太地区主要股指大多走低。希腊股市25日开盘下跌,一度跌幅超过2%,但随后市场乐观情绪回升,转而上涨。25日开始的欧盟领导人峰会中,除了希腊问题,移民危机问题也将是主要议题之一,英国首相卡梅伦还将公布其对于欧盟改革要求的大纲。(记者 王婧),The Greek aid talks deadlock wildly beating gongs and drums to be broken,Outside default fears intensified.Euro zone finance ministers will and the European Union summit 25 daily in Brussels, but eurozone finance ministers before Greek and international creditors (the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank and the European Union) still failed to reach a assistance agreement submitted to the meeting for review.Greek Prime Minister Tsipras 25 is still in Brussels with the international creditor to launch a difficult aid negotiations. Greece is trying to reach an agreement with the international creditors at the final moment to avoid a debt default next week, and even lead to a threat to the euro zon.,Greek aid to the deadlock has lasted for five months, 24 days of negotiations continued until late at night, the two sides still did not reach a consensus. Alexis tsipras 25 early in the morning, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, the European Central Bank (ECB president Mario Draghi, the euro group chairman Jay and the European Commission Chairman Juncker again to restart the aid talks. But before the 25 morning of the euro zone finance ministers meeting, the two sides still failed to reach the agreement, which means that the finance ministers will not be able to review the agreement, so as to prepare for the EU summit agreement. 25 evening the European Union summit will be held, once Greece and the international creditor Fang Dacheng any agreement, expected to receive the EUs support.,There are signs of expansion of the two sides of the negotiations, there are analysis, negotiations are likely to drag to the end of the week. German finance minister Schauble 25 in the euro zone finance ministers before the meeting, Greece in the negotiations did not move forward but in the back, the two sides did not reduce the differences but increased.Greeces latest reform proposals include further cuts in spending, increasing taxes on businesses and the rich, increasing VAT, and inhibiting early retirement. However, according to media reports, the international aid party believes that tax increases and the reduction of the magnitude of the expected, in particular, IMF is not willing to accept the reform program proposed by greece.,The Greek government on the 25 day of the 23 day of the international creditors rejected the reform requirements, saying that these requirements are trying to stress the Greek government. According to Greek media reports, Greece has promised to reduce the cost of 8000000000 euros of international creditors, but the international creditors request to cut it more than 2300000000 euros. International creditors also hope that through the VAT increase the Greek government income, the requirements of the food and beverage industry value-added tax from the current 13% to 23%, but the Greek government is not willing to more spending cuts, also worried about the increase in value-added tax will impact on the economy the vital tourism industry.,The European Commission is in charge of economic affairs, a member of Pierre Moscovici before 24 consultation is to reach a consistent confidence, said “as long as there is a willingness to solve, there will be a solution“. But after two hours of negotiations in the night, the Greek governments position is still strong.The Greek Minister of labour Panos Skulletis said if does not involve debt reform and promoting economic growth, was unable to reach agreement, Greece does not accept cuts in wages and pensions. According to the British “Guardian“ reported that the Greek government insiders, the current government is considering all the possible results. Greek media reported 25, one of the final rupture is possible and results in europe.,
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